# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/encryption/standard_security_handler' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'hexapdf/writer' require 'stringio' describe HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardEncryptionDictionary do before do @document = HexaPDF::Document.new @dict = HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardEncryptionDictionary.new({}, document: @document) @dict[:Filter] = :Standard @dict[:V] = 1 @dict[:R] = 2 @dict[:U] = 'test' * 8 @dict[:O] = 'test' * 8 @dict[:P] = -5 @dict[:UE] = 'test' * 8 @dict[:OE] = 'test' * 8 @dict[:Perms] = 'test' * 8 end it "validates the /R value" do @dict[:R] = 2 assert(@dict.validate) @dict[:R] = 5 refute(@dict.validate) end [:U, :O].each do |field| it "validates the length of /#{field} field for R <= 4" do @dict[field] = 'test' refute(@dict.validate) end end [:U, :O, :UE, :OE, :Perms].each do |field| it "validates the length of /#{field} field for R=6" do @dict[:R] = 6 @dict[field] = 'test' refute(@dict.validate) end end [:UE, :OE, :Perms].each do |field| it "validates the existence of the /#{field} field for R=6" do @dict[:R] = 6 @dict.delete(field) refute(@dict.validate) end end end describe HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardSecurityHandler do test_files = Dir[File.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'standard-security-handler', '*.pdf')].sort user_password = 'uhexapdf' owner_password = 'ohexapdf' minimal_doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(MINIMAL_PDF)) test_files.each do |file| basename = File.basename(file) it "can decrypt, encrypt and decrypt the encrypted file #{basename} with the user password" do begin doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(File.binread(file)), decryption_opts: {password: user_password}) assert_equal(minimal_doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate], doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate]) out = StringIO.new(''.b) HexaPDF::Writer.new(doc, out).write doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: out, decryption_opts: {password: user_password}) assert_equal(minimal_doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate], doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate]) rescue HexaPDF::EncryptionError => e flunk("Error processing #{basename}: #{e}") end end unless basename.start_with?("userpwd") it "can decrypt the encrypted file #{basename} with the owner password" do begin doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(File.binread(file)), decryption_opts: {password: owner_password}) assert_equal(minimal_doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate], doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate]) rescue HexaPDF::EncryptionError => e flunk("Error processing #{basename}: #{e}") end end end end before do @document = HexaPDF::Document.new @handler = HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardSecurityHandler.new(@document) end it "can encrypt and then decrypt with all encryption variations" do {arc4: [40, 48, 128], aes: [128, 256]}.each do |algorithm, key_lengths| key_lengths.each do |key_length| begin doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.encrypt(algorithm: algorithm, key_length: key_length) sio = StringIO.new doc.write(sio) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: sio) assert_kind_of(Time, doc.trailer.info[:ModDate], "alg: #{algorithm} #{key_length} bits") rescue HexaPDF::Error => e flunk("Error using variation: #{algorithm} #{key_length} bits\n" << e.message) end end end end describe "prepare_encryption" do it "returns the encryption dictionary wrapped with a custom class" do dict = @handler.set_up_encryption assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardEncryptionDictionary, dict) end it "sets the correct revision independent /Filter value" do dict = @handler.set_up_encryption assert_equal(:Standard, dict[:Filter]) end it "sets the correct revision independent /P value" do dict = @handler.set_up_encryption assert_equal(@handler.class::Permissions::ALL | \ @handler.class::Permissions::RESERVED - 2**32, dict[:P]) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(permissions: @handler.class::Permissions::COPY_CONTENT) assert_equal(@handler.class::Permissions::COPY_CONTENT | \ @handler.class::Permissions::RESERVED - 2**32, dict[:P]) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(permissions: [:modify_content, :modify_annotation]) assert_equal(@handler.class::Permissions::MODIFY_CONTENT | \ @handler.class::Permissions::MODIFY_ANNOTATION | \ @handler.class::Permissions::RESERVED - 2**32, dict[:P]) end it "sets the correct revision independent /EncryptMetadata value" do dict = @handler.set_up_encryption assert(dict[:EncryptMetadata]) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(encrypt_metadata: false) refute(dict[:EncryptMetadata]) end it "sets the correct encryption dictionary values for revision 2 and 3" do arc4_assertions = lambda do |d| assert_equal(32, d[:U].length) assert_equal(32, d[:O].length) refute(d.value.key?(:UE)) refute(d.value.key?(:OE)) refute(d.value.key?(:Perms)) end dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 40, algorithm: :arc4) assert_equal(2, dict[:R]) arc4_assertions.call(dict) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 128, algorithm: :arc4) assert_equal(3, dict[:R]) arc4_assertions.call(dict) end it "sets the correct encryption dictionary values for revisions 4 and 6" do crypt_filter = lambda do |d, r, alg, length| assert_equal(r, d[:R]) assert_equal(alg == :AESV3 ? 