module Zena module Use module Forms module ViewMethods # Create a new instance of the given class name def new_instance(class_name, params = {}) return nil unless klass = Node.get_class(class_name, :create => true) klass.new_instance(Node.transform_attributes(params)) end def make_checkbox(node, opts) if relation_name = opts[:role] values, attribute = opts[:list], opts[:attr] relation_proxy = node.relation_proxy(relation_name) return nil unless values && relation_proxy res = [] role = relation_proxy.other_role if relation_proxy.unique? current_value = relation_proxy.other_id values.each do |value| res << (" " : '/> ') + "#{value.prop[attribute]}") end res << " #{_('none')}" else current_values = relation_proxy.other_ids res << "" values.each do |value| res << ("

" : '/> ') + "#{value.prop[attribute]}

") end end res.join('') else # literal values list, name, selected = opts[:list], opts[:name], opts[:selected] show = opts[:show] || list if selected.kind_of?(Array) selected = name = "node[#{name}][]" else selected = [selected.to_s] name = "node[#{name}]" end res = [] if default = opts[:default] default = fquote default.to_s else default = '' end res << "" type = opts[:type] || 'checkbox' list.each_with_index do |value, i| res << (" " : '/> ') + "#{show[i]}") end res.join('') end end # Find a params value from an input name (q[foo] ==> safe params[q][foo]) def param_value(name) # q[][xxx] list = name.gsub(']','').split('[') # q xxx base = params while true key = list.shift if base.kind_of?(Hash) base = base[key] else return nil end break if list.empty? end base end def profile_users secure(User) {User.find_all_by_is_profile(true) } || [] end end # ViewMethods module ZafuMethods # Enter the context of a newly created object def r_new return parser_error("missing 'klass' parameter") unless class_name = @params[:klass] return parser_error("invalid 'klass' parameter") unless klass = get_class(class_name) return parser_error("invalid 'klass' parameter (not a Node)") unless klass <= Node res = [] keys = {:klass => 'this.klass', :parent_id => "#{node(Node)}.zip"} @params.each do |key, value| next if key == :klass # TODO: maybe it would be safer to check with [:"key="] and change safe_property to # authorize both ? next unless type = klass.safe_method_type([key.to_s]) # Store how to access current value to show hidden field in form. keys[key] = "this.#{type[:method]}" code = RubyLess.translate(self, value) if code.klass == type[:class] res << ":#{key} => #{code}" else out parser_error("invalid type for '#{key}' (found #{code.klass}, expected #{type[:class]})") end end if res == [] method = "new_instance(#{class_name.inspect})" else method = "new_instance(#{class_name.inspect}, #{res.join(', ')})" end expand_with_finder( :method => method, :class => klass, :nil => true, :new_keys => keys ) end def r_errors # Very basic for the moment "<%= error_messages_for(#{node.form_name}, :object => #{node}) %>" end def make_input(form_helper, name, type, textarea = false) if type == Time code = RubyLess.translate(self, "this.#{name}") "<%= date_box(#{node}, 'node[#{name}]', :value => #{code}) %>" elsif textarea "<%= #{form_helper}.text_area :#{name}, :id => '#{node.dom_prefix}_#{name}' %>" else "<%= #{form_helper}.text_field :#{name}, :id => '#{node.dom_prefix}_#{name}' %>" end end def make_form if !@context[:make_form] || node.list_context? || @context[:form_helper].blank? return super else form_helper = @context[:form_helper] end if %W{link show}.include?(method) || method == 'zazen' || (name = method[/zazen\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)/,1]) name ||= @params[:attr] || @params[:date] || 'title' textarea = method =~ /zazen/ elsif type = node.klass.safe_method_type([method]) name = method end if name type ||= node.klass.safe_method_type([name]) # do we have a property ? if type && (node.real_class.column_names.include?