require "nokogiri" require "spreadsheet" require "stringio" require "rubyXL" require "rubyXL/convenience_methods/workbook" require "csv" require "oddb2xml/xml_definitions" module Oddb2xml module TxtExtractorMethods def initialize(str) Oddb2xml.log("TxtExtractorMethods #{str} #{str.to_s.size} bytes") @io = end def to_hash data = {} while (line = @io.gets) next unless /\d{13}/.match?(line) ean13 = line.chomp.delete("\"") data[ean13] = true end data end end class Extractor attr_accessor :xml def initialize(xml) Oddb2xml.log("Extractor #{xml} xml #{xml.size} bytes") @xml = xml end end class LppvExtractor < Extractor include TxtExtractorMethods end class BagXmlExtractor < Extractor def to_hash data = {} result = PreparationsEntry.parse(@xml.sub(STRIP_FOR_SAX_MACHINE, ""), lazy: true) result.Preparations.Preparation.each do |seq| if seq.SwissmedicNo5.eql?("0") puts "BagXmlExtractor Skipping SwissmedicNo5 0 for #{seq.NameDe} #{seq.DescriptionDe} #{seq.CommentDe}" next end item = {} item[:data_origin] = "bag_xml" item[:refdata] = true item[:product_key] = seq.ProductCommercial item[:desc_de] = (desc = seq.DescriptionDe) ? desc : "" item[:desc_fr] = (desc = seq.DescriptionFr) ? desc : "" item[:desc_it] = (desc = seq.DescriptionIt) ? desc : "" item[:name_de] = (name = seq.NameDe) ? name : "" item[:name_fr] = (name = seq.NameFr) ? name : "" item[:name_it] = (name = seq.NameIt) ? name : "" item[:swissmedic_number5] = (num5 = seq.SwissmedicNo5) ? num5.rjust(5, "0") : "" item[:org_gen_code] = (orgc = seq.OrgGenCode) ? orgc : "" item[:deductible] = (ddbl = seq.FlagSB20) ? ddbl : "" item[:atc_code] = (atcc = seq.AtcCode) ? atcc : "" item[:comment_de] = (info = seq.CommentDe) ? info : "" item[:comment_fr] = (info = seq.CommentFr) ? info : "" item[:comment_it] = (info = seq.CommentIt) ? info : "" item[:it_code] = "" seq.ItCodes.ItCode.each do |itc| if item[:it_code].to_s.empty? it_code = itc.Code.to_s item[:it_code] = /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)./.match?(it_code) ? it_code : "" end end item[:substances] = [] seq.Substances.Substance.each_with_index do |sub, i| item[:substances] << { index: i.to_s, name: (name = sub.DescriptionLa) ? name : "", quantity: (qtty = sub.Quantity) ? qtty : "", unit: (unit = sub.QuantityUnit) ? unit : "" } end item[:pharmacodes] = [] item[:packages] = {} # pharmacode => package seq.Packs.Pack.each do |pac| if pac.SwissmedicNo8 && pac.SwissmedicNo8.length < 8 puts "BagXmlExtractor: Adding leading zeros for SwissmedicNo8 #{pac.SwissmedicNo8} BagDossierNo #{pac.BagDossierNo} PackId #{pac.PackId} #{item[:name_de]}" if $VERBOSE pac.SwissmedicNo8 = pac.SwissmedicNo8.rjust(8, "0") end unless pac.GTIN if pac.SwissmedicNo8 ean12 = "7680" + pac.SwissmedicNo8 pac.GTIN = (ean12 + Oddb2xml.calc_checksum(ean12)) unless @artikelstamm # puts "BagXmlExtractor: Missing GTIN in SwissmedicNo8 #{pac.SwissmedicNo8} BagDossierNo #{pac.BagDossierNo} PackId #{pac.PackId} #{item[:name_de]}." else puts "BagXmlExtractor: Missing GTIN and SwissmedicNo8 in SwissmedicNo8 #{pac.SwissmedicNo8} BagDossierNo #{pac.BagDossierNo} PackId #{pac.PackId} #{item[:name_de]}" next end end ean13 = pac.GTIN.to_s Oddb2xml.setEan13forNo8(pac.SwissmedicNo8, ean13) if pac.SwissmedicNo8 # packages exf = {price: "", valid_date: "", price_code: ""} if pac&.Prices&.ExFactoryPrice exf[:price] = pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.Price if pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.Price exf[:valid_date] = pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.ValidFromDate if pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.ValidFromDate