require 'support' require 'mustermann/template' describe Mustermann::Template do extend Support::Pattern pattern '' do it { should match('') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should respond_to(:expand) } it { should respond_to(:to_templates) } end pattern '/' do it { should match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo') } end pattern '/foo' do it { should match('/foo') } it { should_not match('/bar') } it { should_not match('/') } end pattern '/foo/bar' do it { should match('/foo/bar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } end pattern '/:foo' do it { should match('/:foo') } it { should match('/%3Afoo') } it { should_not match('/foo') } it { should_not match('/foo?') } it { should_not match('/foo/bar') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo/') } end pattern '/föö' do it { should match("/f%C3%B6%C3%B6") } end pattern '/test$/' do it { should match('/test$/') } end pattern '/te+st/' do it { should match('/te+st/') } it { should_not match('/test/') } it { should_not match('/teest/') } end pattern "/path with spaces" do it { should match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should match('/path+with+spaces') } end pattern '/foo&bar' do it { should match('/foo&bar') } end pattern '/' do it { should match('/') } it { should_not match('/test0bar') } end pattern "/path with spaces", space_matches_plus: false do it { should match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should_not match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should_not match('/path+with+spaces') } end pattern "/path with spaces", uri_decode: false do it { should_not match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should_not match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should_not match('/path+with+spaces') } end context 'level 1' do context 'without operator' do pattern '/hello/{person}' do it { should match('/hello/Frank').capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/a_b~c').capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/a.%20').capturing person: 'a.%20' } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } example { pattern.params('/hello/Frank').should be == {'person' => 'Frank'} } end pattern "/{foo}/{bar}" do it { should match('/foo/bar') .capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing foo: '10.1', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1.2/') .capturing foo: '10.1.2', bar: '' } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } end end end context 'level 2' do context 'operator +' do pattern '/hello/{+person}' do it { should match('/hello/Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/a.%20') .capturing person: 'a.%20' } it { should match('/hello/a/%20') .capturing person: 'a/%20' } it { should match('/hello/:') .capturing person: ?: } it { should match('/hello//') .capturing person: ?/ } it { should match('/hello/?') .capturing person: ?? } it { should match('/hello/#') .capturing person: ?# } it { should match('/hello/[') .capturing person: ?[ } it { should match('/hello/]') .capturing person: ?] } it { should match('/hello/@') .capturing person: ?@ } it { should match('/hello/!') .capturing person: ?! } it { should match('/hello/*') .capturing person: ?* } it { should match('/hello/+') .capturing person: ?+ } it { should match('/hello/,') .capturing person: ?, } it { should match('/hello/;') .capturing person: ?; } it { should match('/hello/=') .capturing person: ?= } end pattern "/{+foo}/{bar}" do it { should match('/foo/bar') .capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '', bar: '' } it { should match('/foo/bar/') .capturing foo: 'foo/bar', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing foo: '10.1', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1.2/') .capturing foo: '10.1.2', bar: '' } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } end end context 'operator #' do pattern '/hello/{#person}' do it { should match('/hello/#Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/#a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/#a.%20') .capturing person: 'a.%20' } it { should match('/hello/#a/%20') .capturing person: 'a/%20' } it { should match('/hello/#:') .capturing person: ?: } it { should match('/hello/#/') .capturing person: ?/ } it { should match('/hello/#?') .capturing person: ?? } it { should match('/hello/##') .capturing person: ?# } it { should match('/hello/#[') .capturing person: ?[ } it { should match('/hello/#]') .capturing person: ?] } it { should match('/hello/#@') .capturing person: ?@ } it { should match('/hello/#!') .capturing person: ?! } it { should match('/hello/#*') .capturing person: ?* } it { should match('/hello/#+') .capturing person: ?+ } it { should match('/hello/#,') .capturing person: ?, } it { should match('/hello/#;') .capturing person: ?; } it { should match('/hello/#=') .capturing person: ?= } it { should_not match('/hello/Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/a.%20') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } example { pattern.params('/hello/#Frank').should be == {'person' => 'Frank'} } end pattern "/{+foo}/{#bar}" do it { should match('/foo/#bar') .capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '', bar: '' } it { should match('/foo/bar/') .capturing foo: 'foo/bar', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing foo: '10.1', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1.2/') .capturing foo: '10.1.2', bar: '' } it { should_not match('/foo%2F#bar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2f#bar') } example { pattern.params('/hello/#Frank').should be == {'foo' => 'hello', 'bar' => 'Frank'} } end end end context 'level 3' do context 'without operator' do pattern "{a,b,c}" do it { should match("~x,42,_").