=begin rdoc A version implements versioning and permits multiple publications (one for each language). === Status A version's status changes over time. A version usually starts by being a 'redaction', these eventually a 'proposition', etc. The version's status changes by executing actions on the node (publish, remove, etc). Have a look at Acts::As::Multiversion for details. Zena::Status are : red (70):: version is being written (the redaction is only seen by its author) prop_with (65):: document proposed with the redaction. Will be automatically published/removed with the redaction. prop (60):: proposed for publication (seen only by the members of the publish group of the node) pub (50):: version is published (can be seen by all readers) rep (20):: replaced by a newer version (can be an elligible version for rollback) rem (10):: removed (from a rollback) del (0):: this is like 'moved to trash' === Version attributes title:: Node title. comment:: The comment is a little word saying what this particular version is about or a full text on all the modifications done or to be done or anything usefull that should be communicated inside the team. text:: The text is the full content of a version. The text usually contains zazen formatted text (textile with additions). See Zazen for details. === Dynamic attributes Any attribute written using version.dyn[:blah] = 'some text' is stored as a dynamic attribute. See DynAttributes for details. == Content If a we need to create a more sophisticated version class, all the required fields go in a 'content' class, like #DocumentContent stores document type and size for #DocumentVersion. See #Document for the details on the relation between Version and Content. =end class Version < ActiveRecord::Base include Zena::Use::Dates::ModelMethods parse_date_attribute :publish_from # readable include RubyLess::SafeClass safe_attribute :created_at, :updated_at, :publish_from, :status, :lang safe_method :title => String, :text => String, :summary => String, :comment => String, :zip => Number, :user_zip => Number # FIXME: replace by 'id'.... # writable attr_accessible :title, :text, :summary, :comment, :publish_from, :lang, :status, :content_attributes, :dyn_attributes zafu_context :author => "Contact", :user => "User", :node => "Node" belongs_to :user before_validation :version_before_validation validates_presence_of :user, :site_id validate :valid_version after_save :save_content after_save :set_updated_at after_destroy :destroy_content before_create :set_number include Zena::Use::DynAttributes::ModelMethods extend Zena::Acts::Multiversion acts_as_version class << self # Some #Version sub-classes need to have more specific content than just 'text' and 'summary'. # this content is stored in a delegate 'content' object found with the 'content_class' class method def content_class nil end end def author user.contact end # FIXME: This should not be needed ! Remove when find by id is cached. def set_node(node) @node ||= node end def user_zip user_id end def zip "#{node.zip}.#{number}" end # Return the content for the version. Can it's 'own' content or the same as the version this one was copied from. def content return nil unless content_class return @content if @content if self[:content_id] @content = content_class.find_by_version_id(self[:content_id]) @content.preload_version(self) if @content else @content = content_class.find_by_version_id(self[:id]) @content.preload_version(self) if @content end unless @content # create new content @content = content_class.new self[:content_id] = nil @content.preload_version(self) @redaction_content = @content end @content end # Return the version's own content or creates a new one so it can be edited. def redaction_content return @redaction_content if @redaction_content return nil unless content_class @content = content if @content && @content[:version_id] == self[:id] # own content, make sure no published version links to this content if !new_record? && slave_version = Version.find(:first, :select=>'id', :conditions=>["content_id = ?",self[:id]]) # shared content, we need to build our own and alter others: # # 1. Current state # version[@id = A, @content_id = nil] ===> content[@version_id = A] <--- version[@content_id = A, @id = B] # # 2. Changes to # version[@id = A, @content_id = B ] ---> content[@version_id = B] <=== version[@content_id = nil, @id = B] # # Whatchout: we could have a race condition here... old_master_id = self[:id] new_master_id = slave_version[:id] content_id = @content[:id] # version[@id = B, @content_id => nil] Version.connection.execute "UPDATE #{Version.table_name} SET content_id = NULL WHERE id = #{new_master_id}" # version[@id = A, @content_id => B] Version.connection.execute "UPDATE #{Version.table_name} SET content_id = #{new_master_id} WHERE id = #{old_master_id}" # content[@version_id => B] Version.connection.execute "UPDATE #{@content.class.table_name} SET version_id = #{new_master_id} WHERE id = #{content_id}" # content shared, make it our own @old_content = @content # keep the old one in case we cannot save and need to rollback @content = @old_content.clone self[:content_id] = nil @content[:version_id] = nil # will be set on save @content.preload_version(self) end elsif @content # content shared, make it our own @old_content = @content # keep the old one in case we cannot save and need to rollback @content = @old_content.clone self[:content_id] = nil @content[:version_id] = nil # will be set on save @content.preload_version(self) else # create new content @content = content_class.new self[:content_id] = nil @content.preload_version(self) end @redaction_content = @content end def content_class self.class.content_class end def content_attributes=(h) if content.would_edit?