exf[:price_code] = pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.PriceTypeCode if pac.Prices.ExFactoryPrice.PriceTypeCode end pub = {price: "", valid_date: "", price_code: ""} if pac&.Prices&.PublicPrice pub[:price] = pac.Prices.PublicPrice.Price if pac.Prices.PublicPrice.Price pub[:valid_date] = pac.Prices.PublicPrice.ValidFromDate if pac.Prices.PublicPrice.ValidFromDate pub[:price_code] = pac.Prices.PublicPrice.PriceTypeCode if pac.Prices.PublicPrice.PriceTypeCode end item[:packages][ean13] = { ean13: ean13, name_de: (desc = seq.NameDe) ? desc : "", name_fr: (desc = seq.NameFr) ? desc : "", name_it: (desc = seq.NameIt) ? desc : "", desc_de: (desc = pac.DescriptionDe) ? desc : "", desc_fr: (desc = pac.DescriptionFr) ? desc : "", desc_it: (desc = pac.DescriptionIt) ? desc : "", sl_entry: true, swissmedic_category: (cat = pac.SwissmedicCategory) ? cat : "", swissmedic_number8: (num = pac.SwissmedicNo8) ? num : "", prices: {exf_price: exf, pub_price: pub} } # related all limitations item[:packages][ean13][:limitations] = [] limitations = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } limitations[:seq] = if seq.Limitations seq.Limitations.Limitation.collect { |x| x } end # in it-codes if seq&.ItCodes && seq&.ItCodes&.ItCode limitations[:itc] = [] seq.ItCodes.ItCode.each { |x| limitations[:itc] += x.Limitations.Limitation if x.Limitations.Limitation } else limitations[:itc] = nil end # in pac limitations[:pac] = if pac && pac.Limitations (lims = pac.Limitations.Limitation) ? lims.to_a : nil end limitations.each_pair do |lim_key, lims| key = "" id = "" case lim_key when :seq, :itc key = :swissmedic_number5 id = item[key].to_s when :pac key = :swissmedic_number8 id = item[:packages][ean13][key].to_s end if id.empty? && item[:packages][ean13][:swissmedic_number8] key = :swissmedic_number8 id = item[:packages][ean13][key].to_s end lims&.each do |lim| limitation = { it: item[:it_code], key: key, id: id, code: (lic = lim.LimitationCode) ? lic : "", type: (lit = lim.LimitationType) ? lit : "", value: (liv = lim.LimitationValue) ? liv : "", niv: (niv = lim.LimitationNiveau) ? niv : "", desc_de: (dsc = lim.DescriptionDe) ? dsc : "", desc_fr: (dsc = lim.DescriptionFr) ? dsc : "", desc_it: (dsc = lim.DescriptionIt) ? dsc : "", vdate: (dat = lim.ValidFromDate) ? dat : "" } deleted = false if (upto = ((thr = lim.ValidThruDate) ? thr : nil)) && upto =~ (/\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/) begin deleted = true if Date.strptime(upto, "%d.%m.%y") >= rescue ArgumentError end end limitation[:del] = deleted item[:packages][ean13][:limitations] << limitation end end # limitation points pts = pac.PointLimitations.PointLimitation.first # only first points item[:packages][ean13][:limitation_points] = pts ? pts.Points : "" if pac.SwissmedicNo8 ean12 = "7680" + pac.SwissmedicNo8 correct_ean13 = ean12 + Oddb2xml.calc_checksum(ean12) unless pac.GTIN.eql?(correct_ean13) puts "pac.GTIN #{pac.GTIN} should be #{correct_ean13}" item[:packages][ean13][:CORRECT_EAN13] = correct_ean13 end end data[ean13] = item end end data end end class RefdataExtractor < Extractor def initialize(xml, type) @type = (type == :pharma ? "PHARMA" : "NONPHARMA") super(xml) end def to_hash data = {} result = SwissRegArticleEntry.parse(@xml.sub(STRIP_FOR_SAX_MACHINE, ""), lazy: true) items = result.ARTICLE.ITEM items.each do |pac| ean13 = (gtin = pac.GTIN.to_s) ? gtin : "0" if ean13.size < 13 puts "Refdata #{@type} use 13 chars not #{ean13.size} for #{ean13}" if $VERBOSE ean13 = ean13.rjust(13, "0") end if ean13.size == 14 && ean13[0] == "0" puts "Refdata #{@type} remove leading '0' for #{ean13}" if $VERBOSE ean13 = ean13[1..