(name) || node.klass.column_names.include?(name)) # create an input field out make_input(form_helper, name, type[:class], textarea) else # ignore out '' end else super end end def form_options opts = super dom_name = node.dom_prefix opts[:form_helper] = 'f' if upd = @params[:update] if target = find_target(upd) @context[:template_url] = target.template_url end end if template_url = @context[:template_url] # Ajax if edit_or_cancel = descendant('cancel') || descendant('edit') if cancel_text = edit_or_cancel.params[:cancel] || (edit_or_cancel.method == 'cancel' && edit_or_cancel.params[:text]) elsif cancel_text = edit_or_cancel.params[:tcancel] || (edit_or_cancel.method == 'cancel' && edit_or_cancel.params[:t]) cancel_text = RubyLess.translate(self, "t(%Q{#{cancel_text}})") if cancel_text.literal cancel_text = cancel_text.literal else cancel_text_ruby = cancel_text cancel_text = "<%= #{cancel_text} %>" end end cancel_pre = '' cancel_post = '' else cancel_pre = "

" cancel_post = "

" end cancel_text ||= _('btn_x') cancel_text_ruby ||= cancel_text.inspect if @context[:in_add] # Inline form used to create new elements: set values to '' and 'parent_id' from context opts[:id] = "#{node.dom_prefix}_0" opts[:form_tag] = "<% remote_form_for(:#{node.form_name}, #{node}, :url => #{node.form_name.pluralize}_path, :html => {:id => \"#{dom_name}_form_t\"}) do |f| %>" opts[:form_cancel] = "#{cancel_pre}#{cancel_text}#{cancel_post}\n" else # Saved form if @markup.tag == 'table' # the normal id goes to the form wrapping the table opts[:id] = "#{node.dom_prefix}_tbl" str_form_id = "\#{ndom_id(#{node})}" else opts[:id] = "<%= ndom_id(#{node}) %>" str_form_id = "\#{ndom_id(#{node})}_form_t" end form_id ||= "#{node.dom_prefix}_form_t" opts[:form_tag] = %Q{ <% remote_form_for(:#{node.form_name}, #{node}, :url => #{node}.new_record? ? #{node.form_name.pluralize}_path : #{node.form_name}_path(#{node}.zip), :html => {:method => #{node}.new_record? ? :post : :put, :id => \"#{str_form_id}\"}) do |f| %> } opts[:form_cancel] = %Q{ <% if #{node}.new_record? %> #{cancel_pre}#{cancel_text}#{cancel_post} <% else %> #{cancel_pre}<%= link_to_remote(#{cancel_text_ruby}, :url => #{node.form_name}_path(#{node}.zip) + \"/zafu?t_url=#{CGI.escape(template_url)}&dom_id=\#{params[:dom_id]}#{@context[:has_link_id] ? "&link_id=\#{#{node}.link_id}" : ''}\", :method => :get) %>#{cancel_post} <% end %> } end else # no ajax if descendants('errors') error_messages = '' else error_messages = r_errors + "\n" end html_id = "#{node.dom_prefix}_form_t".inspect if descendant('upload_field') uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s.gsub('-','') set_context_var('upload', 'uuid', uuid) upload_html = ", :multipart => true, :onsubmit => %Q{submitUploadForm(#{html_id}, '#{uuid}');}" upload_url = "'#{Zena::Use::Upload::UPLOAD_KEY}' => '#{uuid}'" end opts[:form_tag] = %Q{ <% form_for(:#{node.form_name}, #{node}, :url => #{node}.new_record? ? #{node.form_name.pluralize}_path(#{upload_url}) : #{node.form_name}_path(#{node}.zip#{upload_url ? ", #{upload_url}" : ""}), :html => {:method => #{node}.new_record? ? :post : :put, :id => #{html_id}#{upload_html}}) do |f| %> #{error_messages}} end opts end def form_hidden_fields(opts) dom_name = node.dom_prefix || dom_name hidden_fields = super add_params = @context[:add] ? @context[:add].params : {} set_fields = [] @markup.params[:class] ||= 'form' (descendants('input') + descendants('select')).each do |tag| set_fields << "#{node.form_name}[#{tag.params[:name]}]" end if (descendants('input') || []).detect {|elem| elem.params[:type] == 'submit'} # has submit else # Hidden submit for Firefox compatibility hidden_fields['submit'] = [""] end if template_url = @context[:template_url] # Ajax hidden_fields['link_id'] = "<%= #{node}.link_id %>" if @context[:has_link_id] && node.will_be?