# encoding: ascii-8bit module OpenAssets class Api include Util include MethodFilter before_filter :change_network, {:include => [:list_unspent, :get_balance, :issue_asset, :send_asset, :send_assets, :send_bitcoin, :send_bitcoins]} attr_reader :config attr_reader :provider attr_reader :tx_cache attr_reader :output_cache def initialize(config = nil) @config = {:network => 'mainnet', :provider => 'bitcoind', :cache => 'cache.db', :dust_limit => 600, :default_fees => 10000, :min_confirmation => 1, :max_confirmation => 9999999, :rpc => {:host => 'localhost', :port => 8332 , :user => '', :password => '', :wallet => '', :schema => 'https', :timeout => 60, :open_timeout => 60}} if config @config.update(config) end OpenAssets.configuration = @config if @config[:provider] == 'bitcoind' @provider = Provider::BitcoinCoreProvider.new(@config[:rpc]) else raise OpenAssets::Error, 'specified unsupported provider.' end @tx_cache = Cache::TransactionCache.new(@config[:cache]) @output_cache = Cache::OutputCache.new(@config[:cache]) change_network end def provider @provider end def is_testnet? @config[:network] == 'testnet' end # get UTXO for colored coins. # @param [Array] oa_address_list Obtain the balance of this open assets address only, or all addresses if unspecified. # @return [Array] Return array of the unspent information Hash. def list_unspent(oa_address_list = []) btc_address_list = oa_address_list.map { |oa_address| oa_address_to_address(oa_address)} outputs = get_unspent_outputs(btc_address_list) result = outputs.map{|out| out.to_hash} result end # Returns the balance in both bitcoin and colored coin assets for all of the addresses available in your Bitcoin Core wallet. # @param [String] address The open assets address. if unspecified nil. def get_balance(address = nil) outputs = get_unspent_outputs(address.nil? ? [] : [oa_address_to_address(address)]) colored_outputs = outputs.map{|o|o.output} sorted_outputs = colored_outputs.sort_by { |o|o.script.to_string} groups = sorted_outputs.group_by{|o| o.script.to_string} result = groups.map{|k, v| btc_address = script_to_address(v[0].script) sorted_script_outputs = v.sort_by{|o|o.asset_id unless o.asset_id} group_assets = sorted_script_outputs.group_by{|o|o.asset_id}.select{|k,v| !k.nil?} assets = group_assets.map{|asset_id, outputs| { 'asset_id' => asset_id, 'quantity' => outputs.inject(0) { |sum, o| sum + o.asset_quantity }.to_s, 'amount' => outputs.inject(0) { |sum, o| sum + o.asset_amount }.to_s, 'asset_definition_url' => outputs[0].asset_definition_url, 'proof_of_authenticity' => outputs[0].proof_of_authenticity } } { 'address' => btc_address, 'oa_address' => btc_address.nil? ? nil : address_to_oa_address(btc_address), 'value' => satoshi_to_coin(v.inject(0) { |sum, o|sum + o.value}), 'assets' => assets, 'account' => v[0].account } } address.nil? ? result : result.select{|r|r['oa_address'] == address} end # Creates a transaction for issuing an asset. # @param[String] from The open asset address to issue the asset from. # @param[Integer] amount The amount of asset units to issue. # @param[String] to The open asset address to send the asset to; if unspecified, the assets are sent back to the issuing address. # @param[String] metadata The metadata to embed in the transaction. The asset definition pointer defined by this metadata. # @param[Integer] fees The fess in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode Specify the following mode. # 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' # @param[Integer] output_qty The number of divides the issue output. Default value is 1. # Ex. amount = 125 and output_qty = 2, asset quantity = [62, 63] and issue TxOut is two. