require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.include Merb::Test::RequestHelper config.include Merb::Test::ControllerHelper end class Merb::Mailer self.delivery_method = :test_send end Merb.push_path(:mailer, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mailers")) class TestMailController < Merb::MailController def first render_mail end def second render_mail end def third render_mail :text => :first, :html => :third end def fourth render_mail :text => "FOURTH_TEXT", :html => "FOURTH_HTML", :layout => :none end def fifth render_mail :action => {:text => :first, :html => :third} end def sixth render_mail :action => {:text => :first}, :html => "SIXTH_HTML" end def seventh render_mail :text => :first, :html => "SEVENTH_HTML" end def eighth @testing = "TEST" render_mail end def ninth render_mail end def tenth render_mail end def generates_relative_url render_mail end def generates_absolute_url render_mail end end Merb::Router.prepare do match("/subprojects/:subproject"). to(:controller => "test_controller", :action => "whatever"). name(:merb_subproject) end class TestController < Merb::Controller def one send_mail TestMailController, :ninth, {:from => "", :to => ""}, {:x => "ONE_CONTROLLER"} end end describe "A Merb Mail controller" do def deliver(action) TestMailController.dispatch_and_deliver action, :from => "", :to => "" @delivery = Merb::Mailer.deliveries.last end undef :call_action if defined?(call_action) def call_action(action) dispatch_to(TestController, action) @delivery = Merb::Mailer.deliveries.last end it "should render files in its directory by default" do deliver :first @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nFIRST\nENDTEXT" end it "should render files in its directory without a mimetype extension by default" do deliver :second @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nSECOND\nENDTEXT" end it "should be able to accept a :text => :sym, :html => :sym render_mail" do deliver :third @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nFIRST\nENDTEXT" @delivery.html.should == "BASIC\nTHIRDHTML\nLAYOUT" end it "should be able to accept a :text => STRING, :html => STRING render_mail" do deliver :fourth $DEBUGGER = true @delivery.text.should == "FOURTH_TEXT" @delivery.html.should == "FOURTH_HTML" $DEBUGGER = false end it "should be able to accept an :action => {:text => :sym, :html => :sym}" do deliver :fifth @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nFIRST\nENDTEXT" @delivery.html.should == "BASIC\nTHIRDHTML\nLAYOUT" end it "should be able to accept a mix of action and :html => STRING" do deliver :sixth @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nFIRST\nENDTEXT" @delivery.html.should == "SIXTH_HTML" end it "should be able to accept a mix of :text => :sym and :html => STRING" do deliver :seventh @delivery.text.should == "TEXT\nFIRST\nENDTEXT" @delivery.html.should == "SEVENTH_HTML" end it "should hold onto instance variables" do deliver :eighth @delivery.html.should == "BASIC\nTEST\nLAYOUT" end it "should have access to the params sent by the calling controller" do call_action :one @delivery.html.should == "BASIC\nONE_CONTROLLER\nLAYOUT" end it "should not raise an error if there are no templates" do lambda do deliver :tenth end.should_not raise_error end it "should log an error if there are no templates available" do Merb.logger.should_receive(:error).once deliver :tenth end it "delegates relative url generation to base controller" do controller ={ :subproject => "core" }, controller). dispatch_and_deliver :generates_relative_url, :from => "", :to => "" Merb::Mailer.deliveries.last.text.should == "TEXT\n/subprojects/core\nENDTEXT" end it "delegates absolute url generation to base controller" do controller ={ :subproject => "extlib" }, controller). dispatch_and_deliver :generates_absolute_url, :from => "", :to => "" Merb::Mailer.deliveries.last.text.should == "TEXT\n\nENDTEXT" end end