module Usable class ModExtender attr_reader :name attr_accessor :copy, :mod, :options, :unwanted def initialize(mod, options = {}) @mod = mod @options = options @options[:method] ||= :include @copy = mod @name = @unwanted = find_unwanted_methods(options[:only]) if @unwanted.any? @copy = @copy.dup end end # @description Directly include a module whose methods you want made available in +usables.available_methods+ # Gives the module a name when including so that it shows up properly in the list of ancestors def call(target) unwanted.each(&method(:remove_from_module)) if const_name = "#{mod_name}Used" target.send :remove_const, const_name if target.const_defined? const_name, false target.const_set const_name, copy end target.usables.add_module copy if target.respond_to?(:usables) target.send options[:method], copy end def mod_name if name name.split('::').last else "UsableMod#{'%s')}" end end def find_unwanted_methods(only) return [] unless only if :constants == only @copy.instance_methods else @copy.instance_methods - Array(only) end end def remove_from_module(method_name) begin copy.send :remove_method, method_name rescue NameError => e # Expected sometimes, like it could be raised trying to remove a superclass method Usable.logger.debug("#{e.class}: #{e.message}") end # Block access to superclass method, and prevent it from being copied to the target copy.send :undef_method, method_name if copy.instance_methods.include?(method_name) end end end