#Mona - 2ch library. #Copyright (C) 2011- masarakki # #== How to access 2ch.net # #first, create instance of Board. #if you want to access to hayabusa2.2ch.net/news4vip, # board = Mona::Board.new('hayabusa2', 'news4vip') #then you can get list of Thread by # threads = board.threads #or if you know thread info, you can create Thread instance # thread = Mona::Thread.new(:board => Mona::Board.new('hayabusa2', 'news4vip'), :id => 101010101) # module Mona autoload :Client, 'mona/client' autoload :Board, 'mona/board' autoload :Thread, 'mona/thread' VERSION_MAJOR = 0 VERSION_MINOR = 1 VERSION_PATCH = 0 def self.version [VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH].join('.') end end