-1] end # but in refdata_nonPharma we have a about 700 GTINs which are 14 characters and longer item = {} item[:ean13] = ean13 item[:no8] = pac.SWMC_AUTHNR item[:data_origin] = "refdata" item[:refdata] = true item[:_type] = (typ = pac.ATYPE.downcase.to_sym) ? typ : "" item[:last_change] = (date = Time.parse(pac.DT).to_s) ? date : "" # Date and time of last data change item[:desc_de] = (dscr = pac.NAME_DE) ? dscr : "" item[:desc_fr] = (dscr = pac.NAME_FR) ? dscr : "" item[:desc_it] = item[:desc_de] # refdata has no italian name item[:atc_code] = (code = pac.ATC) ? code.to_s : "" item[:company_name] = (nam = pac.AUTH_HOLDER_NAME) ? nam : "" item[:company_ean] = (gln = pac.AUTH_HOLDER_GLN) ? gln : "" data[item[:ean13]] = item end data end end class SwissmedicExtractor < Extractor def initialize(filename, type) @filename = File.join(DOWNLOADS, File.basename(filename)) @filename = File.join(SpecData, File.basename(filename)) if defined?(RSpec) && !File.exist?(@filename) @type = type Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicExtractor #{@filename} #{File.size(@filename)} bytes") return unless File.exist?(@filename) @sheet = RubyXL::Parser.parse(File.expand_path(@filename)).worksheets[0] end def to_arry data = [] return data unless @sheet case @type when :orphan col_zulassung = 6 raise "Could not find Zulassungsnummer in column #{col_zulassung} of #{@filename}" unless /Zulassungs.*nummer/.match?(@sheet[3][col_zulassung].value) @sheet.each do |row| next unless row[col_zulassung] number = row[col_zulassung].value.to_i if number != 0 data << sprintf("%05d", number) end end end # puts "found #{data.uniq.size} entities for type #{@type}" data.uniq end # Packungen.xlsx COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019 def to_hash data = {} return data unless @sheet case @type when :package Oddb2xml.check_column_indices(@sheet) ith = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:index_therapeuticus) iksnr = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:iksnr) seq_name = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:name_base) i_3 = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:ikscd) seqnr = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:seqnr) cat = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:ikscat) siz = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:size) atc = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:atc_class) list_code = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:production_science) eht = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:unit) sub = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:substances) comp = COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:composition) # production_science Heilmittelcode, possible values are # Allergene # Anthroposophika # ayurvedische Arzneimittel # Bakterien- und Hefepräparate # Biotechnologika # Blutprodukte # Generator # Heilmittelcode # Homöopathika # Impfstoffe # Phytotherapeutika # Radiopharmazeutika # Synthetika human # tibetische Arzneimittel # Tierarzneimittel # Transplantat: Gewebeprodukt @sheet.each_with_index do |row, i| next if i <= 1 next unless row && row[iksnr] && row[i_3] next unless (row[iksnr].value.to_i > 0) && (row[i_3].value.to_i > 0) no8 = sprintf("%05d", row[iksnr].value.to_i) + sprintf("%03d", row[i_3].value.to_i) unless no8.empty? next if no8.to_i == 0 ean_base12 = "7680#{no8}" prodno = Oddb2xml.gen_prodno(row[iksnr].value.to_i, row[seqnr].value.to_i) ean13 = (ean_base12.ljust(12, "0") + Oddb2xml.calc_checksum(ean_base12)) Oddb2xml.setEan13forProdno(prodno, ean13) Oddb2xml.setEan13forNo8(no8, ean13) data[no8] = { iksnr: