// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "src/core/client_channel/client_channel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/cleanup/cleanup.h" #include "absl/log/log.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/strings/cord.h" #include "absl/strings/numbers.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "absl/types/variant.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/client_channel/client_channel_internal.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/client_channel_service_config.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/config_selector.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/dynamic_filters.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/global_subchannel_pool.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/local_subchannel_pool.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/subchannel.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/subchannel_interface_internal.h" #include "src/core/ext/filters/channel_idle/legacy_channel_idle_filter.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/status_util.h" #include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/event_engine/channel_args_endpoint_config.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/crash.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/resolved_address.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/context.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/exec_ctx_wakeup_scheduler.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/loop.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/map.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/poll.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/sleep.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/try_seq.h" #include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/arena.h" #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/credentials.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/call.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/channel.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/client_call.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/completion_queue.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/call_spine.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/metadata_batch.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/child_policy_handler.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/lb_policy.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/lb_policy_registry.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/subchannel_interface.h" #include "src/core/resolver/endpoint_addresses.h" #include "src/core/resolver/resolver_registry.h" #include "src/core/service_config/service_config_impl.h" #include "src/core/telemetry/metrics.h" #include "src/core/util/json/json.h" #include "src/core/util/useful.h" namespace grpc_core { using grpc_event_engine::experimental::EventEngine; using internal::ClientChannelMethodParsedConfig; // // ClientChannel::ResolverResultHandler // class ClientChannel::ResolverResultHandler : public Resolver::ResultHandler { public: explicit ResolverResultHandler( WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel) : client_channel_(std::move(client_channel)) {} ~ResolverResultHandler() override { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << client_channel_.get() << ": resolver shutdown complete"; } void ReportResult(Resolver::Result result) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_) { client_channel_->OnResolverResultChangedLocked(std::move(result)); } private: WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel_; }; // // ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper // // This class is a wrapper for Subchannel that hides details of the // channel's implementation (such as the connected subchannel) from the // LB policy API. // // Note that no synchronization is needed here, because even if the // underlying subchannel is shared between channels, this wrapper will only // be used within one channel, so it will always be synchronized by the // control plane work_serializer. class ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper : public SubchannelInterfaceWithCallDestination { public: SubchannelWrapper(WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel, RefCountedPtr subchannel); ~SubchannelWrapper() override; void Orphaned() override; void WatchConnectivityState( std::unique_ptr watcher) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); void CancelConnectivityStateWatch( ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface* watcher) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); RefCountedPtr call_destination() override { return subchannel_->call_destination(); } void RequestConnection() override { subchannel_->RequestConnection(); } void ResetBackoff() override { subchannel_->ResetBackoff(); } void AddDataWatcher(std::unique_ptr watcher) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); void CancelDataWatcher(DataWatcherInterface* watcher) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); void ThrottleKeepaliveTime(int new_keepalive_time); private: class WatcherWrapper; // A heterogenous lookup comparator for data watchers that allows // unique_ptr keys to be looked up as raw pointers. struct DataWatcherLessThan { using is_transparent = void; bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr& p1, const std::unique_ptr& p2) const { return p1 < p2; } bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr& p1, const DataWatcherInterface* p2) const { return p1.get() < p2; } bool operator()(const DataWatcherInterface* p1, const std::unique_ptr& p2) const { return p1 < p2.get(); } }; WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel_; RefCountedPtr subchannel_; // Maps from the address of the watcher passed to us by the LB policy // to the address of the WrapperWatcher that we passed to the underlying // subchannel. This is needed so that when the LB policy calls // CancelConnectivityStateWatch() with its watcher, we know the // corresponding WrapperWatcher to cancel on the underlying subchannel. std::map watcher_map_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); std::set, DataWatcherLessThan> data_watchers_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(*client_channel_->work_serializer_); }; // This wrapper provides a bridge between the internal Subchannel API // and the SubchannelInterface API that we expose to LB policies. // It implements Subchannel::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface and wraps // the instance of