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match("~x,42") } it { should_not match("~x/42") } it { should_not match("~x#42") } it { should_not match("~x,42,_#42") } example { pattern.params('d,f,g').should be == {'a' => 'd', 'b' => 'f', 'c' => 'g'} } end end context 'operator +' do pattern "{+a,b,c}" do it { should match("~x,42,_") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should match("~x,42,_#42") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_#42' } it { should match("~/x,42,_/42") .capturing a: '~/x', b: '42', c: '_/42' } it { should_not match("~x,42") } it { should_not match("~x/42") } it { should_not match("~x#42") } end end context 'operator #' do pattern "{#a,b,c}" do it { should match("#~x,42,_") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should match("#~x,42,_#42") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_#42' } it { should match("#~/x,42,_#42") .capturing a: '~/x', b: '42', c: '_#42' } it { should_not match("~x,42,_") } it { should_not match("~x,42,_#42") } it { should_not match("~/x,42,_#42") } it { should_not match("~x,42") } it { should_not match("~x/42") } it { should_not match("~x#42") } end end context 'operator .' do pattern '/hello/{.person}' do it { should match('/hello/.Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/.a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should_not match('/hello/.:') } it { should_not match('/hello/./') } it { should_not match('/hello/.?') } it { should_not match('/hello/.#') } it { should_not match('/hello/.[') } it { should_not match('/hello/.]') } it { should_not match('/hello/.@') } it { should_not match('/hello/.!') } it { should_not match('/hello/.*') } it { should_not match('/hello/.+') } it { should_not match('/hello/.,') } it { should_not match('/hello/.;') } it { should_not match('/hello/.=') } it { should_not match('/hello/Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/a.%20') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } end pattern "{.a,b,c}" do it { should match(".~x.42._").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match(".~x,42") } it { should_not match(".~x/42") } it { should_not match(".~x#42") } it { should_not match(".~x,42,_") } it { should_not match("~x.42._") } end end context 'operator /' do pattern '/hello{/person}' do it { should match('/hello/Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should_not match('/hello//:') } it { should_not match('/hello///') } it { should_not match('/hello//?') } it { should_not match('/hello//#') } it { should_not match('/hello//[') } it { should_not match('/hello//]') } it { should_not match('/hello//@') } it { should_not match('/hello//!') } it { should_not match('/hello//*') } it { should_not match('/hello//+') } it { should_not match('/hello//,') } it { should_not match('/hello//;') } it { should_not match('/hello//=') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } end pattern "{/a,b,c}" do it { should match("/~x/42/_").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match("/~x,42") } it { should_not match("/~x.42") } it { should_not match("/~x#42") } it { should_not match("/~x,42,_") } it { should_not match("~x/42/_") } end end context 'operator ;' do pattern '/hello/{;person}' do it { should match('/hello/;person=Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/;person=a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/;person') .capturing person: nil } it { should_not match('/hello/;persona=Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/;persona=a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=:') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=/') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=?') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=#') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=[') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=]') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=@') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=!') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=*') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=+') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person=;') } it { should_not match('/hello/;person==') } it { should_not match('/hello/;Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/;a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/;a.%20') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } end pattern "{;a,b,c}" do it { should match(";a=~x;b=42;c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should match(";a=~x;b;c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: nil, c: '_' } it { should_not match(";a=~x;c=_;b=42").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match(";a=~x;b=42") } it { should_not match("a=~x;b=42") } it { should_not match(";a=~x;b=#42;c") } it { should_not match(";a=~x,b=42,c=_") } it { should_not match("~x;b=42;c=_") } end end context 'operator ?' do pattern '/hello/{?person}' do it { should match('/hello/?person=Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/?person=a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/?person') .capturing person: nil } it { should_not match('/hello/?persona=Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/?persona=a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=:') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=/') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=?') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=#') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=[') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=]') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=@') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=!') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=*') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=+') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=,') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person=;') } it { should_not match('/hello/?person==') } it { should_not match('/hello/?Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/?a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/?a.