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx] The Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx object. def issue_asset(from, amount, metadata = nil, to = nil, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast', output_qty = 1) to = from if to.nil? colored_outputs = get_unspent_outputs([oa_address_to_address(from)]) issue_param = OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new(colored_outputs, to, from, amount, output_qty) tx = create_tx_builder.issue_asset(issue_param, metadata, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) tx = process_transaction(tx, mode) tx end # Creates a transaction for sending an asset from an address to another. # @param[String] from The open asset address to send the asset from. # @param[String] asset_id The asset ID identifying the asset to send. # @param[Integer] amount The amount of asset units to send. # @param[String] to The open asset address to send the asset to. # @param[Integer] fees The fess in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting transaction. def send_asset(from, asset_id, amount, to, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast', output_qty = 1) colored_outputs = get_unspent_outputs([oa_address_to_address(from)]) asset_transfer_spec = OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new(colored_outputs, to, from, amount, output_qty) tx = create_tx_builder.transfer_asset(asset_id, asset_transfer_spec, from, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) tx = process_transaction(tx, mode) tx end # Creates a transaction for sending multiple asset from an address to another. # @param[String] from The open asset address to send the asset from when send_asset_param hasn't from. # to send the bitcoins from, if needed. where to send bitcoin change, if any. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::SendAssetParam]] send_asset_params The send Asset information(asset_id, amount, to, from). # @param[Integer] fees The fess in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting transaction. def send_assets(from, send_asset_params, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast') transfer_specs = send_asset_params.map{ |param| colored_outputs = get_unspent_outputs([oa_address_to_address(param.from || from)]) [param.asset_id, OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new(colored_outputs, param.to, param.from || from, param.amount)] } btc_transfer_spec = OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new( get_unspent_outputs([oa_address_to_address(from)]), nil, oa_address_to_address(from), 0) tx = create_tx_builder.transfer_assets(transfer_specs, btc_transfer_spec, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) tx = process_transaction(tx, mode) tx end # Creates a transaction for sending bitcoins from an address to another. # @param[String] from The address to send the bitcoins from. # @param[Integer] amount The amount of satoshis to send. # @param[String] to The address to send the bitcoins to. # @param[Integer] fees The fess in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' # @param [Integer] output_qty The number of divides the issue output. Default value is 1. # Ex. amount = 125 and output_qty = 2, asset quantity = [62, 63] and issue TxOut is two. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting transaction. def send_bitcoin(from, amount, to, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast', output_qty = 1) validate_address([from, to]) colored_outputs = get_unspent_outputs([from]) btc_transfer_spec = OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new(colored_outputs, to, from, amount, output_qty) tx = create_tx_builder.transfer_btc(btc_transfer_spec, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) process_transaction(tx, mode) end # Creates a transaction for sending multiple bitcoins from an address to others. # @param[String] from The address to send the bitcoins from. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::SendBitcoinParam]] send_params The send information(amount of satoshis and to). # @param[Integer] fees The fees in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting transaction. def send_bitcoins(from, send_params, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast') colored_outputs = get_unspent_outputs([from]) btc_transfer_specs = send_params.map{|param| OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters.new(colored_outputs, param.to, from, param.amount) } tx = create_tx_builder.transfer_btcs(btc_transfer_specs, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) tx = process_transaction(tx, mode) tx end # Creates a transaction for burn asset. # @param[String] oa_address The open asset address to burn asset. # @param[String] asset_id The asset ID identifying the asset to burn. # @param[Integer] fees The fess in satoshis for the transaction. # @param[String] mode 'broadcast' (default) for signing and broadcasting the transaction, # 'signed' for signing