require 'pah' Pah.configure do |config| config.app_name = @app_name end runner =[], self.options) runner.apply_n :config runner.apply_n :git, "Initializing new Git repo\n" runner.apply_n :ruby_env, "Setting up ruby env\n" runner.apply_n :cleanup, "Removing unnecessary files\n" runner.apply_n :gems, "Setting up bundler and installing bundled gems (may take a while)" runner.apply_n :database, "Initializing databases\n" runner.apply_n :rspec, "Setting up RSpec\n" runner.apply_n :layout, "Adding layout files\n" runner.apply_n :bourbon, "Setting up Bourbon files\n" runner.apply_n :public, "Adding public files\n" runner.apply_n :inflection, "Adding API acronym to inflection file\n" runner.apply_n :secure_headers, "Adding secure headers\n" runner.apply_n :secret_token, "Replacing secret token with environment variable\n" runner.apply_n :capybara, "Adding capybara helpers\n" runner.apply_n :generators, "Adding generators\n" runner.apply_n :simple_form, "Configuring simple_form\n" runner.apply_n :letter_opener, "Adding letter_opener\n" runner.apply_n :mandrill, "Adding mandrill\n" runner.apply_n :bullet, "Setting up bullet\n" runner.apply_n :locale, "Adding locale\n" runner.apply_n :canonical_host, "Configuring canonical hosts\n" runner.apply_n :puma, "Configuring Puma\n" runner.apply_n :rack_timeout, "Setting up Rack::Timeout\n" runner.apply_n :rack_deflater, "Setting up Rack::Deflater\n" runner.apply_n :jumpup, "Setting up Jumpup\n" runner.apply_n :newrelic, "Setting up New Relic\n" runner.apply_n :readme, "Adding default README\n" runner.apply_n :rollbar, "Setting up Rollbar\n" runner.apply_n :heroku, "Configuring Heroku application\n" runner.apply_n :bin, "Configuring the binstub\n" puts "Installation finished!".green.bold