row[iksnr].value.to_i, no8: no8, ean13: ean13, prodno: prodno, seqnr: row[seqnr].value, ith_swissmedic: row[ith] ? row[ith].value.to_s : "", swissmedic_category: row[cat].value.to_s, atc_code: row[atc] ? Oddb2xml.add_epha_changes_for_ATC(row[iksnr].value.to_s, row[atc].value.to_s) : "", list_code: row[list_code] ? row[list_code].value.to_s : "", package_size: row[siz] ? row[siz].value.to_s : "", einheit_swissmedic: row[eht] ? row[eht].value.to_s : "", substance_swissmedic: row[sub] ? row[sub].value.to_s : "", composition_swissmedic: row[comp] ? row[comp].value.to_s : "", sequence_name: row[seq_name] ? row[seq_name].value.to_s : "", is_tier: (row[list_code] == "Tierarzneimittel"), gen_production: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:gen_production)].value.to_s, insulin_category: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:insulin_category)].value.to_s, drug_index: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:drug_index)].value.to_s, data_origin: "swissmedic_package", expiry_date: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:expiry_date)].value.to_s, company_name: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:company)].value.to_s, size: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:size)].value.to_s, unit: row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(:unit)].value.to_s } end end end data end end class MigelExtractor < Extractor def initialize(bin) Oddb2xml.log("MigelExtractor #{io} #{File.size(io)} bytes") book =, "rb") @sheet = book.worksheet(0) end def to_hash data = {} @sheet.each_with_index do |row, i| next if phar = row[1] next if phar == 0 ean13 = row[0] ean13 = phar unless ean13.to_s.length == 13 data[ean] = { refdata: true, ean13: ean13, pharmacode: phar, desc_de: row[3], desc_fr: row[4], quantity: row[5], # quantity company_name: row[6], company_ean: row[7], data_origin: "migel" } data end data end end class SwissmedicInfoExtractor < Extractor def to_hash data = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } return data unless @xml.size > 0 result = MedicalInformationsContent.parse(@xml.sub(STRIP_FOR_SAX_MACHINE, ""), lazy: true) result.medicalInformation.each do |pac| lang = pac.lang.to_s next unless /de|fr/.match?(lang) item = {} item[:refdata] = true item[:data_origin] = "swissmedic_info" item[:name] = (name = pac.title) ? name : "" item[:owner] = (ownr = pac.authHolder) ? ownr : "" item[:style] = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment( "UTF-8") html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(pac.content.force_encoding("UTF-8")) item[:paragraph] = html numbers = /(\d{5})[,\s]*(\d{5})?|(\d{5})[,\s]*(\d{5})?[,\s]*(\d{5})?/.match(html) if numbers [$1, $2, $3].compact.each do |n| # plural item[:monid] = n data[lang] << item end end end data end end class EphaExtractor < Extractor def initialize(str) Oddb2xml.log("EphaExtractor #{str.size} bytes") @io = end def to_arry data = [] ixno = 0 inhalt = inhalt.split("\n").each do |line| ixno += 1 next if /ATC1.*Name1.*ATC2.*Name2/.match?(line) # line = '"'+line unless /^"/.match(line) begin row = CSV.parse_line(line.gsub('""', '"')) action = {} next unless row.size > 8 action[:data_origin] = "epha" action[:ixno] = ixno action[:title] = row[4] action[:atc1] = row[0] action[:atc2] = row[2] action[:mechanism] = row[5] action[:effect] = row[6] action[:measures] = row[7] action[:grad] = row[8] data << action rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError puts "CSV::MalformedCSVError in line #{ixno}: #{line}" end end data end end class MedregbmExtractor < Extractor def initialize(str, type) @io = @type = type end def to_arry data = [] case @type when :company while (line = @io.gets) row = line.chomp.split("\t") next if /^GLN/.match?