# Vault::Tools Tools is the English word for ツール. Tooling for the Heroku Vault team to enable faster bootstrapping for Ruby projects. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/vault-tools.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/vault-tools) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'vault-tools' ## Usage ### `Vault.setup` calling `Vault.setup` will: - call `Bundler.require` with the corresponding `RACK_ENV` - add `./lib` to the `$LOAD_PATH` - set `TZ` to utc as well as `Sequel`'s default timezone - overwrite `Time.to_s` to default to ISO8601 - replace Ruby's default, deprecated `Config` with `Vault::Config` - if the `CONFIG_APP` environment variable is defined and this is the production environment, it will attempt to use the Heroku API to load the config vars from another app into `Vault::Config` - enable distributed tracing via Zipkin, if the [required config vars](#configs-for-tracing) are set ### `Vault::Config` Provides a better way to configure the application than simply pulling strings from `ENV`. #### defaults ```ruby Config[:foo] # => nil Config.default(:foo, 'bar') Config[:foo] # => 'bar' Config['FOO'] # => 'bar' ``` #### type casts Returns `nil` when undefined, otherwise casts to indicated type. ```ruby Config.int(:max_connections) ``` ### `Vault::Log` ```ruby Log.time(name, t) # => "measure=true at=web-40" Log.count('foo') # => "measure=true at=foo" ``` ### `Vault::Web` Sinatra base class Includes request logging and health endpoints ```ruby class Web < Vault::Web helpers Vault::SinatraHelpers::HtmlSerializer end ``` ## Setting up a development environment Install the dependencies: bundle install --binstubs vendor/bin rbenv rehash Run the tests: vendor/bin/t Generate the API documentation: vendor/bin/d ## Configs for tracing The following are config vars to be set in the consumer app for tracing with Zipkin: * `APP_NAME` (required) what the trace will show up as in the Zipkin interface. * `ZIPKIN_ENABLED` (required) must be set to `true` to start tracing. * `ZIPKIN_API_HOST` (required) where to post traces to. URL must contain the basic auth creds from the Tools team. * `ZIPKIN_SAMPLE_RATE` defaults to `0.1`. ## Releasing > bundle exec rake release