(Node) f = @method == 'form_tag' ? ancestor('form') : self if upd = f && f.params[:update] if target = find_target(upd) hidden_fields['u_url'] = target.template_url hidden_fields['udom_id'] = upd # target.node.dom_prefix ? (but target.node is not set yet...) # hidden_fields['u_id'] = "<%= #{@context[:parent_node]}.zip %>" if @context[:in_add] hidden_fields['s'] = "<%= start_node_zip %>" end # elsif (block = ancestor('block')) && node.will_be?(DataEntry) # # updates template url # hidden_fields['u_url'] = block.template_url # hidden_fields['udom_id'] = block.erb_dom_id end hidden_fields['t_url'] = template_url # This is a hack to fix wrong dom_prefix in drop+add. #erb_dom_id = @context[:saved_template] ? "<%= ndom_id(#{node}, false) %>" : (@context[:dom_prefix] || node.dom_prefix) if @context[:saved_template] hidden_fields['dom_id'] = erb_dom_id = "<%= ndom_id(#{node}, false) %>" else hidden_fields['dom_id'] = erb_dom_id = node.dom_prefix end if node.will_be?(Comment) # FIXME: the "... || '@node'" is a hack and I don't understand why it's needed... hidden_fields['node_id'] = "<%= #{node.get(Node) || '@node'}.zip %>" elsif node.will_be?(DataEntry) return parser_error("Missing :data_root in context (internal error)") unless data_root = @context[:data_root] hidden_fields["data_entry[#{data_root}_id]"] = "<%= #{@context[:in_add] ? node(Node) : "#{node}.#{data_root}"}.zip %>" end if add_block = @context[:add] params = add_block.params hidden_fields['zadd'] = 'true' [:after, :before, :top, :bottom].each do |sym| if value = params[sym] hidden_fields['position'] = sym.to_s if value == 'self' if sym == :before hidden_fields['reference'] = "#{erb_dom_id}_add" else hidden_fields['reference'] = "#{erb_dom_id}_0" end else hidden_fields['reference'] = value end break end end if params[:done] if params[:done] == 'focus' hidden_fields['done'] = "'$(\"#{erb_dom_id}_form_t\").focusFirstElement();'" else done = RubyLess.translate_string(self, params[:done]) end elsif params[:focus] hidden_fields['done'] = "'$(\"#{erb_dom_id}_#{params[:focus]}\").focus();'" end else # ajax form, not in 'add' done = RubyLess.translate_string(self, @params[:done]) end if done if done.literal done = done.literal else done = "<%= fquote #{done} %>" end hidden_fields['done'] = done end elsif upd = @params.delete(:preview) hidden_fields['t_url'] = template_url(upd) hidden_fields['dom_id'] = upd hidden_fields['s'] = "<%= start_node_zip %>" loading = @params[:loading] loading = 'Zena.loading' if loading == 'true' out "<% filter_form(#{node}, \"#{dom_name}_form_t\", #{loading.inspect}, '#{upd}') %>" else # no ajax cancel = "" # link to normal node ? end if node.will_be?(Node) && (@params[:klass] || @context[:klass]) hidden_fields['node[klass]'] = @params[:klass] || @context[:klass].name end if node.will_be?(Node) && @params[:mode] hidden_fields['mode'] = @params[:mode] end hidden_fields['node[v_status]'] = Zena::Status::Pub.to_s if add_params[:publish] || auto_publish_param || @context[:publish_after_save] # All default values set in the field should at least appear as hidden fields if new_keys = node.opts[:new_keys] input_keys = ( (descendants('input') || []).map {|e| e.params[:name]} + do |e| if e =~ /.*\[(.*)\]/ $1.to_sym else nil end end ).compact.uniq new_keys.each do |key, value| # Security: make sure value does not come from user input ! # TINT ! next if input_keys.include?