require 'net/http' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: module Quickpay class Notification < ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Notification def complete? status == '000' end def item_id params['ordernumber'] end def transaction_id params['transaction'] end def received_at time = params['time'] # If time only contains 12 integers then it's pre v5 format time = "20#{params['time']}" if /[0-9]{12}/.match(params['time']) Time.parse(time) end def gross "%.2f" % (gross_cents / 100.0) end def gross_cents params['amount'].to_i end def status params['qpstat'] end def currency params['currency'] end # Provide access to raw fields from quickpay %w( msgtype ordernumber state chstat chstatmsg qpstat qpstatmsg merchant merchantemail cardtype cardnumber cardhash cardexpire splitpayment fraudprobability fraudremarks fraudreport fee ).each do |attr| define_method(attr) do params[attr] end end MD5_CHECK_FIELDS = [ :msgtype, :ordernumber, :amount, :currency, :time, :state, :qpstat, :qpstatmsg, :chstat, :chstatmsg, :merchant, :merchantemail, :transaction, :cardtype, :cardnumber, :cardhash, :cardexpire, :splitpayment, :fraudprobability, :fraudremarks, :fraudreport, :fee ] def generate_md5string { |key| params[key.to_s] } * "" + @options[:credential2].to_s end def generate_md5check Digest::MD5.hexdigest(generate_md5string) end # Quickpay doesn't do acknowledgements of callback notifications # Instead it uses and MD5 hash of all parameters def acknowledge generate_md5check == params['md5check'] end # Take the posted data and move the relevant data into a hash def parse(post) # 30 + 12 #------------------------------8a827a0e6829 #Content-Disposition: form-data; name="msgtype" # #subscribe #------------------------------8a827a0e6829 #Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ordernumber" # #BILP94406 if post =~ /-{20,40}\w{6,24}/ @raw = post.to_s post.split(/-{20,40}\w{6,24}[\n\r]*/m).each do |part| part.scan(/([^\n\r]+)[\n\r]+([^\n\r]*)/m) do |header, value| if header.match(/name=["'](.*)["']/) params[$1] = value.strip end end end else super end end end end end end end