the transaction without broadcasting, # 'unsigned' for getting the raw unsigned transaction without broadcasting"""='broadcast' def burn_asset(oa_address, asset_id, fees = nil, mode = 'broadcast') unspents = get_unspent_outputs([oa_address_to_address(oa_address)]) tx = create_tx_builder.burn_asset(unspents, asset_id, fees.nil? ? @config[:default_fees]: fees) process_transaction(tx, mode) end # Get unspent outputs. # @param [Array] addresses The array of Bitcoin address. # @return [Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::SpendableOutput]] The array of unspent outputs. def get_unspent_outputs(addresses) validate_address(addresses) unspent = provider.list_unspent(addresses, @config[:min_confirmation], @config[:max_confirmation]) result = unspent.map{|item| output_result = get_output(item['txid'], item['vout']) output_result.account = item['account'] output = OpenAssets::Transaction::SpendableOutput.new( OpenAssets::Transaction::OutPoint.new(item['txid'], item['vout']), output_result) output.confirmations = item['confirmations'] output.spendable = item['spendable'] output.solvable = item['solvable'] output } result end def get_output(txid, output_index) if output_cache cached = output_cache.get(txid, output_index) return cached unless cached.nil? end decode_tx = load_cached_tx(txid) tx = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new(decode_tx.htb) colored_outputs = get_color_outputs_from_tx(tx) colored_outputs.each_with_index { |o, index| output_cache.put(txid, index, o)} if output_cache colored_outputs[output_index] end def get_color_outputs_from_tx(tx) unless tx.is_coinbase? tx.outputs.each_with_index { |out, i| marker_output_payload = OpenAssets::Protocol::MarkerOutput.parse_script(out.pk_script) unless marker_output_payload.nil? marker_output = OpenAssets::Protocol::MarkerOutput.deserialize_payload(marker_output_payload) prev_outs = tx.inputs.map {|input|get_output(input.previous_output, input.prev_out_index)} asset_ids = compute_asset_ids(prev_outs, i, tx, marker_output.asset_quantities) return asset_ids unless asset_ids.nil? end } end tx.outputs.map{|out| OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new(out.value, out.parsed_script, nil, 0, OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::UNCOLORED)} end # Get tx outputs. # @param[String] txid Transaction ID. # @param[Boolean] use_cache If specified true use cache.(default value is false) # @return[Array] Return array of the transaction output Hash with coloring information. def get_outputs_from_txid(txid, use_cache = false) tx = get_tx(txid, use_cache) outputs = get_color_outputs_from_tx(tx) outputs.map.with_index{|out, i|out.to_hash.merge({'txid' => tx.hash, 'vout' => i})} end # Get tx. (This method returns plain Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx object, so it not contains open asset information.) # @param[String] txid Transaction ID. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx] Return the Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx. def get_tx(txid, use_cache = true) decode_tx = use_cache ? load_cached_tx(txid) : load_tx(txid) Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new(decode_tx.htb) end private # @param [Array[OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput] prev_outs The outputs referenced by the inputs of the transaction. # @param [Integer] marker_output_index The position of the marker output in the transaction. # @param [Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx] tx The transaction. # @param [Array[OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput]] asset_quantities The list of asset quantities of the outputs. def compute_asset_ids(prev_outs, marker_output_index, tx, asset_quantities) outputs = tx.outputs return nil if asset_quantities.length > outputs.length - 1 || prev_outs.length == 0 result = [] marker_output = outputs[marker_output_index] # Add the issuance outputs issuance_asset_id = script_to_asset_id(prev_outs[0].script.to_payload.bth) for i in (0..marker_output_index-1) value = outputs[i].value script = outputs[i].parsed_script if i < asset_quantities.length && asset_quantities[i] > 0 payload = OpenAssets::Protocol::MarkerOutput.parse_script(marker_output.parsed_script.to_payload) metadata = OpenAssets::Protocol::MarkerOutput.deserialize_payload(payload).metadata