(key) || value.nil? hidden_fields["node[#{key}]"] = "<%= #{value.sub(/^this\./, "#{node}.")} %>" end end # Read @params add_params.merge(@params).each do |key, value| # r_add params next if [:after, :before, :top, :bottom, :focus, :publish, # r_form params :klass, :done, :on, :update, # r_each params (make_form) :join, :alt_class].include?(key) code = ::RubyLess.translate(self, value) if code.literal.kind_of?(String) || code.literal.kind_of?(Number) hidden_fields[key.to_s] = "#{code.literal}" else hidden_fields[key.to_s] = "<%= #{code} %>" end end hidden_fields.reject! do |k,v| # There is an explicit field for this key, remove hidden value set_fields.include?(k) end hidden_fields end def r_upload_field "<%= upload_field(:uuid => #{get_context_var('upload', 'uuid').inspect}, :dom => #{node.dom_prefix.inspect}) %>" end def r_textarea html_attributes, attribute = get_input_params() erb_attr = html_attributes.delete(:erb_attr) value = html_attributes.delete(:value) return parser_error('Missing name.') unless attribute || html_attributes[:name] @markup.tag = 'textarea' @markup.set_dyn_params(html_attributes) if @blocks == [] || @blocks == [''] if @context[:in_add] value = '' end else value = expand_with end res = @markup.wrap(value) extract_label(res, attribute || erb_attr) end # # # # TODO: optimization (avoid loading full AR to only use [id, name]) def r_select html_attributes, attribute = get_input_params() erb_attr = html_attributes.delete(:erb_attr) # TEMPORARY HACK UNTIL WE FIX get_input_params to return a single hash with # {:html => { prepared html attributes }, :raw => {:value => '..', :name => '..', :param => '..'}} if param = @params[:param] selected = "param_value(#{param.inspect}).to_s" attribute = param else return parser_error("missing name") unless attribute # {:value=>"<%= fquote((@node.prop['settings'] ? @node.prop['settings'][\"foo\"] : nil)) %>", :name=>"node[settings][foo]"} # "settings_foo" if selected = @params[:value] || @params[:selected] selected = ::RubyLess.translate(self, selected) unless selected.klass <= String selected = "#{selected}.to_s" end elsif @context[:in_filter] selected = "param_value(#{attribute.inspect}).to_s" elsif %w{parent_id}.include?(attribute) selected = "#{node}.parent_zip.to_s" elsif attribute == 'copy_id' selected = 'nil' elsif attribute =~ /^(.*)_id$/ # relation selected = "#{node}.rel[#{$1.inspect}].other_zip.to_s" elsif selected = html_attributes[:value] if selected =~ /\A<%= .*?\((.+)\)\s*%>/ # remove <%= %> selected = "#{$1}.to_s" else selected = selected.inspect end else # FIXME: This would not work for a [asdf][asdf] hash property type... selected = ::RubyLess.translate(self, "this.#{attribute}") end end if @context[:in_filter] || @params[:param] html_attributes[:name] = attribute end html_attributes.delete(:value) select_tag ='select', html_attributes) res = if klass = @params[:root_class] class_opts = '' class_opts << ", :without => #{@params[:without].inspect}" if @params[:without] tprefix = @params[:tprefix] || @params[:name] || @params[:param] # do not use 'selected' if the node is not new options_list = Node.classes_for_form(:class => klass, :without => @params[:without], :class_attr => @params[:attr] || 'name') if !tprefix.blank? && tprefix != 'false'! do |e| if e[0] =~ /^([^a-zA-Z]*)(.*)$/ name = "#{tprefix}_#{$2}" t = trans(name) t = $2 if t == name [$1 + t, e[1]] else e end end end select_tag.wrap "<%= options_for_select(#{options_list.inspect}, #{selected}) %>" elsif @params[:type] == 'time_zone' # select_tag.wrap "<%= options_for_select(TZInfo::Timezone.all_identifiers, #{selected}) %>" elsif @params[:type] == 'profile' # select_tag.wrap "<%= options_for_select({|u| u.login}.sort, #{selected}) %>" elsif options_list = get_options_for_select select_tag.wrap "<%= options_for_select(#{options_list}, #{selected}) %>" else parser_error("missing 'nodes', 'root_class' or 'values'") end extract_label(res, attribute || erb_attr) end def r_input(skip_col = false) html_attributes, attribute = get_input_params() erb_attr = html_attributes.delete(:erb_attr) # TODO: get attribute type from get_input_params if !skip_col && node.will_be?(Column) && !@params[:type] # hack to change @params out "<% if #{node}.ptype == :string -%>" out r_textarea out "<% elsif #{node}.ptype == :datetime -%>" res = "<%= date_box(#{node(Node)}, %Q{node[\#{#{node}.name}]}, :value => #{node(Node)}.prop[#{node}.name]) %>" out extract_label(res, erb_attr) out "<% else -%>" out r_input(true) out "<% end -%>" return end res = case @params[:type] when 'select' # FIXME: why is this only for classes ? out parser_error("please use [select] here") r_select when 'date_box', 'date' return parser_error("date_box without name") unless attribute if code = @params[:value] code = ::RubyLess.translate(self, code) elsif code = html_attributes[:value] if code =~ /\A<%= .*?\((.+)\)\s*%>/ # remove <%= %> code = $1 else code = code.inspect end else code = ::RubyLess.translate(self, "this.#{attribute}") end value = code # @context[:in_add] ? "''" : code html_params = [':size => 15'] [:style, :class, :onclick, :size, :time, :id, :onUpdate].each do |key| html_params << ":#{key} => #{@params[key].inspect}" if @params[key] end if !@params[:id] and node.dom_prefix html_params << ":id=>\"#{node.dom_id(:erb => false)}_#{attribute}\"" end "<%= date_box(#{node}, #{html_attributes[:name].inspect}, :value => #{value}, #{html_params.join(', ')}) %>" when 'id' return parser_error("select id without name") unless attribute name = "#{attribute}_id" unless attribute[-3..-1] == '_id' input_id = @context[:erb_dom_id] ? ", :input_id =>\"#{erb_dom_id}_#{attribute}\"" : '' # FIXME: pass object "<%= select_id('#{node.form_name}', #{attribute.inspect}#{input_id}) %>" when 'time_zone' out parser_error("please use [select] here") r_select when 'submit' @markup.tag = 'input' @markup.set_param(:type, @params[:type]) @markup.set_param(:text, @params[:text]) if @params[:text] @markup.set_params(html_attributes) @markup.done = false wrap('') else # 'text', 'hidden', 'checkbox', ... return parser_error('Missing name.') unless attribute || html_attributes[:name] if @markup.tag != 'input' # Do not rewrite tag, use another one. markup ='input') else markup = @markup end markup.tag = 'input' markup.set_param(:type, @params[:type] || 'text') checked = html_attributes.delete(:checked) markup.set_dyn_params(html_attributes) markup.append_attribute checked if checked markup.done = false if markup == @markup wrap('') else markup.wrap('') end end if @params[:type] == 'checkbox' out "" end extract_label(res, attribute || erb_attr) end # " def r_checkbox nodes = @params[:nodes] values = @params[:values] return parser_error("missing 'nodes' or 'values'") unless nodes || values if values return parser_error("missing attribute 'name'") unless name = @params[:name] # parse literal values opts = [":name => #{name.inspect}", ":list => #{values.split(',').map(&:strip).inspect}"] if show_values = @params[:show] opts << ":show => #{show_values.split(',').map(&:strip).inspect}" elsif show_values = @params[:tshow] opts << ":show => #{translate_list(show_values).inspect}" else opts << ":show => #{translate_list(values, @params[:tprefix] || name).inspect}" end meth = RubyLess.translate(self, "this.