48 : 32, d[:U].length) assert_equal(alg == :AESV3 ? 48 : 32, d[:O].length) assert_equal({CFM: alg, Length: length, AuthEvent: :DocOpen}, d[:CF][:StdCF]) assert_equal(:StdCF, d[:StrF]) assert_equal(:StdCF, d[:StmF]) end dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 128, algorithm: :arc4, force_v4: true) refute(dict.value.key?(:UE)) refute(dict.value.key?(:OE)) refute(dict.value.key?(:Perms)) crypt_filter.call(dict, 4, :V2, 16) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 128, algorithm: :aes) refute(dict.value.key?(:UE)) refute(dict.value.key?(:OE)) refute(dict.value.key?(:Perms)) crypt_filter.call(dict, 4, :AESV2, 16) dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 256, algorithm: :aes) assert_equal(32, dict[:UE].length) assert_equal(32, dict[:OE].length) assert_equal(16, dict[:Perms].length) crypt_filter.call(dict, 6, :AESV3, 32) end it "uses the password keyword as fallback, the user password as owner password if necessary" do dict1 = @handler.set_up_encryption(password: 'user', owner_password: 'owner') dict2 = @handler.set_up_encryption(password: 'owner', user_password: 'user') dict3 = @handler.set_up_encryption(user_password: 'user', owner_password: 'owner') dict4 = @handler.set_up_encryption(user_password: 'test', owner_password: 'test') dict5 = @handler.set_up_encryption(user_password: 'test') assert_equal(dict1[:U], dict2[:U]) assert_equal(dict2[:U], dict3[:U]) assert_equal(dict1[:O], dict2[:O]) assert_equal(dict2[:O], dict3[:O]) assert_equal(dict4[:O], dict5[:O]) end it "fails if the password contains invalid characters" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) { @handler.set_up_encryption(password: 'œ test') } end it "fails for unknown keywords" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @handler.set_up_encryption(unknown: 'test') } end end describe "prepare_decryption" do it "fails if the /Filter value is incorrect" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :NonStandard, V: 2}) end assert_match(/Invalid \/Filter/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the /R value is incorrect" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :Standard, V: 2, R: 5}) end assert_match(/Invalid \/R/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the supplied password is invalid" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :Standard, V: 2, R: 6, U: 'a' * 48, O: 'a' * 48, UE: 'a' * 32, OE: 'a' * 32}) end assert_match(/Invalid password/i, exp.message) end it "assigns empty strings to the trailer's ID field if it is missing" do refute(@document.trailer.key?(:ID)) exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :Standard, V: 1, R: 2, U: 'a' * 48, O: 'a' * 48, P: 15}) end assert_match(/Invalid password/i, exp.message) assert_equal(['', ''], @document.trailer[:ID].value) end describe "/Perms field checking" do before do @dict = @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 256, algorithm: :aes) end it "fails if the field cannot be decrypted" do @dict[:Perms].succ! exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) { @handler.set_up_decryption(@dict) } assert_match(/cannot be decrypted/, exp.message) end it "fails if the /P field doesn't match" do @dict[:P] = 500 exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) { @handler.set_up_decryption(@dict) } assert_match(/\/P/, exp.message) end it "fails if the /EncryptMetadata field doesn't match" do @dict[:EncryptMetadata] = false exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) { @handler.set_up_decryption(@dict) } assert_match(/\/EncryptMetadata/, exp.message) end it "ignores the /Perms when requested" do obj = HexaPDF::Object.new(nil, oid: 1) obj.value = @handler.encrypt_string('test', obj) @dict[:P] = 500 @handler.set_up_decryption(@dict, check_permissions: false) assert_equal('test', @handler.decrypt(obj).value) end end end it "encryption key stays valid even if default dict values are set while setting up decryption" do @document.encrypt(key_length: 128, algorithm: :aes) assert(@document.security_handler.encryption_key_valid?) @document.trailer[:Encrypt].delete(:EncryptMetadata) handler = HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(@document) assert(handler.encryption_key_valid?) end it "returns an array of permission symbols" do perms = @handler.class::Permissions::MODIFY_CONTENT | @handler.class::Permissions::COPY_CONTENT @handler.set_up_encryption(permissions: perms) assert_equal([:copy_content, :modify_content], @handler.permissions.sort) end describe "handling of metadata streams" do before do @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new @output = StringIO.new(''.b) end it "doesn't decrypt or encrypt a metadata stream if /EncryptMetadata is false" do @doc.encrypt(encrypt_metadata: false) @doc.catalog[:Metadata] = @doc.wrap({Type: :Metadata, Subtype: :XML}, stream: "HELLODATA") @doc.write(@output) assert_match(/stream\nHELLODATA\nendstream/, @output.string) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @output) assert_equal('HELLODATA', doc.catalog[:Metadata].stream) end it "doesn't modify decryption/encryption for metadata streams if /V is not 4 or 5" do @doc.encrypt(encrypt_metadata: false, algorithm: :arc4) @doc.catalog[:Metadata] = @doc.wrap({Type: :Metadata, Subtype: :XML}, stream: "HELLODATA") @doc.write(@output) refute_match(/stream\nHELLODATA\nendstream/, @output.string) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @output) assert_equal('HELLODATA', doc.catalog[:Metadata].stream) end end end