if (metadata.nil? || metadata.length == 0) && prev_outs[0].script.is_p2sh? metadata = parse_issuance_p2sh_pointer(tx.in[0].script_sig) end metadata = '' unless metadata output = OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new(value, script, issuance_asset_id, asset_quantities[i], OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::ISSUANCE, metadata) else output = OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new(value, script, nil, 0, OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::ISSUANCE) end result << output end # Add the marker output result << OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new(marker_output.value, marker_output.parsed_script, nil, 0, OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::MARKER_OUTPUT) # remove invalid marker remove_outputs = [] for i in (marker_output_index + 1)..(outputs.length-1) marker_output_payload = OpenAssets::Protocol::MarkerOutput.parse_script(outputs[i].pk_script) unless marker_output_payload.nil? remove_outputs << outputs[i] result << OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new( outputs[i].value, outputs[i].parsed_script, nil, 0, OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::MARKER_OUTPUT) next end end remove_outputs.each{|o|outputs.delete(o)} # Add the transfer outputs input_enum = prev_outs.each input_units_left = 0 index = 0 for i in (marker_output_index + 1)..(outputs.length-1) output_asset_quantity = (i <= asset_quantities.length) ? asset_quantities[i-1] : 0 output_units_left = output_asset_quantity asset_id,metadata = nil while output_units_left > 0 index += 1 if input_units_left == 0 begin current_input = input_enum.next input_units_left = current_input.asset_quantity rescue StopIteration => e return nil end end unless current_input.asset_id.nil? progress = [input_units_left, output_units_left].min output_units_left -= progress input_units_left -= progress if asset_id.nil? # This is the first input to map to this output asset_id = current_input.asset_id metadata = current_input.metadata elsif asset_id != current_input.asset_id return nil end end end result << OpenAssets::Protocol::TransactionOutput.new(outputs[i].value, outputs[i].parsed_script, asset_id, output_asset_quantity, OpenAssets::Protocol::OutputType::TRANSFER, metadata) end result end def process_transaction(tx, mode) if mode == 'broadcast' || mode == 'signed' # sign the transaction signed_tx = provider.sign_transaction(tx.to_payload.bth) if mode == 'broadcast' puts provider.send_transaction(signed_tx.to_payload.bth) end signed_tx else tx end end def change_network case @config[:network] when 'testnet' Bitcoin.network = :testnet3 when 'regtest' Bitcoin.network = :regtest when 'litecoin' Bitcoin.network = :litecoin when 'litecoin_testnet' Bitcoin.network = :litecoin_testnet when 'monacoin' Bitcoin.network = :monacoin when 'monacoin_testnet' Bitcoin.network = :monacoin_testnet else Bitcoin.network = :bitcoin end end def create_tx_builder if @config[:default_fees] == :auto # Estimate a transaction fee rate (satoshis/KB) if fee is specified by :auto efr = coin_to_satoshi(provider.estimatefee(1).to_s).to_i if efr < 0 # Negative efr means "estimatefee" of bitcoin-api returns false # In this case, use default minimum fees rate (10_000 satoshis/KB) efr = 10_000 end OpenAssets::Transaction::TransactionBuilder.new(@config[:dust_limit], efr) else # If fee is specified by a fixed value (or the default value) OpenAssets::Transaction::TransactionBuilder.new(@config[:dust_limit]) end end def load_tx(txid) decode_tx = provider.get_transaction(txid, 0) raise OpenAssets::Transaction::TransactionBuildError, "txid #{txid} could not be retrieved." if decode_tx.nil? decode_tx end def load_cached_tx(txid) return load_tx(txid) unless tx_cache decode_tx = tx_cache.get(txid) if decode_tx.nil? decode_tx = load_tx(txid) tx_cache.put(txid, decode_tx) end decode_tx end # parse issuance p2sh which contains asset definition pointer def parse_issuance_p2sh_pointer(script_sig) script = Bitcoin::Script.new(script_sig).chunks.last redeem_script = Bitcoin::Script.new(script) return nil unless redeem_script.chunks[1] == Bitcoin::Script::OP_DROP asset_def = to_bytes(redeem_script.chunks[0].to_s.bth)[0..-1].map{|x|x.to_i(16).chr}.join asset_def && asset_def.start_with?('u=') ? asset_def : nil end end end