// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`TaskInfo rendering render with Props 1`] = `
Name : Monitor Event Queue Start at : Result : error Started at : Triggered by : admin Ended at : N/A Execution type : Immediate Start before : -
State : paused
0.5% Complete


A paused task represents a process that has not finished properly. Any task in paused state can lead to potential inconsistency and needs to be resolved.
The recommended approach is to investigate the error messages below and in 'errors' tab, address the primary cause of the issue and resume the task.

`; exports[`TaskInfo rendering render without Props 1`] = `
Name : N/A Start at : N/A Result : error Started at : N/A Triggered by : Ended at : N/A Execution type : Delayed Start before : -
State :
0% Complete
