##################################################################### # attempt_spec.rb # # Tests for the attempt library. You should run this test case via # the 'rake test' Rakefile task (or just 'rake'). # # TODO: Test that an Attempt::Warning is raised. ##################################################################### require 'rspec' require 'attempt' require 'stringio' RSpec.describe Attempt do before(:all) do $stderr = StringIO.new end before do @tries = 2 @interval = 0.1 @timeout = 0.1 $value = 0 end example "version constant is set to expected value" do expect(Attempt::VERSION).to eq('0.6.0') expect(Attempt::VERSION).to be_frozen end example "attempt works as expected without arguments" do expect{ attempt{ 2 + 2 } }.not_to raise_error end example "attempt retries the number of times specified" do expect{ attempt(tries: @tries){ $value += 1; raise if $value < 2 } }.not_to raise_error expect($value).to eq(2) end example "attempt retries the number of times specified with interval" do expect{ attempt(tries: @tries, interval: @interval){ $value += 1; raise if $value < 2 } }.not_to raise_error expect($value).to eq(2) end example "attempt retries the number of times specified with interval and timeout" do expect{ attempt(tries: @tries, interval: @interval, timeout: @timeout){ $value += 1; raise if $value < 2 } }.not_to raise_error end example "attempt raises a timeout error if timeout value is exceeded" do expect{ attempt(tries: 1, interval: 1, timeout: @timeout){ sleep 5 } }.to raise_error(Timeout::Error) end example "attempt raises exception as expected" do expect{ attempt(tries: 2, interval: 2){ raise } }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end after do $after = 0 end after(:all) do $stderr = STDERR end end