class SectionsGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
def create_sections_folder
empty_directory "app/sections"
inject_into_file 'config/application.rb',
" config.assets.paths << 'app/sections'\n",
:after => /config.assets.enabled\s*=.*\n/
say ''
say ' I have made some modifications to '
say 'config/application.rb', Thor::Shell::Color::BOLD
say ' Please review them before submitting these changes to your code repository.'
say ''
def create_sample_section
# Ask the user.
return unless ['', 'y', 'yes'].include? ask('Do you want to create a sample section? [Yn]').downcase
# Create the sample section directory.
empty_directory "app/sections/hello_world"
# Create the partial.
create_file "app/sections/hello_world/_hello_world.html.erb", <<-END_STR
Hello World!
This is content inside the hello world section!
# Create the CSS file.
create_file "app/sections/hello_world/hello_world.css", <<-END_STR
* This file contains the CSS for the 'hello world' section.
* Please note that all CSS in here should be relative to the container of the section,
* in this case the ".hello" class.
.hello_world { width: 300px; padding: 0 2ex 2ex; border: 2px dotted red; background-color: yellow; }
.hello_world .h2 { font-size: 1em; margin: 0 0 1ex; padding: 0; }
# Create the JS file.
create_file "app/sections/hello_world/hello_world.js", <<-END_STR
* This file contains the JavaScript for the 'hello world' section.
* Anything in here should be restrained to within the container of the section,
* i.e. the with the class 'hello_world'.
$('.hello_world').click(function() {
alert('The Hello World section says hello to the world! :)');
say ''
say ' A sample section has been created in '
say 'app/sections/sample_section', Thor::Shell::Color::BOLD
say ' To use it, simply put '
say '<%= section :sample %>', Thor::Shell::Color::BOLD
say ' in your view file.'
say ''
say ' Happy coding! :)'
say ''