require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe 'explicit joins' do before do TestModel.extended_models.each { |model| model.last_find = {} } end describe 'specifying a simple join' do before do Post.filter do join(Blog, :join_type => :left, :alias => :posts_blogs) do on(:blog_id => :id) with(:name, 'Test Name') end end.inspect end it 'should add correct join' do Post.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(LEFT OUTER JOIN "blogs" AS posts_blogs ON "posts".blog_id =] end it 'should query against condition on join table' do Post.last_find[:conditions].should == [' = ?', 'Test Name'] end end describe 'specifying a complex join through polymorphic associations' do before do Review.filter do join(Feature, :join_type => :left, :alias => :reviews_features) do on(:reviewable_id => :featurable_id) on(:reviewable_type => :featurable_type) with(:priority, 5) end end.inspect end it 'should add correct join' do Review.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(LEFT OUTER JOIN "features" AS reviews_features ON "reviews".reviewable_id = reviews_features.featurable_id AND "reviews".reviewable_type = reviews_features.featurable_type)] end it 'should query against condition on join table' do Review.last_find[:conditions].should == ['reviews_features.priority = ?', 5] end end describe 'should use values as join parameters instead of columns if given' do before do Review.filter do join(Feature, :join_type => :left) do on(:reviewable_id => :featurable_id) on(:reviewable_type => :featurable_type) on(:featurable_type, 'SomeType') with(:priority, 5) end end.inspect end it 'should add correct join' do Review.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(LEFT OUTER JOIN "features" AS reviews__feature ON "reviews".reviewable_id = reviews__feature.featurable_id AND "reviews".reviewable_type = reviews__feature.featurable_type AND (reviews__feature.featurable_type = 'SomeType'))] end end describe 'using restrictions on join conditions' do before do Review.filter do join(Feature, :join_type => :left) do on(:featurable_type, nil) on(:featurable_id).gte(12) on(:priority).not(6) end end.inspect end it 'should add the correct join' do Review.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(LEFT OUTER JOIN "features" AS reviews__feature ON (reviews__feature.featurable_type IS NULL) AND (reviews__feature.featurable_id >= 12) AND (reviews__feature.priority <> 6))] end end describe 'using implicit and explicit joins together with conditions' do before do @blog = @blog.named_filter :somethings do having(:ads) do with(:content, nil) end join(Post, :join_type => :left) do on(:id => :blog_id) join(Comment, :join_type => :inner) do on(:id => :post_id) on(:offensive, true) end end group_by(:id) end @blog.somethings.inspect end it 'should produce the correct conditions' do @blog.last_find[:conditions].should == [%q((blogs__ads.content IS NULL))] end it 'should produce the correct join' do @blog.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(INNER JOIN "ads" AS blogs__ads ON "blogs".id = blogs__ads.blog_id), %q(LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" AS blogs__post ON "blogs".id = blogs__post.blog_id), %q(INNER JOIN "comments" AS blogs__post__comment ON = blogs__post__comment.post_id AND (blogs__post__comment.offensive = 't'))] end end describe 'using the same join multiple times' do before do @blog = @blog.named_filter(:things) do join(Post, :join_type => :inner, :alias => 'blogs_posts_1') do on(:id => :blog_id) with(:title, 'ack') end join(Post, :join_type => :inner, :alias => 'blogs_posts_2') do on(:id => :blog_id) with(:title, 'hmm') end end @blog.things.inspect end it 'should create the correct join' do @blog.last_find[:joins].should == [%q(INNER JOIN "posts" AS blogs_posts_1 ON "blogs".id = blogs_posts_1.blog_id), %q(INNER JOIN "posts" AS blogs_posts_2 ON "blogs".id = blogs_posts_2.blog_id)] end it 'should create the correct conditions' do @blog.last_find[:conditions].should == [%q((blogs_posts_1.title = ?) AND (blogs_posts_2.title = ?)), 'ack', 'hmm'] end end end