class AssetType # The Asset Type encapsulates a type of attachment. # Conventionally this would a sensible category like 'image' or 'video' # that should be processed and presented in a particular way. # An AssetType currently provides: # * processor definitions for paperclip # * styles definitions for paperclip # * mime type list for file recognition # * selectors and scopes for retrieving this (or not this) category of asset # * radius tags for those subsets of assets (temporarily removed pending discussion of interface) @@types = [] @@type_lookup = {} @@extension_lookup = {} @@mime_lookup = {} @@default_type = nil attr_reader :name, :processors, :styles, :icon_name, :catchall, :default_radius_tag def initialize(name, options = {}) options = options.symbolize_keys @name = name @icon_name = options[:icon] || name @processors = options[:processors] || [] @styles = options[:styles] || {} @default_radius_tag = options[:default_radius_tag] || 'link' @extensions = options[:extensions] || [] @extensions.each { |ext| @@extension_lookup[ext] ||= self } @mimes = options[:mime_types] || [] @mimes.each { |mimetype| @@mime_lookup[mimetype] ||= self } this = self Asset.send :define_method, "#{name}?".intern do this.mime_types.include?(asset_content_type) end Asset.send :define_class_method, "#{name}_condition".intern do this.condition; end Asset.send :define_class_method, "not_#{name}_condition".intern do this.non_condition; end Asset.send :named_scope, plural.to_sym, :conditions => condition Asset.send :named_scope, "not_#{plural}".to_sym, :conditions => non_condition # Page.define_radius_tags_for_asset_type self #TODO discuss interface @@types.push self @@type_lookup[@name] = self end def plural name.to_s.pluralize end def icon(style_name='icon') if File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/admin/assets/#{icon_name}_#{style_name.to_s}.png") return "/images/admin/assets/#{icon_name}_#{style_name.to_s}.png" else return "/images/admin/assets/#{icon_name}_icon.png" end end def icon_path(style_name='icon') "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public#{icon(style_name)}" end def condition if @mimes.any? ["asset_content_type IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *@mimes] else self.class.other_condition end end def sanitized_condition ActiveRecord::Base.send :sanitize_sql_array, condition end def non_condition if @mimes.any? ["NOT asset_content_type IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *@mimes] else self.class.non_other_condition end end def sanitized_non_condition ActiveRecord::Base.send :sanitize_sql_array, non_condition end def mime_types @mimes end def paperclip_processors Radiant.config["assets.create_#{name}_thumbnails?"] ? processors : [] end def paperclip_styles if paperclip_processors.any? #TODO: define permitted options for each asset type and pass through that subset of the style-definition hash @paperclip_styles ||= styles.reverse_merge(configured_styles.inject({}) {|h, (k, v)| h[k] = v[:format].blank? ? v[:size] : [v[:size], v[:format].to_sym]; h}) else {} end end def configured_styles styles = {} if style_definitions = Radiant.config["assets.thumbnails.#{name}"] style_definitions.to_s.gsub(' ','').split('|').each do |definition| name, rule = definition.split(':') styles[name.to_sym] = rule.split(',').collect{|option| option.split('=')}.inject({}) {|h, (k, v)| h[k.to_sym] = v; h} end end styles end def legacy_styles Radiant::config["assets.additional_thumbnails"].to_s.gsub(' ','').split(',').collect{|s| s.split('=')}.inject({}) {|ha, (k, v)| ha[k.to_sym] = v; ha} end def style_dimensions(style_name) if style = paperclip_styles[style_name.to_sym] style.is_a?(Array) ? style.first : style end end # class methods def self.for(attachment) extension = File.extname(attachment.original_filename).sub(/^\.+/, "") from_extension(extension) || from_mimetype(attachment.instance_read(:content_type)) || catchall end def self.from_extension(extension) @@extension_lookup[extension] end def self.from_mimetype(mimetype) @@mime_lookup[mimetype] end def self.catchall @@default_type ||= self.find(:other) end def self.known?(name) !self.find(name).nil? end def self.slice(*types) @@type_lookup.slice(* if types # Hash#slice is provided by will_paginate end def self.find(type) @@type_lookup[type] if type end def self.[](type) find(type) end def self.all @@types end def self.known_types # to preserve order end def self.known_mimetypes @@mime_lookup.keys end def self.mime_types_for(*names) names.collect{ |name| find(name).mime_types }.flatten end def self.conditions_for(*names) names.collect{ |name| self.find(name).sanitized_condition }.join(' OR ') end def self.non_other_condition ["asset_content_type IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *known_mimetypes] end def self.other_condition ["NOT asset_content_type IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *known_mimetypes] end end