module Affine # Parent class for Affine cipher errors. # # This is a good kind of error to rescue when you're not # sure about the key, modulus, plaintext, or ciphertext # and want to fail cleanly. class AffineError < StandardError end # Raised when two numbers that are supposed to be coprime # (greatest common denominator of 1) are not. # # Keys and moduli from external sources might raise these. class CoprimeError < AffineError def initialize(a, b) #:nodoc: :notnew: super("Expected #{a} to be coprime with #{b}") end end # Raised when an input number is larger than the modulus. # # Plaintexts or ciphertexts from external sources might # raise these. class RangeError < AffineError def initialize(n, mod) #:nodoc: :notnew: super("Expected input #{n} to be smaller than modulus #{mod}") end end end