=== Version 3.2.0 * Enhancements * Created adapter Field and Association classes. Field and association access methods convert data to thoes class objects * Factory module created where factory classes are located * Removed specific pagination methods from adapters * Removed Lolita::Configuration::Factory and Lolita::Configuration::Page * Range, Float, Symbol, Hash fields are added to support Mongoid ORM * All fields automaticly have html_options[:class] updated with its type * Assets can be passet to lolita through application configuration attribute #assets * Polymorphic association field * Changes * using rails 3.1.x * #value, #value=, #record_value removed from Lolita::Configuration::Field * Created pagination in list and in adapters; its possible to customize it for model. * All fields must have name as well as tabs must have type * Bug fixes * Each hook call runs as new instance of Hooks::Runner * All classes fixed to work with both mongoid and AR === Version 3.1.18 / * Enhancements * * Bug fixes * Polymorphic bug fixed * habtm field fixed === Version 3.1.17 / 2011-09-01 * Bug fixes * Error explanation updated with nested errors * Enhancements * Array field have special method for values * HAML support added * look improved * project configuration added === Version 3.1.16 / 2011-08-30 * Bug fixes * Component helper name detection fixed * Nested forms normal style fixed === Version 3.1.15 / 2011-08-29 * Enhancements * By default content tab excludes technical columns, like created_at, updated_at etc. * It's possible to define and lolita uses nested fields in each tab through nested_fields_for. * All fields (except array/habtm) uses #tab_form for field generation, that is current tab form. * Lolita know how to vizualize habtm relation * Added #component_locals method for views, so it is possible to access next component locals. * Hidden field type added * Nested forms updated to be more flexible * Changes * For unknown period field_sets are removed from use, it is possible to define them and use in your own views. * Bug fixes * /lolita now redirects to first existing mapping if any defined (Issue #14) * component hooks fixed to use right local variable and detect right name of current component === Version 3.1.14 / 2011-08-24 * Enhancements * request notifications moved to related methods in ::Controllers::InternalHelpers * Some minor visual improvements (Rolands Bondars) === Version 3.1.13 / 2011-08-16 * Enhancements * Color for Lolita-Alert popup changed * #tab_form method added in lolita helpers * Bug fixes * DBI for AR - method names fixed * Messages encoding bug fixed === Version 3.1.12 / 2011-07-15 * Bug fixes * Time convertation from rails time_select fixed. === Version 3.1.11 / 2011-07-15 * Enhancements * By default columns are not sortable === Version 3.1.10 / 2011-07-06 * Enhancements * File tabs can be more than one time === Version 3.1.9 / 2011-06-30 * Bug fixes * Rails view helpers uses html options and options from field configuration === Version 3.1.8 / 2011-06-15 * Bug fixes * Show layout on info page === Version 3.1.7 / 2011-06-10 * Enhancements * Builder refactored. Now support conditions. (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes * Updated Kaminari to 0.12.4 - previous version has serious BUG (Arturs Meisters, Gatis Tomsons) * Lolita messaging not used in RestController (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.1.6 / 2011-05-19 * Enhancements * Hooks run all callbacks from superclasses and included modules too. (Arturs Meisters) * Column now can be configured with attributes, updated :formatter (Gatis Tomsons) * Titles and labels now user localization (Arturs Meisters) * Latvian translations added (Arturs Meisters) * Lolita don't use flash messages anymore, now messages goes through reponse header. (Arturs Meisters) * jQuery updated to v1.6 * jQuery UI added v1.8.13, by default in layout * TinyMCE initialization/configuration script moved to separate file (Rolands Bondars) * Bug fixes * Restored TinyMCE 'util' folder, it is required for certain actions (Rolands Bondars) === Version 3.1.5 / 2011-04-20 * Changes * Moved from WillPaginate to Kaminari (Gatis Tomsons, Arturs Meisters) * Enhancements * Lolita #before_setup and #after_setup hooks added (Arturs Meisters) * Lolita #before_routes_load and #after_routes_load hooks added (Arturs Meisters) * added Kaminari[https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari] support to paginator (Gatis Tomsons) * Bug fixes * array field values lazy assigment removed (Arturs Meisters) * tree fixed that can use mapping without InternalHelper (Arturs Meisters) * tree now can detect if parent is active, when