(row[0]) data << { data_origin: "medreg", gln: row[0].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), #=> GLN Betrieb name_1: row[1].to_s, #=> Betriebsname 1 name_2: row[2].to_s, #=> Betriebsname 2 address: row[3].to_s, #=> Strasse number: row[4].to_s, #=> Nummer post: row[5].to_s, #=> PLZ place: row[6].to_s, #=> Ort region: row[7].to_s, #=> Bewilligungskanton country: row[8].to_s, #=> Land type: row[9].to_s, #=> Betriebstyp authorization: row[10].to_s #=> BTM Berechtigung } end when :person while (line = @io.gets) row = line.chomp.split("\t") next if /^GLN/.match?(row[0]) data << { data_origin: "medreg", gln: row[0].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""), #=> GLN Person last_name: row[1].to_s, #=> Name first_name: row[2].to_s, #=> Vorname post: row[3].to_s, #=> PLZ place: row[4].to_s, #=> Ort region: row[5].to_s, #=> Bewilligungskanton country: row[6].to_s, #=> Land license: row[7].to_s, #=> Bewilligung Selbstdispensation certificate: row[8].to_s, #=> Diplom authorization: row[9].to_s #=> BTM Berechtigung } end end data end end class ZurroseExtractor < Extractor # see def initialize(dat, extended = false, artikelstamm = false) @@extended = extended @artikelstamm = artikelstamm FileUtils.makedirs(WORK_DIR) @@error_file ||=, "duplicate_ean13_from_zur_rose.txt"), "wb+:ISO-8859-14") @@items_without_ean13s ||= 0 @@duplicated_ean13s ||= 0 @@zur_rose_items ||= 0 if dat @io = if File.exist?(dat), "rb:ISO-8859-14") else end @io end end def to_hash data = {} if @io while (line = @io.gets) ean13 = "-1" line = Oddb2xml.patch_some_utf8(line).chomp # next unless /(7680\d{9})(\d{1})$/.match(line) # Skip non pharma next if /(ad us\.* vet)|(\(vet\))/i.match?(line) if @@extended next unless (match_data = line.match(/(\d{13})(\d{1})$/)) else next unless (match_data = line.match(/(7680\d{9})(\d{1})$/)) end pharma_code = line[3..9] if match_data[1].to_s == "0000000000000" @@items_without_ean13s += 1 next if @artikelstamm && pharma_code.to_i == 0 ean13 = Oddb2xml::FAKE_GTIN_START + pharma_code.to_s unless @artikelstamm else ean13 = match_data[1] end if data[ean13] @@error_file.puts "Duplicate ean13 #{ean13} in line \nact: #{line.chomp}\norg: #{data[ean13][:line]}" @@items_without_ean13s -= 1 @@duplicated_ean13s += 1 next end pexf = sprintf("%.2f", line[60, 6].gsub(/(\d{2})$/, '.\1').to_f) ppub = sprintf("%.2f", line[66, 6].gsub(/(\d{2})$/, '.\1').to_f) next if @artikelstamm && /^113/.match(line) && ppub.eql?("0.0") && pexf.eql?("0.0") next unless ean13 key = ean13 key = (Oddb2xml::FAKE_GTIN_START + pharma_code.to_s) if ean13.to_i <= 0 # dummy ean13 data[key] = { data_origin: "zur_rose", line: line.chomp, ean13: ean13, clag: line[73], vat: line[96], description: line[10..59].sub(/\s+$/, ""), quantity: "", pharmacode: pharma_code, price: pexf, pub_price: ppub, type: :nonpharma, cmut: line[2] } @@zur_rose_items += 1 end end if defined?(@@extended) && @@extended @@error_file.puts get_error_msg end @@error_file.close @@error_file = nil data end if defined?(@@extended) && @@extended at_exit do puts get_error_msg end end private def get_error_msg if defined?(@@extended) && @@extended msg = "Added #{@@items_without_ean13s} via pharmacodes of #{@@zur_rose_items} items when extracting the transfer.dat from \"Zur Rose\"" msg += "\n found #{@@duplicated_ean13s} lines with duplicated ean13" if @@duplicated_ean13s > 0 return msg end nil end end end