require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/constraint_helper' class SelectionSampleProblem < Gecode::Model attr :sets attr :set attr :target attr :index def initialize @sets = set_var_array(3, [], 0..20) @set = set_var([], 0...3) @target = set_var([], 0..20) @index = int_var(0...3) branch_on wrap_enum([@index]) branch_on @sets end end # Requires everything that composite behaviour spec requires in addition to # @stub and @expect_constrain_equal . describe 'selection constraint', :shared => true do before do @expect = lambda do |index, relation, target, reif_var, negated| @model.allow_space_access do if target.respond_to? :bind expected_target = [an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar)] relation_constraint = :rel else expected_target = expect_constant_set(target) relation_constraint = :dom end if reif_var.nil? if !negated and relation == Gecode::Raw::IRT_EQ and !target.kind_of? Enumerable Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:rel).exactly(0).times Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:dom).exactly(0).times else if relation_constraint == :dom # We can't seem to get any more specific than this with mocks. Gecode::Raw.should_receive(relation_constraint).at_most(:twice) else Gecode::Raw.should_receive(relation_constraint).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), relation, *expected_target) end end else if relation_constraint == :dom Gecode::Raw.should_receive(relation_constraint).at_least(:twice) else expected_target << an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::BoolVar) Gecode::Raw.should_receive(relation_constraint).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), relation, *expected_target) end end end end # For composite spec. @invoke_relation = lambda do |relation, target, negated| if negated @stub.must_not.send(relation, target) else @stub.must.send(relation, target) end @model.solve! end @expect_relation = lambda do |relation, target, negated|, relation, target, nil, negated) end # For options spec. @invoke_options = lambda do |hash| @stub.must_be.subset_of(@target, hash) @model.solve! end @expect_options = lambda do |strength, reif_var|, Gecode::Raw::SRT_SUB, @target, reif_var, false) end end it 'should not disturb normal array access' do @sets[0].should be_kind_of(Gecode::FreeSetVar) end it_should_behave_like 'reifiable set constraint' it_should_behave_like 'composite set constraint' end describe Gecode::Constraints::SetEnum::Selection, ' (select)' do include GecodeR::Specs::SetHelper before do @model = @sets = @model.sets @target = @set = @index = @model.index @model.branch_on @model.wrap_enum([@set]) @stub = @sets[@index] @expect_constrain_equal = lambda do Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:selectSet).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVarArray), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVar), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar)) end end it 'should constrain the specified element of an enum of sets' do @sets[@index].must_be.superset_of([5,7,9]) @model.solve! @sets[@index.value].value.should include(5,7,9) end it_should_behave_like 'selection constraint' end describe Gecode::Constraints::SetEnum::Selection, ' (union)' do include GecodeR::Specs::SetHelper before do @model = @sets = @model.sets @set = @model.set @target = @model.branch_on @model.wrap_enum([@target, @set]) @stub = @sets[@set].union @expect_constrain_equal = lambda do Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:selectUnion).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVarArray), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar)) end end it 'should constrain the selected union of an enum of sets' do @sets[@set].union.must_be.subset_of([5,7,9]) @sets[@set].union.must_be.superset_of([5]) @model.solve! union = @set.value.inject([]) do |union, i| union += @sets[i].value.to_a end.uniq union.should include(5) (union - [5,7,9]).should be_empty end it_should_behave_like 'selection constraint' end describe Gecode::Constraints::SetEnum::Selection, ' (intersection)' do include GecodeR::Specs::SetHelper before do @model = @sets = @model.sets @set = @model.set @target = @model.branch_on @model.wrap_enum([@target, @set]) @stub = @sets[@set].intersection @expect_constrain_equal = lambda do Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:selectInter).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVarArray), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar)) end end it 'should constrain the selected intersection of an enum of sets' do @sets[@set].intersection.must_be.subset_of([5,7,9]) @sets[@set].intersection.must_be.superset_of([5]) @model.solve! intersection = @set.value.inject(nil) do |intersection, i| elements = @sets[i].value.to_a next elements if intersection.nil? intersection &= elements end.uniq intersection.should include(5) (intersection - [5,7,9]).should be_empty end it_should_behave_like 'selection constraint' end describe Gecode::Constraints::SetEnum::Selection, ' (intersection with universe)' do include GecodeR::Specs::SetHelper before do @model = @sets = @model.sets @set = @model.set @target = @model.branch_on @model.wrap_enum([@target, @set]) @universe = [1,2] @stub = @sets[@set].intersection(:with => @universe) @expect_constrain_equal = lambda do Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:selectInterIn).once.with( an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVarArray), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::SetVar), an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntSet)) end end it 'should constrain the selected intersection of an enum of sets in a universe' do @sets[@set].intersection(:with => @universe).must_be.subset_of([2]) @model.solve! intersection = @set.value.inject(@universe) do |intersection, i| intersection &= @sets[i].value.to_a end.uniq intersection.should include(2) (intersection - [1,2]).should be_empty end it 'should allow the universe to be specified as a range' do @sets[@set].intersection(:with => 1..2).must_be.subset_of([2]) @model.solve! intersection = @set.value.inject(@universe) do |intersection, i| intersection &= @sets[i].value.to_a end.uniq intersection.should include(2) (intersection - [1,2]).should be_empty end it 'should raise error if unknown options are specified' do lambda do @sets[@set].intersection(:does_not_exist => nil).must_be.subset_of([2]) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should raise error if the universe is of the wrong type' do lambda do @sets[@set].intersection(:with => 'foo').must_be.subset_of([2]) end.should raise_error(TypeError) end it_should_behave_like 'selection constraint' end describe Gecode::Constraints::SetEnum::Selection, ' (disjoint)' do include GecodeR::Specs::SetHelper before do @model = @sets = @model.sets @set = @model.set @target = @model.branch_on @model.wrap_enum([@target, @set]) @expect = lambda do |index| Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:selectDisjoint) end # For options spec. @invoke_options = lambda do |hash| @sets[@set].must_be.disjoint(hash) @model.solve! end @expect_options = lambda do |strength, reif_var| end end it 'should constrain the selected sets to be disjoint' do @sets[0].must_be.superset_of([7,8]) @sets[1].must_be.superset_of([5,7,9]) @sets[2].must_be.superset_of([6,8,10]) @sets[@set].must_be.disjoint @set.size.must > 1 @model.solve!.should_not be_nil @set.value.to_a.sort.should == [1,2] end it 'should not allow negation' do lambda{ @sets[@set].must_not_be.disjoint }.should raise_error( Gecode::MissingConstraintError) end it_should_behave_like 'non-reifiable set constraint' end