module Plezi module_function # Plezi event cycle settings: gets how many worker threads Plezi will run. def max_threads @max_threads ||= 16 end # Plezi event cycle settings: sets how many worker threads Plezi will run. def max_threads= value @max_threads = value end # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval. # # get the current idle setting def idle_sleep @idle_sleep ||= 0.1 end # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval. # # set the current idle setting def idle_sleep= value @idle_sleep = value end # Plezi Engine, DO NOT CALL. creates the thread pool and starts cycling through the events. def start_services # prepare threads exit_flag = false threads = [] run_every(5 , Plezi.method(:clear_connections)) #{info "Cleared inactive Connections"} run_every 3600 , GC.method(:start) # run_every( 1 , { "#{IO_CONNECTION_DIC.length} active connections ( #{{|k,v| v.protocol.is_a?(WSProtocol)} .length } websockets)." }) (max_threads).times { { thread_cycle until exit_flag } } # { check_connections until SERVICES.empty? } #... # set signal tarps trap('INT'){ exit_flag = true; raise "close Plezi" } trap('TERM'){ exit_flag = true; raise "close Plezi" } puts 'Services running. Press ^C to stop' # sleep until trap raises exception (cycling might cause the main thread to ignor signals and lose attention) (sleep unless SERVICES.empty?) rescue true # start shutdown. exit_flag = true # set new tarps trap('INT'){ puts 'Forced exit.'; Kernel.exit }#rescue true} trap('TERM'){ puts 'Forced exit.'; Kernel.exit }#rescue true } puts 'Started shutdown process. Press ^C to force quit.' # shut down listening sockets stop_services # disconnect active connections stop_connections # cycle down threads info "Waiting for workers to cycle down" threads.each {|t| t.join if t.alive?} # rundown any active events thread_cycle # call shutdown callbacks SHUTDOWN_CALLBACKS.each {|s| s[0].call(*s[1]) } SHUTDOWN_CALLBACKS.clear # return exit code? 0 end # Plezi Engine, DO NOT CALL. runs one thread cycle def self.thread_cycle flag = 0 io_reactor rescue false # stop_connections true while fire_event fire_timers rescue Exception => e error e end end