require 'digest' require 'singleton' require 'guilded/exceptions' module Guilded # Guilder is the worker for the entire Guilded framework. It collects all of the necessary components for a page # through its add() method. When the g_apply_behavior() method is called at the end of a page, the Guilder writes # HTML to include all of the necessary asset files (caching them in production). It also writes s JavaScript initialization # function and fires the initialization function on page load. # # This initialization function calls the initialization function for each Guilded component that was added to the current # page. For example, if a Guilded component named 'g_load_alerter' was added to a page, the Guilder would include this line # in the initialization function it writes: g.initLoadAlerter( /* passing options hash here */ ); The g before the function # is a JavaScript namespace that Guilded automatically creates to facilitate avoiding name collisions with other JavaScript # libraries and code. # # Th options hash that is passed to the init functions for each Guilded component is simply the options hash from the # component's view helper. The Guilder calls .to_json() on the options hash. Thus, if there are pairs in the options hash # that need not go to the JavaScript init method they should be removed within the view helper. # class Guilder include Singleton GUILDED_NS = "guilded." attr_reader :initialized_at def initialize #:nodoc: if defined?( GUILDED_CONFIG ) configure_guilded else raise Guilded::Exceptions::MissingConfiguration end @initialized_at = @g_elements = @combined_js_srcs = @combined_css_srcs = @assets_combined = false # Make sure that the css reset file is first so that other files can override the reset, # unless the user specified no reset to be included. init_sources end # Adds an element with its options to the @g_elements hash to be used later. # def add( element, options={}, libs=[], styles=[] ) raise Guilded::Exceptions::IdMissing unless options.has_key?( :id ) raise Guilded::Exceptions::DuplicateElementId( options[:id] ) if @g_elements.has_key?( options[:id] ) @g_elements[ options[:id] ] = element, options, libs, styles ) end def count #:nodoc: @g_elements.size end # The number of Guilded components to be renderred. # def component_count count end # The current number of CSS assets necessary for the Guilded component set. # def style_count @combined_css_srcs.size end # The current number of JavaScript assets necessary for the Guilded component set. # def script_count @combined_js_srcs.size end # The collection of JavaScript assets for the current Guilded component set. # def combined_js_srcs generate_asset_lists unless @assets_combined @combined_js_srcs end # The collection of CSS assets for the current Guilded component set. # def combined_css_srcs generate_asset_lists unless @assets_combined @combined_css_srcs end # Clears out all but the reset CSS and the base JavaScripts # def reset! @combined_css_srcs.clear @combined_js_srcs.clear @g_elements.clear @assets_combined = false init_sources end # Generates the markup required to include all the assets necessary for the Guilded compoents in # @g_elements collection. Use this if you are not interested in caching asset files. # def apply #:nodoc: to_init = "" generate_asset_lists unless @assets_combined @combined_css_srcs.each { |css| to_init << "<link href=\"/stylesheets/#{css}\" media=\"screen\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" } @combined_js_srcs.each { |js| to_init << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/javascripts/#{js}\"></script>" } to_init << generate_javascript_init reset! end # Writes an initialization method that calls each Guilded components initialization method. This # method will exceute on document load finish. # def generate_javascript_init #:nodoc: code = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" code << "var initGuildedElements = function(){" @g_elements.each_value do |guilded_def| code << "g.#{guilded_def.kind.to_s.camelize( :lower )}Init( #{guilded_def.options.to_json} );" unless guilded_def.exclude_js? end code << "};jQuery('document').ready( initGuildedElements );</script>" end # Generates a name to use when caching the current set of Guilded component JavaScript assets. Sorts and concatenates # the name of each JavaScript asset in @combined_js_srcs. Then hashes this string to generate a reproducible, unique # and shorter string. def js_cache_name generate_js_cache_name( @combined_js_srcs ) end # Generates a name to use when caching the current set of Guilded component CSS assets. Sorts and concatenates # the name of each JavaScript asset in @combined_js_srcs. Then hashes this string to generate a reproducible, unique # and shorter string. def css_cache_name generate_css_cache_name( @combined_css_srcs ) end def generate_js_cache_name( sources ) #:nodoc: generate_asset_lists unless @assets_combined #return"#{controller.class.to_s.underscore}_#{controller.action_name}" if development? sorted_srcs = sources.sort stripped_srcs = { |src| src.gsub( /.js/, '' ).gsub( /\//, '_') } joined = stripped_srcs.join( "+" ) "#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest( joined )}" end def generate_css_cache_name( sources ) #:nodoc: generate_asset_lists unless @assets_combined #return "#{controller.class.to_s.underscore}_#{controller.action_name}" if development? sorted_srcs = sources.sort stripped_srcs = { |src| src.gsub( /.css/, '' ).gsub( /\//, '_') } joined = stripped_srcs.join( "+" ) "#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest( joined )}" end protected def configure_guilded #:nodoc: @js_path = GUILDED_CONFIG[:js_path] @js_folder = GUILDED_CONFIG[:js_folder] @jquery_js = GUILDED_CONFIG[:jquery_js] @guilded_js = 'guilded.min.js' @css_path = GUILDED_CONFIG[:css_path] @css_folder = GUILDED_CONFIG[:css_folder] @reset_css = GUILDED_CONFIG[:reset_css] @env = GUILDED_CONFIG[:environment] @env ||= :production @js_path.freeze @css_path.freeze @js_folder.freeze @jquery_js.freeze @guilded_js.freeze @css_folder.freeze @reset_css.freeze @env.freeze end # Adds the Guilded reset CSS file and the guilded.js and jQuery files to the respective sources # collections. # def init_sources #:nodoc: @combined_css_srcs << "#{@reset_css}" unless @reset_css.nil? || @reset_css.empty? #@combined_js_srcs << "#{@jquery_js}" << "#{@js_folder}#{@guilded_js}" resolve_js_libs( "#{@jquery_js}", "#{@js_folder}#{@guilded_js}" ) end # Combines all JavaScript and CSS files into lists to include based on what Guilded components are on # the current page. # def generate_asset_lists #:nodoc: @assets_combined = true @g_elements.each_value do |defi| #TODO get stylesheet (skin) stuff using rails caching combine_css_sources( defi.kind, defi.options[:skin], defi.styles ) unless defi.exclude_css? # Combine all JavaScript sources so that the caching option can be used on # the javascript_incldue_tag helper. combine_js_sources( defi.kind, defi.libs ) unless defi.exclude_js? end end # Helper method that takes the libs and component specific js files and puts them # into one array so that the javascript_include_tag can correctly cache them. Automatically # ignores files that have already been inlcuded. # # *parameters* # combined_src (required) An array of the combined sorces for the page being renderred. # component (required) The name of a guilded component. # libs An array of JavaScript libraries that this component depends on. More than likely # a jQuery plugin, etc. # def combine_js_sources( component, libs=[] ) #:nodoc: resolve_js_libs( *libs ) comp_src = add_guilded_js_path( component ) @combined_js_srcs.push( comp_src ) unless @combined_js_srcs.include?( comp_src ) end # Helper method that adds the aditional JavaScript library icludes to the include set. # # If running development mode, it will try to remove any .pack, .min, or.compressed # parts fo the name to try and get the debug version of the library. If it cannot # find the debug version of the file, it will just remain what was initially provded. # def resolve_js_libs( *libs ) #:nodoc: if development? # Try to use an unpacked or unminimized version libs.each do |lib| debug_lib = lib.gsub( /.pack/, '' ).gsub( /.min/, '' ).gsub( /.compressed/, '' ) path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/javascripts/#{debug_lib}" if File.exist?( path ) @combined_js_srcs.push( debug_lib ) unless @combined_js_srcs.include?( debug_lib ) else @combined_js_srcs.push( lib ) unless @combined_js_srcs.include?( lib ) end end else libs.each do |lib| @combined_js_srcs.push( lib ) unless @combined_js_srcs.include?( lib ) end end end # Helper method that takes an array of js sources and adds the correct guilded # path to them. Returns an array with the new path resolved sources. # def map_guilded_js_paths( *sources ) #:nodoc: { |source| add_guilded_js_path( source ) } end # Adds the guilded JS path to the the source name passed in. When not in development mode, # it looks for a .pack.js, .min.jsm .compressed.js and chooses one of these over the # development version. # def add_guilded_js_path( source ) #:nodoc: part = "#{@js_folder}#{GUILDED_NS}#{source.to_s}" ext = 'js' return "#{part}.#{ext}" unless production? possibles = [ "#{@js_path}#{part}.min.#{ext}", "#{@js_path}#{part}.pack.#{ext}", "#{@js_path}#{part}.compressed.#{ext}", "#{@js_path}#{part}.#{ext}" ] parts = [ "#{part}.min.#{ext}", "{part}.pack.#{ext}", "#{part}.compressed.#{ext}", "#{part}.#{ext}" ] possibles.each_with_index do |full_path, i| return parts[i] if File.exists?( full_path ) end "" # Should never reach here end def combine_css_sources( component, skin, styles=[] ) #:nodoc: # Get all of this components defined external styles styles.each do |style| @combined_css_srcs.push( style ) unless @combined_css_srcs.include?( style ) end #Get the default or guilded skin styles for this component comp_src = add_guilded_css_path( component, skin ) @combined_css_srcs.push( comp_src ) unless @combined_css_srcs.include?( comp_src ) || comp_src.empty? user_src = add_guilded_css_path( component, "user" ) @combined_css_srcs.push( user_src ) unless @combined_css_srcs.include?( user_src ) || user_src.empty? skin_user_src = add_guilded_css_path( component, "#{skin || 'default'}_user" ) @combined_css_srcs.push( skin_user_src ) unless @combined_css_srcs.include?( skin_user_src ) || skin_user_src.empty? end def add_guilded_css_path( source, skin ) #:nodoc: skin = 'default' if skin.nil? || skin.empty? part = "#{@css_folder}#{source.to_s}/#{skin}.css" path = "#{@css_path}#{part}" File.exists?( path ) ? part : '' end def development? #:nodoc: @env.to_sym == :development end def production? #:nodoc: @env.to_sym == :production end def test? #:nodoc: @env.to_sym == :test end end end