Feature: Initialize presentation
As a presentator
I want to create a new presentation
In order to use it
Given a mocked home directory
And git is configured with username "User" and email-address "email@example.com"
Scenario: Initialize with short command
Given I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then the file "config.rb" should contain:
activate :presentation
And the file "Gemfile" should contain:
And a file named "bower.json" should exist
And a file named ".bowerrc" should exist
And a file named ".gitignore" should exist
And a file named "source/layout.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/slides/00.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/slides/999981.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/slides/999982.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should exist
And a file named "source/javascripts/application.js" should exist
And a file named "script/start" should exist
And a file named "Rakefile" should exist
And a directory named "source/images" should exist
And a directory named "vendor/assets/components" should exist
And the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
Then a directory named "vendor/assets/components/middleman-presentation-theme-default" should exist
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-common/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-common';
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-default/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-default';
Scenario: Initialize with long command
Given I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then the file "config.rb" should contain:
activate :presentation
And the file "Gemfile" should contain:
And a file named "bower.json" should exist
And a file named ".bowerrc" should exist
And a file named ".gitignore" should exist
And a file named "source/layout.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/slides/00.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" should exist
And a file named "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should exist
And a file named "source/javascripts/application.js" should exist
And a file named "script/start" should exist
And a file named "Rakefile" should exist
And a directory named "source/images" should exist
And a directory named "vendor/assets/components" should exist
And the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
Then a directory named "vendor/assets/components/middleman-presentation-theme-default" should exist
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-common/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-common';
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-default/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-default';
Scenario: Existing configuration file
Given a file named "~/.config/middleman/presentation/presentations.yaml" with:
author: TestUser
company: MyCompany
email_address: test_user@example.com
homepage: http://example.com
language: en
speaker: TestUser
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
author: TestUser
Then the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
company: MyCompany
Then the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
email_address: test_user@example.com
Then the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
homepage: http://example.com
Then the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
speaker: TestUser
Scenario: German umlauts, French accents and special chars are not a problem for project id
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "üöà~?§$%&/()=#!"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
And the file "data/metadata.yml" should contain:
project_id: uoa
Scenario: Use lang from environment as language in slides
Given I set the environment variables to:
| variable | value |
| LANG | de_DE.UTF-8|
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
When I successfully run `env`
And the file "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should contain:
Scenario: Use lang from command line as language in slides
Given I set the environment variables to:
| variable | value |
| LANG | de_DE.UTF-8|
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation" --language en`
When I cd to "presentation1"
When I successfully run `env`
And the file "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should contain:
Scenario: Ignore case of lang value
Given I set the environment variables to:
| variable | value |
| LANG | de_de.utf-8|
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
When I successfully run `env`
And the file "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should contain:
Scenario: Use englisch language in slides based if garbabe in environment variable
Given I set the environment variables to:
| variable | value |
| LANG | asdf |
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
And the file "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should contain:
Scenario: Use englisch language in slides if given garbabe on command line
Given I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation" --language adsfasdfn`
When I cd to "presentation1"
And the file "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should contain:
Scenario: Use different theme
Given a file named "~/.config/middleman/presentation/presentations.yaml" with:
name: middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org
github: maxmeyer/middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org
- stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a directory named "vendor/assets/components/middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org" should exist
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-common/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-common';
And the file "source/stylesheets/application.scss" should contain:
@import 'middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org/stylesheets/middleman-presentation-theme-fedux_org';
Scenario: Fails if bower is not installed
Given only the executables of gems "middleman-core, middleman-presentation" can be found in PATH
When I run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
Then the output should contain:
cannot be found in PATH
Scenario: Fails if bower update fails
Given a file named "~/bin/bower" with mode "0755" and with:
echo "Failed" >&2
exit 1
And only the executables of gems "middleman-core, middleman-presentation" can be found in PATH
And I set the environment variables to:
| variable | value | action |
| PATH | ~/bin: | . |
And I run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
Then the output should contain:
Scenario: No predefined slides
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation" --no-create-predefined-slides`
Then a file named "source/slides/00.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999980.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999981.html.erb" should not exist
And a file named "source/slides/999982.html.erb" should not exist
Scenario: Custom start slide template
Given a user template named "predefined_slides.d/00.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "00.html.erb" exist with:
Scenario: Custom questions template
Given a user template named "predefined_slides.d/999980.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999980.html.erb" exist with:
Scenario: Custom contact template
Given a user template named "predefined_slides.d/999981.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999981.html.erb" exist with:
Scenario: Custom end slide template
Given a user template named "predefined_slides.d/999982.html.erb.tt" with:
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
When I cd to "presentation1"
Then a slide named "999982.html.erb" exist with: