require 'rubygems' begin gem 'soap4r' rescue require_gem 'soap4r' end require 'soap/soap' require 'soap/mapping' require 'soap/rpc/driver' require 'adwords4r/credentials' require 'adwords4r/services' # Fix an issue with SOAPDate. Google complains if the dates have any timezone # info in them. There are probably better ways to fix this. module SOAP class SOAPDate def of2tz(offset) diffmin = offset * 24 * 60 if '' else ((diffmin < 0) ? '-' : '+') << format('%02d:%02d', (diffmin.abs / 60.0).to_i, (diffmin.abs % 60.0).to_i) end end end end module AdWords class API @@total_units = 0 @@last_units = 0 def API.add_total_units(increment) @@total_units += increment end def API.get_total_units() return @@total_units end def API.set_last_units(value) @@last_units = value end def API.get_last_units() return @@last_units end attr_reader :credentials, :drivers, :version @methodMap = def initialize(credentials =, version = Service.getVersions.sort.last) @credentials, @version = credentials, version @drivers = prepareDrivers end def method_missing(m, *args) methodName = m.id2name requestName = AdWords::fix_case_up(m.id2name) # upper first character if valid_call?(methodName) driver = getDriver(methodName) moduleName ="::")[0..-2].join("::") constructor = eval("#{moduleName}::#{requestName}.method('new')") req =*args) return driver.send(methodName, req) else raise(Error::UnknownAPICall, "Unknown API Call: #{requestName}", caller) end # Handle AdWords Application-level error rescue SOAP::FaultError => fault raise(, "#{methodName} Call Failed: #{fault.faultstring.to_s}", caller) end def prepareDrivers() Service.doRequire(@version) Service.getServices(@version).each {|s| @drivers[s] = prepareDriver(s)} @methodMap = Service.getMethodMap(@drivers) end #pass in call name, get the driver back def getDriver(call) return @methodMap[call] end def prepareDriver(s) # Include the module for this service AdWords.class_eval("include #{s}Service") #set alternateurl if it has been set in credentials if (@credentials.alternateUrl) then endpointUrl = @credentials.alternateUrl + s + 'Service' driver = eval("AdWords::#{getServiceName(s)}.new(\"#{endpointUrl}\")") elsif driver = eval("AdWords::#{getServiceName(s)}.new") end @credentials.handlers.each {|h| driver.headerhandler << h} # Add response filter to this driver for API unit usage processing. driver.filterchain << if !ENV['ADWORDS4R_DEBUG'].nil? && ENV['ADWORDS4R_DEBUG'].upcase == 'TRUE' driver.wiredump_file_base = "SOAP_#{$$}" end driver.options['protocol.http.ssl_config.verify_mode'] = nil #set driver.proxy if you are behing a proxy return driver end def getServiceName(s) s + "Interface" end def valid_call?(call) return @methodMap.has_key?(call) end end class Error class Error < StandardError; end # Raised if a call is made to a method that does not exist in the AdWords SOAP API class UnknownAPICall < Error; end # Raised if an attempt is made to instantiate a type that does not exist in the AdWords SOAP API class UnknownType < Error; end # Raised if a call returns with a SOAP error, gives you easy access to adwords error fields class ApiError < Error attr_accessor :soap_faultcode attr_accessor :soap_faultstring attr_accessor :top_code attr_accessor :internal attr_accessor :message attr_accessor :code attr_accessor :detail attr_accessor :field attr_accessor :index attr_accessor :isExemptable attr_accessor :textIndex attr_accessor :textLength attr_accessor :trigger # These *_ex attributes have been added to correct deficiencies with the initial implementation. # They should expose more useful information (i.e. text of errors instead of a SOAP element) # and proper mapping of a fault's trigger and code. # The old attributes are left behind for backward compatibility; hopefully this isn't too confusing! attr_accessor :trigger_ex attr_accessor :soap_faultcode_ex attr_accessor :soap_faultstring_ex attr_accessor :code_ex def initialize(soap_fault) @soap_faultcode = protect { soap_fault.faultcode } @soap_faultcode_ex = protect { soap_fault.faultcode.text } @soap_faultstring = protect { soap_fault.faultstring } @soap_faultstring_ex = protect { soap_fault.faultstring.text } if protect { soap_fault.detail and soap_fault.detail.fault } fault = soap_fault.detail.fault @top_code = protect { fault.code } @internal = protect { fault.internal } @message = protect { fault.message } @trigger_ex = protect { fault.trigger } @code_ex = protect { fault.code } if protect { fault.errors and fault.errors.size > 0 } error = fault.errors.first @code = protect { error.code } @detail = protect { error.detail } @field = protect { error.field } @index = protect { error.index } @isExemptable = protect { error.isExemptable } @textIndex = protect { error.textIndex } @textLength = protect { error.textLength } @trigger = protect { error.trigger } end end end private def protect(&block) begin rescue nil end end end end # SOAP filter to process response messages for API unit usage information. class ResponseFilter < SOAP::Filter::Handler def on_inbound(xml, opt) # Parse the response XML string for the header value. if xml =~ %r{(\d+)} units = $1.to_i # Since we don't really have an instance of a useful class here, # we're stuck sticking the value in a class variable for AdWords::API. AdWords::API.set_last_units(units) AdWords::API.add_total_units(units) end return xml end end # These class module methods are helper functions class <