(h) && redaction_content redaction_content.attributes = h else # ignore end end # Return a new redaction from this version def clone ignore_attributes = self.attributes_to_ignore_on_clone attrs = attributes.dup.reject {|k,v| ignore_attributes.include?(k.to_s) } new_clone = self.class.new(attrs) protected_attributes_on_clone.each do |k,v| new_clone.send("#{k}=", v) end new_clone end # List of attribute keys to export in a zml file. def export_keys { :zazen => {'v_title' => title, 'v_text' => text, 'v_summary' => summary}.merge(Hash[*dyn.map{|k,v| ["d_#{k}", v]}.flatten]), :dates => {}, } end def attributes_to_ignore_on_clone # /_ok$/ ? %w{ user_id type created_at updated_at id } end def protected_attributes_on_clone { 'content_id' => (content_class ? (content_id || id) : nil), 'user_id' => visitor.id, 'node' => self.node, 'dyn' => self.dyn, 'status' => Zena::Status[:red], 'lang' => visitor.lang } end # Return true if the version can be updated by the current visitor without creating # a new redaction. def reusable?(lang, target_status) self.lang == lang && user_id == visitor.id && [Zena::Status[:red], Zena::Status[:pub]].include?(status) && target_status == status && Time.now < created_at + current_site[:redit_time].to_i end # Return true if we would need to create a new version or re-edit depending # on the attributes def would_edit?(new_attrs) new_attrs.each do |k,v| next if ['status', 'publish_from'].include?(k.to_s) if k.to_s == 'content_attributes' return true if content.would_edit?(v) elsif k.to_s == 'dyn_attributes' return true if dyn.would_edit?(v) elsif type = self.class.safe_method_type([k]) return true if field_changed?(k, self.send(type[:method]), v) end end false end def safe_content_read(signature) if c = content c.send(:safe_read, signature) else nil end end # Return true if the version has been edited (not just status / publication date change) # TODO: test def edited? new_record? || (changes.keys - ['status', 'publish_from'] != []) || (@redaction_content && @redaction_content.changed?) end def should_save? new_record? || changed? || dyn.changed? || (@redaction_content && @redaction_content.changed?) end def attributes_with_defaults=(attrs) self.attributes_without_defaults = attrs %W{title summary text comment}.each do |txt_field| self[txt_field] ||= '' end end alias_method_chain :attributes=, :defaults private def set_number last_record = node.id ? self.connection.select_one("select number from #{self.class.table_name} where node_id = '#{node[:id]}' ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 1") : nil self[:number] = (last_record || {})['number'].to_i + 1 end def save_content # TODO: Why don't we use @redaction_content ? if @content && @content.changed? @content[:version_id] ||= self[:id] # validations checked with 'valid_content' @content.save_without_validation else true end end def set_updated_at if @content_updated_but_not_saved # not saved, set updated_at manually Zena::Db.set_attribute(self, :updated_at, Time.now) end @content_updated_but_not_saved = nil true end def destroy_content content.destroy if content_class && content.can_destroy? end # Set version number and site_id before validation tests. def version_before_validation self[:site_id] = visitor.site.id return unless node self.title = node.name if self.title.blank? self.type ||= self.class.to_s self.lang = visitor.lang if self.lang.blank? self.status ||= current_site.auto_publish? ? Zena::Status[:pub] : Zena::Status[:red] self.publish_from ||= Time.now if self.status == Zena::Status[:pub] self.user_id = visitor[:id] if new_record? if @content @content[:site_id] = self[:site_id] end end # Make sure the version and it's related content are in a correct state. def valid_version errors.add('lang', 'invalid') unless visitor.site.lang_list.include?(self[:lang]) errors.add('node', "can't be blank") unless node # validate content # TODO: we could use autosave here @content_updated_but_not_saved = !changed? && @content && @content.changed? if @content && @content.changed? && !@content.valid? @content.errors.each_error do |attribute,message| if attribute.to_s == 'base' errors.add('content', message) else attribute = "content_#{attribute}" errors.add(attribute, message) unless errors[attribute] # FIXME: rails 3: if errors[attribute].empty? end end if @old_content @content = @old_content # rollback initial content else # clean empty content @content = content_class.new @content.preload_version(self) self[:content_id] = nil @redaction_content = @content end end end end