namespace :kit do desc "Setup the database - USE WITH CAUTION" task :setup_db => :environment do require 'fileutils' ok = true source_dir = `bundle show kit_cms`.strip ['schema.rb', 'data.yml'].each do |fn| source = File.join(source_dir, 'db', fn) dest = File.join('db', fn) if File.exists?(dest) puts "'#{dest}' already exists, I'm not going to overwrite it. If you want to use the Kit #{fn.split('.')[0]} you will have to delete or move that file out of the way.\n\n" ok = false else FileUtils.copy(source, dest) end end if ok Rake::Task['db:reset'].invoke puts "The next step will take a while (at least 60 seconds and depending on your system could be several minutes) and no progress will be shown." Rake::Task['db:data:load'].invoke else puts "As one of the file copy operations failed I'm not going to create your database. Resolve the copying issue and run this command again.\n\n" end end desc "Empties the database - USE WITH CAUTION" task :clean_db => :environment do [ "roles", "statuses", "html_assets", "topic_post_edits", "submission_checks", "form_field_types", "comments", "kit_requests", "kit_sessions", "kit_engagements", "locations", "form_field_groups", "form_fields", "systems", "system_identifiers", "preferences", "categories", "forum_users", "users", "layouts", "activities", "ad_clicks", "ad_units", "ad_zones", "ads", "assets", "block_instances", "blocks", "calendar_entries", "calendar_entry_types", "calendars", "category_groups", "conversation_users", "conversations", "design_histories", "events", "experiments", "form_fields", "form_submission_fields", "form_submissions", "forms", "galleries", "gallery_assets", "goals", "goals_users", "group_users", "groups", "mappings", "menu_items", "menus", "messages", "newsletter_sends", "newsletter_sents", "newsletters", "order_items", "order_payments", "orders", "page_comments", "page_contents", "page_edits", "page_favourites", "page_histories", "page_template_terms", "page_templates", "page_threads", "pages", "post_reports", "snippets", "terms", "thread_views", "ticket_sales", "todos", "topic_categories", "topic_post_votes", "topic_posts", "topic_thread_users", "topic_threads", "topics", "user_attribute_values", "user_attributes", "user_links", "user_notes", "views"].each do |table| Object.const_get(table.classify).delete_all end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("delete from roles_users") end desc "Create statues" task :create_statuses => :environment do Status.create(:name=>"Editing", :order_by=>10, :is_default=>1, :system_id=>1) Status.create(:name=>"For Review", :order_by=>20, :is_default=>0, :system_id=>1) Status.create(:name=>"Ready for Publication", :order_by=>30, :is_default=>0, :system_id=>1) Status.create(:name=>"Published", :order_by=>40, :is_default=>0, :system_id=>1, :is_published=>1) Status.create(:name=>"Withdrawn", :order_by=>50, :is_default=>0, :system_id=>1) Status.create(:name=>"Stub", :order_by=>60, :is_default=>0, :system_id=>1, :is_stub=>1) end desc "Create roles" task :create_roles => :environment do Role.create(:system_id=>1, :name=>"SuperAdmin") Role.create(:system_id=>1, :name=>"Admin") Role.create(:system_id=>1, :name=>"Editor") Role.create(:system_id=>1, :name=>"Moderator") Role.create(:system_id=>1, :name=>"Designer") end desc "Create user" task :create_user => :environment do print "\nEmail address of master administrator? > " email = STDIN.gets.chomp print "\nPassword for master administator? > " password = STDIN.gets.chomp u = = email u.password = password u.system_id = 1 r = Role.where(:name=>"SuperAdmin").where(:system_id=>1).first u.roles << r Preference.set(1, "master_user_email", Preference.set(1, "page_click", "info", end desc "Create Basic Layout" task :basic_layout => :environment do l = = 'application' l.user = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1, "master_user_email")).first l.body = ' !!! %head %meta(charset="utf-8") = render :partial=>"layouts/kit_header" %style(type="text/css") == div#edit_link{top:30px;} %body = yield ' l.locale = 'en' l.handler = 'haml' l.format = 'html' l.system_id = 1 l.path = 'layouts/application'! end desc "Create Basic Assets" task :basic_assets => :environment do a = = 'application' a.body = " body { font-family: 'sans serif'; } " a.user = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1, "master_user_email")).first a.system_id = 1 a.file_type = 'css'! a = = 'application' a.body = " function test_alert() { alert('Test'); } " a.user = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1, "master_user_email")).first a.system_id = 1 a.file_type = 'js'! end desc "Set Basic Preferences" task :basic_preferences => :environment do admin = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1, "master_user_email")) Preference.set(1, "report_post_notification", admin) Preference.set(1, "notifications_from", admin) Preference.set(1, "host", "http://localhost:3000") Preference.set(1, "site_name", "Kit CCMS") Preference.set(1, "eu_cookies", "false") Preference.set(1, "app_name", "Kit") Preference.set(1, "date_time_format", "%H:%M %d-%m-%s") Preference.set(1, "spam_points_to_ban_user", "5") Preference.set(1, "use_forum_topic_catgories", "false") Preference.set(1, "notify", admin) Preference.set(1, "no_debug", "true") Preference.set(1, "forum_users_profile_link", "true") Preference.set(1, "feature_*", "true") Preference.set(1, "show_topic_info_in_index", "true") Preference.set(1, "forum_show_mini_profile", "true") Preference.set(1, "forum_post_edit_time", "5") Preference.set(1, "use_rest_auth", "true") Preference.set(1, "use_captcha", "false") Preference.set(1, "show_groups", "true") UserLink.create(:user_id=>nil, :label=>"Browse", :url=>"/pages") UserLink.create(:user_id=>nil, :label=>"New Page", :url=>"/pages/new") s = = 1 s.system_id = 1 = 'kit' si = si.system_id = 1 si.ident_type = 'hostname' si.ident_value = 'localhost' end desc "Create Home Page" task :basic_homepage => :environment do Rails.