best whiskeys gem cli for whiskeys starting with "Welcome to the whiskies of the year gem!" "what year would you like to see? (2007 - )" #if year not listed or available puts "sorry no whiskey winners listed for that year" list categories for that year with number index "please choose a category" list whiskey with attributes name, abv, category, style, country, producer, webiste?, description prompt after every entry if they'd like to see more or exit possible refactor notes for scraper: class BestWhiskey::Scraper attr_accessor :whiskey_urls BASE_URL = '' def initialize @whiskey_urls = [] end def get_years_pages base_doc = noko_open(BASE_URL+'2015/') base_doc.css("nav.results li a").text.scan(/20\d\d/).map do |year| BASE_URL+"#{year}" end end def get_whiskey_urls_main get_years_pages.each do |url| whiskey_urls << BASE_URL+noko_open(url).css('div.winner_main a').attribute('href').value end end def get_whiskey_urls_sub get_years_pages.each do |url| noko_open(url).css('div.winner_sub p.image a').each do |sub| whiskey_urls << BASE_URL+sub.attribute('href').value end end end def get_whiskey_urls get_whiskey_urls_main get_whiskey_urls_sub whiskey_urls.uniq end def make_whiskies get_whiskey_urls.each do |url| BestWhiskey::Whiskey.create_whiskey_from_url(w) w = scrape_whiskey_from_url(url) BestWhiskey::Whiskey.create_whiskey_from_scrp(w) end end def scrape_whiskey_from_url(url) @whiskey = {} @whiskey[:name] = scrape_name(url) assign_award(url) assign_winning_year(url) assign_description(url) noko_open(url).css("ul.details li").each do |details| d = details.text.split(" ") @whiskey[d.first.gsub(":","").downcase.to_sym] = d.drop(1).join(" ").downcase unless d.first == 'Website:' end @whiskey end def noko_open(url) File.exists?(url.split("/").last) # look for a local file for that url # if present, open it with nokogiri # otherwise actually open it from the internet and write it to disk (like in a db/) folder Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) end def assign_award(url) award = noko_open(url).css("span.award").map { |a| a.text.downcase unless a == nil} @whiskey[:award] = award end def assign_winning_year(url) year = noko_open(url).css("span.year").map { |y| y.text } @whiskey[:winning_year] = year end def assign_name(url) @whiskey[:name] = noko_open(url).css("section.details h1").text.downcase end def assign_description(url) x = noko_open(url).css("div.award-wrapper p").first.text.strip if x != "" @whiskey[:description] = x end end end