# # Data Vault Transform # Transform a loaded ActiveFacts vocabulary to suit Data Vault # # Copyright (c) 2015 Infinuendo. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/persistence' require 'activefacts/generate/traits/datavault' module ActiveFacts module Generate #:nodoc: module Transform #:nodoc: class DataVault def initialize(vocabulary, *options) @vocabulary = vocabulary @constellation = vocabulary.constellation end def classify_tables initial_tables = @vocabulary.tables non_reference_tables = initial_tables.reject do |table| table.concept.all_concept_annotation.detect{|ca| ca.mapping_annotation == 'static'} or !table.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::EntityType) end @reference_tables = initial_tables-non_reference_tables @link_tables, @hub_tables = non_reference_tables.partition do |table| identifying_references = table.identifier_columns.map{|c| c.references.first}.uniq # Which identifying_references are played by other tables? ir_tables = identifying_references.select do |r| table_referred_to = r.to # I have no examples of multi-level absorption, but it's possible, so loop while av = table_referred_to.absorbed_via table_referred_to = av.from end table_referred_to.is_table end ir_tables.size > 1 end trace_table_classifications end def trace_table_classifications # Trace the decisions about table types: if trace :datavault [@reference_tables, @hub_tables, @link_tables].zip(['Reference', 'Hub', 'Link']).each do |tables, kind| trace :datavault, kind+' tables: ' do tables.each do |table| identifying_references = table.identifier_columns.map{|c| c.references.first}.uniq trace :datavault, "#{table.name}(#{identifying_references.map{|r| (t = r.to) && t.name || 'self'}*', '})" end end end end end def detect_required_surrogates trace :datavault, "Detecting required surrogates" do @required_surrogates = (@hub_tables+@link_tables).select do |table| table.dv_needs_surrogate end end end def inject_required_surrogates trace :datavault, "Injecting any required surrogates" do trace :datavault, "Need to inject surrogates into #{@required_surrogates.map(&:name)*', '}" @required_surrogates.each do |table| table.dv_inject_surrogate end end end def classify_satellite_references table identifying_references = table.identifier_columns.map{|c| c.references.first}.uniq non_identifying_references = table.columns.map{|c| c.references[0]}.uniq - identifying_references # Skip this table if no satellite data is needed # REVISIT: Needed anyway for a link? if non_identifying_references.size == 0 return nil end satellites = non_identifying_references.inject({}) do |hash, ref| # Extract the declared satellite name, or use just "satellite" satellite_subname = ref.fact_type.internal_presence_constraints.map do |pc| next if !pc.max_frequency || pc.max_frequency > 1 # Not a Uniqueness Constraint next if pc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 # Covers more than one role next if pc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.single.role.object_type != table # Not a unique attribute pc.concept.all_concept_annotation.map do |ca| if ca.mapping_annotation =~ /^satellite */ ca.mapping_annotation.sub(/^satellite +/, '') else nil end end end.flatten.compact.uniq[0] || "satellite" satellite_name = "#{satellite_subname}" (hash[satellite_name] ||= []) << ref hash end trace :datavault, "#{table.name} satellites are #{satellites.inspect}" satellites end def create_one_to_many(one, many, predicate_1 = 'has', predicate_2 = 'is of', one_adj = nil) # Create a fact type fact_type = @constellation.FactType(:concept => :new) one_role = @constellation.Role(:concept => :new, :fact_type => fact_type, :ordinal => 0, :object_type => one) many_role = @constellation.Role(:concept => :new, :fact_type => fact_type, :ordinal => 1, :object_type => many) # Create two readings reading2 = @constellation.Reading(:fact_type => fact_type, :ordinal => 0, :role_sequence => [:new], :text => "{0} #{predicate_2} {1}") @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => reading2.role_sequence, :ordinal => 0, :role => many_role) @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => reading2.role_sequence, :ordinal => 1, :role => one_role, :leading_adjective => one_adj) reading1 = @constellation.Reading(:fact_type => fact_type, :ordinal => 1, :role_sequence => [:new], :text => "{0} #{predicate_1} {1}") @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => reading1.role_sequence, :ordinal => 0, :role => one_role, :leading_adjective => one_adj) @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => reading1.role_sequence, :ordinal => 1, :role => many_role) one_id = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :concept => :new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => one.name+'HasOne'+many.name, :role_sequence => [:new], :is_mandatory => true, :min_frequency => 1, :max_frequency => 1, :is_preferred_identifier => false ) @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => one_id.role_sequence, :ordinal => 0, :role => many_role) one_role end def assert_value_type name, supertype = nil @vocabulary.valid_value_type_name(name) || @constellation.ValueType(:vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => name, :supertype => supertype, :concept => :new) end def assert_record_source assert_value_type('Record Source', assert_value_type('String')) end def assert_date_time assert_value_type('Date Time') end # Create a PresenceConstraint with two roles, marked as preferred_identifier def create_two_role_identifier(r1, r2) pc = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :concept => :new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => r1.object_type.name+' '+r1.object_type.name+'PK', :role_sequence => [:new], :is_mandatory => true, :min_frequency => 1, :max_frequency => 1, :is_preferred_identifier => true ) @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => pc.role_sequence, :ordinal => 0, :role => r1) @constellation.RoleRef(:role_sequence => pc.role_sequence, :ordinal => 1, :role => r2) end def create_satellite(table, satellite_name, references) satellite_name = satellite_name.words.titlewords*' ' trace :datavault, "Creating #{satellite_name} for #{table.name} with #{references.size} references" do # Create a new entity type with record-date fields in its identifier satellite = @constellation.EntityType(:vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => "#{table.name} #{satellite_name}", :concept => [:new, :implication_rule => "datavault"]) satellite.definitely_table table_role = create_one_to_many(table, satellite) date_time = assert_date_time date_time_role = create_one_to_many(date_time, satellite, 'is of', 'was loaded at', 'load') create_two_role_identifier(table_role, date_time_role) record_source = assert_record_source record_source.length = 64 record_source_role = create_one_to_many(record_source, satellite, 'is of', 'was loaded from') # Move all roles across to it from the parent table. references.each do |ref| trace :datavault, "Moving #{ref} across to #{table.name}_#{satellite_name}" do table_role = ref.fact_type.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == table} # Reassign the role player to the satellite: if table_role table_role.object_type = satellite else #debugger # Bum, the crappy Reference object bites again. $stderr.puts "REVISIT: Can't move the role for #{ref.inspect} without mangling the Reference" end end end end end def generate(out = $stdout) @out = out # Strategy: # Determine list of ER tables # Partition tables into reference tables (annotated), link tables (two+ FKs in PK), and hub tables # For each hub and link table # Apply a surrogate key if needed (all links, hubs lacking a simple surrogate) # Detect references (fact types) leading to all attributes (non-identifying columns) # Group attribute facts into satellites (use the satellite annotation if present) # For each satellite # Create a new entity type with a (hub-key, record-date key) # Make new one->many fact type between hub and satellite # Modify all attribute facts in this group to attach to the satellite # Compute a gresh relational mapping # Exclude reference tables and disable enforcement to them classify_tables detect_required_surrogates trace :datavault, "Creating satellites" do (@hub_tables+@link_tables).each do |table| satellites = classify_satellite_references table next unless satellites trace :datavault, "Creating #{satellites.size} satellites for #{table.name}" do satellites.each do |satellite_name, references| create_satellite(table, satellite_name, references) end end end end inject_required_surrogates trace :datavault, "Adding standard fields to hubs and links" do (@hub_tables+@link_tables).each do |table| date_time = assert_date_time date_time_role = create_one_to_many(date_time, table, 'is of', 'was loaded at', 'load') record_source = assert_record_source record_source_role = create_one_to_many(record_source, table, 'is of', 'was loaded from') end end # Now, redo the E-R mapping using the revised schema: @vocabulary.decide_tables # Before departing, ensure we don't emit the reference tables! @reference_tables.each do |table| table.definitely_not_table @vocabulary.tables.delete(table) end end # generate end end end end ActiveFacts::Registry.generator('transform/datavault', ActiveFacts::Generate::Transform::DataVault)