#{name}") opts << ":selected => #{meth}" if default = @params[:default] opts << ":default => #{default.inspect}" end if type = @params[:type] opts << ":type => #{type.inspect}" end attribute = name res = "<%= make_checkbox(#{node}, #{opts.join(', ')}) %>" else if name = @params[:name] if name =~ /(.*)_ids?\Z/ role = $1 else role = name end else role = @params[:role] end return parser_error("missing 'role'") unless role # nodes meth = role.singularize if nodes =~ /^\d+\s*($|,)/ values = nodes.split(',').map{|v| v.to_i} finder = "secure(Node) { Node.all(:conditions => 'zip IN (#{values.join(',')})') }" else return unless finder = build_finder(:all, nodes, @params) return parser_error("invalid class (#{finder[:class]})") unless finder[:class].first <= Node finder = finder[:method] end attribute = @params[:attr] || 'title' res = "<%= make_checkbox(#{node}, :list => #{finder}, :role => #{meth.inspect}, :attr => #{attribute.inspect}) %>" end extract_label(res, attribute) end def r_radio @params[:type] = 'radio' r_checkbox end # Parse params to extract everything that is relevant to building input fields. # TODO: refactor and pass the @markup so that attributes are added directly # TODO: get attribute type in get_input_params (safe_method_type) def get_input_params(params = @params) res = if name = (params[:param] || params[:name] || params[:date]) res[:name] = name if params[:param] if name =~ /^[a-z_]+$/ sub_attr_ruby = "params[:#{name}]" else sub_attr_ruby = "param_value(#{name.inspect})" end else # build name if res[:name] =~ /\A([\w_]+)\[(.*?)\]/ # Sub attributes are used with tags or might be used for other features. It # enables things like 'tagged[foo]' attribute, sub_attr = $1, $2 else attribute = res[:name] end if sub_attr res[:name] = "#{node.form_name}[#{attribute}][#{sub_attr}]" else res[:name] = "#{node.form_name}[#{attribute}]" end end if value = params[:value] # On refactor, use append_markup_attr(markup, key, value) value = RubyLess.translate_string(self, value) if value.literal res[:value] = form_quote(value.literal.to_s) else res[:value] = "<%= fquote(#{value}) %>" end elsif params[:param] res[:value] = "<%= fquote(#{sub_attr_ruby}) %>" end if sub_attr type = node.klass.safe_method_type([attribute], node) if sub_attr_ruby = RubyLess.translate(self, %Q{this.#{attribute}[#{sub_attr.inspect}]}) res[:value] ||= "<%= fquote(#{sub_attr_ruby}) %>" end elsif attribute && type = node.klass.safe_method_type([attribute], node) res[:value] ||= "<%= fquote(#{node}.#{type[:method]}) %>" end if sub_attr && params[:type] == 'checkbox' && !params[:value] # Special case when we have a sub_attribute: default value for "tagged[foobar]" is "foobar" res[:value] = sub_attr end elsif node.will_be?(Column) res[:erb_attr] = "<%= #{node}.name %>" res[:name] = "node[<%= #{node}.name %>]" res[:value] = "<%= fquote #{node(Node)}.prop[#{node}.name] %>" end if params[:id] res[:id] = params[:id] elsif base = @context[:form_prefix] res[:id] = "#{base}_#{attribute}" end if params[:type] == 'checkbox' && sub_attr_ruby if value = params[:value] res[:checked] = "<%= #{sub_attr_ruby} == #{value.inspect} ? \" checked='checked'\" : '' %>" else res[:checked] = "<%= #{sub_attr_ruby}.blank? ? '' : \" checked='checked'\" %>" end end params.each do |k, v| if [:size, :style, :class].include?(k) || k.to_s =~ /^data-/ res[k] = params[k] end end if sub_attr return [res, "#{attribute}_#{sub_attr}"] else return [res, attribute] end end # TODO: add parent_id into the form ! # TODO: add