any of children is active (Arturs Meisters) * order in list view works when model has default_scope (Gatis Tomsons) * rest_controller now understands Rails date/date_time generated attributes (Gatis Tomsons) === Version 3.1.4 / 2011-04-19 * Enhancements * #render_component improved, to support any class with build method as first argument (Arturs Meisters) * list components refactore; columns and column components created (Arturs Meisters) * documentation for Filters (Gatis Tomsons) * sorting configuration for columns (Arturs Meisters) * lolita:assets generator invoke :assets for all added modules (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes * paginator updated, to use WillPaginate only when it is accessable (Arturs Meisters) * resource cheching for tree (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.1.3 / 2011-04-15 * Enhancements * Lolita::Navigation::Tree and Lolita::Navigation::Branch added (Arturs Meisters) * Main navigation tree generate from resources (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes * Hooks #let_content fixed to change after first block. (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.1.2 / 2011-04-14 * Enhancements * Hooks for Lolita::RestController addeed (Arturs Meisters) * Form save response splited in different methods for easy way to override (Arturs Meisters) * Hooks for #render_components (Arturs Meisters) * Hook #run return results from methods and blocks as one big string (Arturs Meisters) * Hooks :run_scope inventend (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes * Migration detection fixed (Arturs Meisters) * Hooks named fire methods fixed (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes in hooks (Arturs Meisters) * Builder bug fix, in production (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.1.1 / 2011-04-13 * Enhancements * Filters for list added (Gatis Tomsons) === Version 3.1.0 / 2011-04-12 * Enhancements * Hooks added (Arturs Meisters) * Builders updated to complete received names (Arturs Meisters) * Fields renamed to related Ruby or ActiveSupport classes (Gatis Tomsons) * Componente default naming changed to match related model/class structure (Gatis Tomsons) * No need for include Lolita::Configuration and #lolita call for lolita_for related class (Arturs Meisters) * Automatic field type detection from ORM (Arturs Meisters) * List filter introduced (Gatis Tomsons) * Response for JSON (Gatis Tomsons) * Configuration has locales, and Lolita using those to seperate project translation (Arturs Meisters) * DateTime field formation for display only (Valdis Pornieks) * Bug fixes * Validation errors fixed (Janis Kesteris) * MongoID adapter fixed to work with new mongoid (Valdis Pornieks) * AR :order option fixed for find methods (Aivils Stoss) * AR migration error fixed (Arturs Meisters) * Redirect after destroy to index (Valdis Pornieks) * Route and nested route bugs fixed (Arturs Meisters) * Multiple textareas with tinyMCE (Valdis Pornieks) * Resource path methods fixed (Arturs Meisters) * #url_for fixed for lolita (Arturs Meisters, Gatis Tomsons) * Layout fixed (Rolands Bondars) === Version 3.0.7 / 2011-03-29 * Enhancements * Collection field updated (Arturs Meisters) * #options_for_select added for collection field (Gatis Tomsons) === Version 3.0.6 / 2011-03-29 * Enhancements * TinyMCE updated with new buttons (Janis Kesteris) * #add_module changed to support nested routes (Arturs Meisters) * Routes support nested resources (Arturs Meisters) * Fields splited in classes based on type (Arturs Meisters) * #render_component accept :format option (Arturs Meisters) * Bug fixes * Collection field collection priority fixed (Arturs Meisters) * JQuery Ajax request updated, to support Rails CSRF fix. (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.0.5 / 2011-03-23 * Enhacements * #by_type for tabs added (Arturs Meisters) * Test module invented and #be_routable matcher added (Arturs Meisters) * Cucumber added for testing (Rolands Bondars) * Bug fixes * Small look fixes (Rolands Bondars) * #content_for removed from tab components (Rolands Bondars) === Version 3.0.4 / 2011-03-17 * Enhancements * Save button added (Rolands Bondars) * Removed unnecessery stuff from TinyMCE (Rolands Bonadars) * :content used as default type for tabs. (Arturs Meisters) === Version 3.0.3 / 2011-03-16 * Enhancements (Arturs Meisters) * First version form 3.x series of Lolita * Basic configuration classes * Basic views * Basic controller and views mechanism * New look (Rolands Bondars) === Versions before 3.0.3 Lolita 3 is completely different from previous versions and don't have any compability or architecture same as old versions.