module Jets::Generators::Overrides::App module Helpers private def set_initial_variables @project_folder = app_path @project_name = app_path == '.' ? File.basename(Dir.pwd) : app_path @app_namespace = @project_name.gsub('-','_').gsub(/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/, '').camelize @database_name = @project_name.gsub('-','_') # options is a frozen hash by Thor so cannot modify it. # Also had trouble unfreezing it with .dup. So using instance variables instead case options[:mode] when 'html' @bootstrap = options[:bootstrap] @database = options[:database] @javascript = options[:javascript] # importmap or webpacker when 'api' @bootstrap = false @database = options[:database] @javascript = 'none' when 'job' @bootstrap = false @database = false @javascript = 'none' else puts "Invalid mode provided: #{@options[:mode].color(:red)}. Please pass in an valid mode: #{VALID_MODES.join(',').color(:green)}." exit 1 end end def jets_minor_version md = Jets::VERSION.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+/) major, minor = md[1], md[2] [major, minor, '0'].join('.') end def clone_project unless git_installed? abort "Unable to detect git installation on your system. Git needs to be installed in order to use the --repo option." end if File.exist?(project_folder) abort "The folder #{project_folder} already exists." else run "git clone{options[:repo]} #{project_folder}" end confirm_jets_project end def confirm_jets_project jets_project = File.exist?("#{project_folder}/config/application.rb") unless jets_project puts "#{options[:repo]} does not look like a Jets project. Double check your repo!".color(:red) exit 1 end end def copy_project directory ".", ".", copy_options end def copy_options excludes = excludes() default_excludes = %w[ bin ] excludes += default_excludes excludes.uniq! unless @database excludes += %w[ database.yml db models/application_record ] end if excludes.empty? {} else pattern ='|')) {exclude_pattern: pattern } end end def excludes case @options[:mode] when 'job' # For job mode: list of words to include in the exclude pattern and will not be generated. %w[ app/views assets config/database.yml config/dynamodb.yml config/initializers controllers db/ helpers javascript models/application_ Procfile public routes spec yarn ] when 'api' %w[ app/assets app/views ] else # html [] end end def git_first_commit return unless git_installed? && git_credentials_set? run("git add .") run("git commit -m 'first commit'") end def git_installed? system("type git > /dev/null 2>&1") end # In order to automatically create first commit # the user needs to have their credentials set def git_credentials_set? configs = `git config --list`.split("\n") configs.any? { |c| c.start_with? '' } && configs.any? { |c| c.start_with? '' } end def yarn_installed? system("type yarn > /dev/null 2>&1") end end end