if method == put # FIXME: use or =begin form << "<%= error_messages_for(#{node}) %>" @blocks = blocks_bak if blocks_bak @html_tag_done = false @html_tag_params.merge!(id_hash) out render_html_tag(res) =end def r_crop return parser_error("Invalid node type #{node.klass} (should be an Image).") unless node.will_be?(Image) @markup.tag ||= 'div' node.dom_prefix = dom_name @markup.set_id(node.dom_id(:list => false)) dom = node.dom_id(:erb => false, :list => false) out %Q{<%= render :partial => 'documents/crop', :locals => {:node => #{node(Node)}, :img_id => "img#{dom}"} %>} out %Q{<% js_data << %Q{new Zena.Div_editor("img#{dom}", 'posx', 'posy', 'width', 'height', \#{#{node}.width / #{node}.width(Iformat['edit']).to_f}, Element.viewportOffset('#{dom}').left, Element.viewportOffset('#{dom}').top);} %>} end protected # Get current attribute in forms def node_attribute(attribute) node_attribute = ::RubyLess.translate(node.klass, attribute) "#{node}.#{node_attribute}" rescue ::RubyLess::NoMethodError if node.will_be?(Node) "#{node}.prop[#{attribute.inspect}]" else 'nil' end end # Set auto publish parameter value def auto_publish_param(in_string = false) if in_string %w{true force}.include?(@params[:publish]) ? "&publish=#{@params[:publish]}" : '' else @params[:publish] end end # Return options for [select] tag. def get_options_for_select if nodes = @params[:nodes] # TODO: dry with r_checkbox klass = Node if nodes =~ /^\d+\s*($|,)/ # ids # TODO: optimization generate the full query instead of using secure. nodes = nodes.split(',').map{|v| v.to_i} nodes = "(secure(Node) { Node.find(:all, :conditions => 'zip IN (#{nodes.join(',')})') })" else # relation begin finder = build_finder(:all, nodes, @params) klass = finder[:class].first rescue ::QueryBuilder::Error => err out parser_error(err.message) return nil end return parser_error("invalid class (#{klass})") unless klass <= Node nodes = finder[:method] end set_attr, show_attr = nil with_context(:node => node.move_to('r', klass)) do set_attr = ::RubyLess.translate(self, @params[:attr] || 'id') show_attr = ::RubyLess.translate(self, @params[:show] || 'title') end if @params[:blank] != 'false' options_list = "[['', '']] + " else options_list = "" end options_list = "#{options_list}(#{nodes} || []).map{|r| [#{show_attr}, #{set_attr}.to_s]}" elsif values = @params[:values] options_list = values.split(',').map(&:strip) if show = @params[:show] show_values = show.split(',').map(&:strip) elsif show = @params[:tshow] show_values = translate_list(show) else tprefix = @params[:tprefix] || @params[:name] || @params[:param] tprefix = tprefix.gsub('[','_').gsub(']','') if tprefix == 'false' tprefix = '' else tprefix = "#{tprefix}_" end show_values = do |v| t = trans("#{tprefix}#{v}") if t == tprefix '' else t end end end if show_values options_list.each_index do |i| options_list[i] = [show_values[i], options_list[i]] end end options_list.inspect elsif code = @params[:eval] ruby = ::RubyLess.translate(self, code) if ruby.klass.kind_of?(Array) if ruby.klass.first <= String ruby else return parser_error("cannot extract values from eval (not a String list: [#{ruby.klass.first}])") end elsif ruby.klass <= String if ruby.could_be_nil? ruby = "(#{ruby} || '')" else ruby = "(#{ruby})" end dict = get_context_var('set_var', 'dictionary') if dict && dict.klass <= ::Zena::Use::I18n::TranslationDict trans = "#{dict}.get" else trans = "trans" end ruby = "#{ruby}.split(',').map(&:strip).map {|e| [#{trans}(e), e]}" else return parser_error("invalid eval: should return an Array or String (found #{ruby.klass})") end end end # Return the default field that will receive focus on form display. def default_focus_field if (input_fields = descendants('input')) != [] input_fields.first.params[:name] elsif (show_fields = descendants('show')) != [] show_fields.first.params[:attr] elsif node.will_be?(Node) 'title' else 'text' end end end # ZafuMethods end # Forms end # Use end # Zena