%20') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } end pattern "{?a,b,c}" do it { should match("?a=~x&b=42&c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should match("?a=~x&b&c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: nil, c: '_' } it { should_not match("?a=~x&c=_&b=42").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match("?a=~x&b=42") } it { should_not match("a=~x&b=42") } it { should_not match("?a=~x&b=#42&c") } it { should_not match("?a=~x,b=42,c=_") } it { should_not match("~x&b=42&c=_") } end end context 'operator &' do pattern '/hello/{&person}' do it { should match('/hello/&person=Frank') .capturing person: 'Frank' } it { should match('/hello/&person=a_b~c') .capturing person: 'a_b~c' } it { should match('/hello/&person') .capturing person: nil } it { should_not match('/hello/&persona=Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/&persona=a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=:') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=/') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=?') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=#') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=[') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=]') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=@') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=!') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=*') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=+') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=,') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person=;') } it { should_not match('/hello/&person==') } it { should_not match('/hello/&Frank') } it { should_not match('/hello/&a_b~c') } it { should_not match('/hello/&a.%20') } it { should_not match('/hello/:') } it { should_not match('/hello//') } it { should_not match('/hello/?') } it { should_not match('/hello/#') } it { should_not match('/hello/[') } it { should_not match('/hello/]') } it { should_not match('/hello/@') } it { should_not match('/hello/!') } it { should_not match('/hello/*') } it { should_not match('/hello/+') } it { should_not match('/hello/,') } it { should_not match('/hello/;') } it { should_not match('/hello/=') } end pattern "{&a,b,c}" do it { should match("&a=~x&b=42&c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should match("&a=~x&b&c=_") .capturing a: '~x', b: nil, c: '_' } it { should_not match("&a=~x&c=_&b=42").capturing a: '~x', b: '42', c: '_' } it { should_not match("&a=~x&b=42") } it { should_not match("a=~x&b=42") } it { should_not match("&a=~x&b=#42&c") } it { should_not match("&a=~x,b=42,c=_") } it { should_not match("~x&b=42&c=_") } end end end context 'level 4' do context 'without operator' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{a:3}/bar' do it { should match('foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('fooo/bar') } end pattern '{a:3}{b}' do it { should match('foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{a*}' do it { should match('a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('a,b') .capturing a: 'a,b' } it { should match('a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b,c' } it { should_not match('a,b/c') } it { should_not match('a,') } example { pattern.params('a').should be == { 'a' => ['a'] }} example { pattern.params('a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'] }} end pattern '{a*},{b}' do it { should match('a,b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('a,b/c') } it { should_not match('a,') } example { pattern.params('a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('a,b,c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end pattern '{a*,b}' do it { should match('a,b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('a,b/c') } it { should_not match('a,') } example { pattern.params('a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('a,b,c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end end end context 'operator +' do pattern '/{a}/{+b}' do it { should match('/foo/bar/baz').capturing(a: 'foo', b: 'bar/baz') } it { should expand(a: 'foo/bar', b: 'foo/bar').to('/foo%2Fbar/foo/bar') } end context 'prefix' do pattern '{+a:3}/bar' do it { should match('foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('fooo/bar') } end pattern '{+a:3}{b}' do it { should match('foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{+a*}' do it { should match('a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('a,b') .capturing a: 'a,b' } it { should match('a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b,c' } it { should match('a,b/c') .capturing a: 'a,b/c' } end pattern '{+a*},{b}' do it { should match('a,b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('a,b/c') } it { should_not match('a,') } example { pattern.params('a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('a,b,c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end end end context 'operator #' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{#a:3}/bar' do it { should match('#foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('#fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('#f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('#fooo/bar') } end pattern '{#a:3}{b}' do it { should match('#foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{#a*}' do it { should match('#a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('#a,b') .capturing a: 'a,b' } it { should match('#a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b,c' } it { should match('#a,b/c') .capturing a: 'a,b/c' } example { pattern.params('#a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'] }} example { pattern.params('#a,b,c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b', 'c'] }} end pattern '{#a*,b}' do it { should match('#a,b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('#a,b,c') .capturing a: 'a,b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('#a,') } example { pattern.params('#a,b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('#a,b,c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end end end context 'operator .' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{.a:3}/bar' do it { should match('.foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('.fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('.f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('.fooo/bar') } end pattern '{.a:3}{b}' do it { should match('.foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{.a*}' do it { should match('.a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('.a.b') .capturing a: 'a.b' } it { should match('.a.b.c') .capturing a: 'a.b.c' } it { should_not match('.a.b,c') } it { should_not match('.a,') } end pattern '{.a*,b}' do it { should match('.a.b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('.a.b.c') .capturing a: 'a.b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('.a.b/c') } it { should_not match('.a.') } example { pattern.params('.a.b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('.a.b.c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end end end context 'operator /' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{/a:3}/bar' do it { should match('/foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('/fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('/f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('/fooo/bar') } end pattern '{/a:3}{b}' do it { should match('/foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{/a*}' do it { should match('/a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('/a/b') .capturing a: 'a/b' } it { should match('/a/b/c') .capturing a: 'a/b/c' } it { should_not match('/a/b,c') } it { should_not match('/a,') } end pattern '{/a*,b}' do it { should match('/a/b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b' } it { should match('/a/b/c') .capturing a: 'a/b', b: 'c' } it { should_not match('/a/b,c') } it { should_not match('/a/') } example { pattern.params('/a/b').should be == { 'a' => ['a'], 'b' => 'b' }} example { pattern.params('/a/b/c').should be == { 'a' => ['a', 'b'], 'b' => 'c' }} end end end context 'operator ;' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{;a:3}/bar' do it { should match(';a=foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match(';a=fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match(';a=f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match(';a=fooo/bar') } end pattern '{;a:3}{b}' do it { should match(';a=foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{;a*}' do it { should match(';a=1') .capturing a: 'a=1' } it { should match(';a=1;a=2') .capturing a: 'a=1;a=2' } it { should match(';a=1;a=2;a=3') .capturing a: 'a=1;a=2;a=3' } it { should_not match(';a=1;a=2;b=3') } it { should_not match(';a=1;a=2;a=3,') } end pattern '{;a*,b}' do it { should match(';a=1;b') .capturing a: 'a=1', b: nil } it { should match(';a=2;a=2;b=1') .capturing a: 'a=2;a=2', b: '1' } it { should_not match(';a;b;c') } it { should_not match(';a;') } example { pattern.params(';a=2;a=2;b').should be == { 'a' => ['2', '2'], 'b' => nil }} end end end context 'operator ?' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{?a:3}/bar' do it { should match('?a=foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('?a=fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('?a=f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('?a=fooo/bar') } end pattern '{?a:3}{b}' do it { should match('?a=foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{?a*}' do it { should match('?a=1') .capturing a: 'a=1' } it { should match('?a=1&a=2') .capturing a: 'a=1&a=2' } it { should match('?a=1&a=2&a=3') .capturing a: 'a=1&a=2&a=3' } it { should_not match('?a=1&a=2&b=3') } it { should_not match('?a=1&a=2&a=3,') } end pattern '{?a*,b}' do it { should match('?a=1&b') .capturing a: 'a=1', b: nil } it { should match('?a=2&a=2&b=1') .capturing a: 'a=2&a=2', b: '1' } it { should_not match('?a&b&c') } it { should_not match('?a&') } example { pattern.params('?a=2&a=2&b').should be == { 'a' => ['2', '2'], 'b' => nil }} end end end context 'operator &' do context 'prefix' do pattern '{&a:3}/bar' do it { should match('&a=foo/bar') .capturing a: 'foo' } it { should match('&a=fo/bar') .capturing a: 'fo' } it { should match('&a=f/bar') .capturing a: 'f' } it { should_not match('&a=fooo/bar') } end pattern '{&a:3}{b}' do it { should match('&a=foobar') .capturing a: 'foo', b: 'bar' } end end context 'expand' do pattern '{&a*}' do it { should match('&a=1') .capturing a: 'a=1' } it { should match('&a=1&a=2') .capturing a: 'a=1&a=2' } it { should match('&a=1&a=2&a=3') .capturing a: 'a=1&a=2&a=3' } it { should_not match('&a=1&a=2&b=3') } it { should_not match('&a=1&a=2&a=3,') } end pattern '{&a*,b}' do it { should match('&a=1&b') .capturing a: 'a=1', b: nil } it { should match('&a=2&a=2&b=1') .capturing a: 'a=2&a=2', b: '1' } it { should_not match('&a&b&c') } it { should_not match('&a&') } example { pattern.params('&a=2&a=2&b').should be == { 'a' => ['2', '2'], 'b' => nil }} example { pattern.params('&a=2&a=%20&b').should be == { 'a' => ['2', ' '], 'b' => nil }} end end end end context 'invalid syntax' do example 'unexpected closing bracket' do expect {'foo}bar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected } while parsing "foo}bar"') end example 'missing closing bracket' do expect {'foo{bar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected end of string while parsing "foo{bar"') end end context "peeking" do subject(:pattern) {"{name}bar") } describe :peek_size do example { pattern.peek_size("foo%20bar/blah") .should be == "foo%20bar".size } example { pattern.peek_size("/foo bar") .should be_nil } end describe :peek_match do example { pattern.peek_match("foo%20bar/blah") .to_s .should be == "foo%20bar" } example { pattern.peek_match("/foo bar") .should be_nil } end describe :peek_params do example { pattern.peek_params("foo%20bar/blah") .should be == [{"name" => "foo "}, "foo%20bar".size] } example { pattern.peek_params("/foo bar") .should be_nil } end end end