name: Attachment link (experimental) description: A link to a file with metadata of the file contents body: | This component is marked as experimental as it is part of a drive to provide a consistent place for attachment presentation logic (currently this logic is within [Govspeak][] and [Whitehall][]). The API for this component may change during this process. It provides a means to show a link to an attachment with some relevant file data. It is expected to be embedded inside an element that provides text styles (such as `.govuk-body`) so does not provide its own text styling. [Govspeak]: [Whitehall]: shared_accessibility_criteria: - link examples: default: data: attachment: title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note" url: filename: temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 1 embedded_in_govuk_body: embed: |
<%= component %>
data: attachment: title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note" url: filename: temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 1 embedded_in_govspeak: description: | This component can be embedded in Govspeak with the `[AttachmentLink:]` code. embed: | <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/govspeak" do %>Some introductory information about <%= component %>.
<% end %> data: attachment: title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note" url: filename: temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 1 with_target_blank: data: attachment: title: "Temporary snow ploughs: guidance note" url: target: _blank