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG master = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1,"master_user_email")).first editor = User.where(:email=> p =>"/index", :category_id=>Category.root(1).id, :status=>Status.default_status(1), :name=>"index", :title=>"Home Page", :page_template_id=>PageTemplate.sys(1).where(:is_default=>1), :created_by=>, :updated_by=>, :system_id=>1)! pc = pc.page_id = pc.value = 'Welcome to Kit Community and Content Management System' pc.user = master pc.field_name = 'body' pc.system_id = 1 pc.version = 0 p.publish( p.make_home_page! original_index = File.join("public", "index.html") if File.exists?(original_index), File.join("public","index.html.old")) puts "Original /public/index.html has been renamed /public/index.html.old" end end desc "Create Category Tree" task :basic_tree => :environment do c ="/" c.parent_id = 0 c.is_visible=1 c.path="/" c.is_readable_anon=1 c.system_id=1 end desc "Create Basic Template" task :basic_template => :environment do pt = = 'Basic' pt.body = '= field("body")' pt.header = '' pt.footer = '' pt.page_type = 'basic' pt.layout = Layout.where(:system_id=>1).where(:name=>"application").first pt.template_type = 'haml' pt.display_order = 1 pt.is_mobile = 0 pt.is_default = 1 pt.system_id = 1 pt.user = User.where(:email=>Preference.get(1, "master_user_email")).first! end desc "extracting data for fixtures" task :extract_fixtures => :environment do sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" skip_tables = ["schema_info","schema_migrations"] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables).each do |table_name| i = "000""#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", 'w' ) do |file| data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql % table_name) file.write data.inject({}) { |hash, record| hash["#{table_name}_#{i.succ!}"] = record hash }.to_yaml end end end desc "Reset Password" task :reset_password => :environment do print "\nThis will reset the password of any admin user in any system. Typically you will use this to reset the superadmin account to allow access to the CMS Dashboard from where you can reset any other passwords. \n\nFirst you must select the system ID from this list:\n\n" System.all.each do |s| puts "#{} : #{}" end print "\nSystem ID? " system_id = STDIN.gets.chomp s = System.sys(system_id).first unless s puts "That System ID isn't valid. You'll have to start again.\n\n" exit -1 end puts "\nAdmin users of '#{}':\n" User.sys(system_id).includes(:roles).each do |u| puts "User ID: #{} Email: #{}" if u.admin? end print "\nWhat is the User ID of the user whose password you want to change? " user_id = STDIN.gets.chomp u = User.sys(system_id).where(:id=>user_id).first unless u puts "That User ID isn't valid. You'll have to start again.\n\n" exit -1 end u = User.find(user_id) print "\nFinally, enter a new password for #{} within #{}: " password = STDIN.gets.chomp if password.strip.length<=0 puts "\n\nThis utility has no restrictions on password complexity, but won't set an empty password. You'll have to start again.\n\n" exit -1 end u.password = password puts "\nThe password has been changed. You should now sign in as '#{}' with the new password '#{password}', then change the password from within the dashboard.\n\n" end desc "Initial Kit Setup" task :setup_cms, [:email, :password] => :environment do |t, args| print "\nThis will remove ALL existing Kit CMS data. If you enter anything other than 'YES' (without quotes) I'll stop.\n\nAre you sure? > " confirm = STDIN.gets.chomp exit unless confirm == 'YES' Rake::Task['kit:clean_db'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:create_roles'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:create_user'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:create_statuses'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_assets'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_layout'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_preferences'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_template'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_tree'].invoke Rake::Task['kit:basic_homepage'].invoke puts "\nStart the Rails server then visit http://localhost:3000 or to login to the administrative dashboard go to http://localhost:3000/db\n\n" end desc "Upgrade Stylesheets and Javascripts" task :upgrade_assets => :environment do Layout.all.each do |layout| puts "Doing Layout #{} for System #{layout.system_id}" puts "stylesheets #{layout.old_stylesheets}" layout.old_stylesheets.split(",").each do |s| puts "Doing stylesheet '#{s}'" layout.html_assets << HtmlAsset.sys(layout.system_id).where(:name=>s).where(:file_type=>'css').first rescue nil end if layout.old_stylesheets end Layout.all.each do |layout| layout.old_javascripts.split(",").each do |s| layout.html_assets << HtmlAsset.sys(layout.system_id).where(:name=>s).where(:file_type=>'js').first rescue nil end if layout.old_javascripts end PageTemplate.all.each do |pt| puts "Doing PT #{} for System #{pt.system_id}" pt.old_stylesheets.split(",").each do |s| pt.html_assets << HtmlAsset.sys(pt.system_id).where(:name=>s).where(:file_type=>'css').first rescue nil end if pt.old_stylesheets end PageTemplate.all.each do |pt| pt.old_javascripts.split(",").each do |s| pt.html_assets << HtmlAsset.sys(pt.system_id).where(:name=>s).where(:file_type=>'js').first rescue nil end if pt.old_javascripts end Form.all.each do |f| puts "Doing form #{f.title} for System #{f.system_id}" f.old_stylesheets.split(",").each do |s| f.html_assets << HtmlAsset.sys(f.system_id).where(:name=>s).where(:file_type=>"css").first rescue nil end if f.old_stylesheets end Form.all.each do |f| if f.layout l = Layout.sys(f.system_id).where(:name=>f.layout).first f.layout = l if l end end end end