SubchannelInterface::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface // that was passed in by the LB policy. We pass an instance of this // class to the underlying Subchannel, and when we get updates from // the subchannel, we pass those on to the wrapped watcher to return // the update to the LB policy. // // This class handles things like hopping into the WorkSerializer // before passing notifications to the LB policy and propagating // keepalive information betwen subchannels. class ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::WatcherWrapper : public Subchannel::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface { public: WatcherWrapper( std::unique_ptr watcher, RefCountedPtr subchannel_wrapper) : watcher_(std::move(watcher)), subchannel_wrapper_(std::move(subchannel_wrapper)) {} ~WatcherWrapper() override { subchannel_wrapper_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "WatcherWrapper"); } void OnConnectivityStateChange( RefCountedPtr self, grpc_connectivity_state state, const absl::Status& status) override { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_.get() << ": connectivity change for subchannel wrapper " << subchannel_wrapper_.get() << " subchannel " << subchannel_wrapper_->subchannel_.get() << "; hopping into work_serializer"; self.release(); // Held by callback. subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->work_serializer_->Run( [this, state, status]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED( *subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->work_serializer_) { ApplyUpdateInControlPlaneWorkSerializer(state, status); Unref(); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties() override { return nullptr; } private: void ApplyUpdateInControlPlaneWorkSerializer(grpc_connectivity_state state, const absl::Status& status) ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED( *subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->work_serializer_) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_.get() << ": processing connectivity change in work serializer for subchannel " "wrapper " << subchannel_wrapper_.get() << " subchannel " << subchannel_wrapper_->subchannel_.get() << " watcher=" << watcher_.get() << "state=" << ConnectivityStateName(state) << " status=" << status; absl::optional keepalive_throttling = status.GetPayload(kKeepaliveThrottlingKey); if (keepalive_throttling.has_value()) { int new_keepalive_time = -1; if (absl::SimpleAtoi(std::string(keepalive_throttling.value()), &new_keepalive_time)) { if (new_keepalive_time > subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->keepalive_time_) { subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->keepalive_time_ = new_keepalive_time; GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_.get() << ": throttling keepalive time to " << subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->keepalive_time_; // Propagate the new keepalive time to all subchannels. This is so // that new transports created by any subchannel (and not just the // subchannel that received the GOAWAY), use the new keepalive time. for (auto* subchannel_wrapper : subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_->subchannel_wrappers_) { subchannel_wrapper->ThrottleKeepaliveTime(new_keepalive_time); } } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "client_channel=" << subchannel_wrapper_->client_channel_.get() << ": Illegal keepalive throttling value " << std::string(keepalive_throttling.value()); } } // Propagate status only in state TF. // We specifically want to avoid propagating the status for // state IDLE that the real subchannel gave us only for the // purpose of keepalive propagation. watcher_->OnConnectivityStateChange( state, state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE ? status : absl::OkStatus()); } std::unique_ptr watcher_; RefCountedPtr subchannel_wrapper_; }; ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::SubchannelWrapper( WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel, RefCountedPtr subchannel) : SubchannelInterfaceWithCallDestination( GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(client_channel) ? "SubchannelWrapper" : nullptr), client_channel_(std::move(client_channel)), subchannel_(std::move(subchannel)) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << client_channel_.get() << ": creating subchannel wrapper " << this << " for subchannel " << subchannel_.get(); #ifndef NDEBUG DCHECK(client_channel_->work_serializer_->RunningInWorkSerializer()); #endif if (client_channel_->channelz_node_ != nullptr) { auto* subchannel_node = subchannel_->channelz_node(); if (subchannel_node != nullptr) { auto it = client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_.find(subchannel_.get()); if (it == client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_.end()) { client_channel_->channelz_node_->AddChildSubchannel( subchannel_node->uuid()); it = client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_ .emplace(subchannel_.get(), 0) .first; } ++it->second; } } client_channel_->subchannel_wrappers_.insert(this); } ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::~SubchannelWrapper() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << client_channel_.get() << ": destroying subchannel wrapper " << this << " for subchannel " << subchannel_.get(); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::Orphaned() { // Make sure we clean up the channel's subchannel maps inside the // WorkSerializer. auto self = WeakRefAsSubclass(DEBUG_LOCATION, "subchannel map cleanup"); client_channel_->work_serializer_->Run( [self]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED( *self->client_channel_->work_serializer_) { self->client_channel_->subchannel_wrappers_.erase(self.get()); if (self->client_channel_->channelz_node_ != nullptr) { auto* subchannel_node = self->subchannel_->channelz_node(); if (subchannel_node != nullptr) { auto it = self->client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_.find( self->subchannel_.get()); CHECK(it != self->client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_.end()); --it->second; if (it->second == 0) { self->client_channel_->channelz_node_->RemoveChildSubchannel( subchannel_node->uuid()); self->client_channel_->subchannel_refcount_map_.erase(it); } } } }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::WatchConnectivityState( std::unique_ptr watcher) { auto& watcher_wrapper = watcher_map_[watcher.get()]; CHECK(watcher_wrapper == nullptr); watcher_wrapper = new WatcherWrapper( std::move(watcher), RefAsSubclass(DEBUG_LOCATION, "WatcherWrapper")); subchannel_->WatchConnectivityState( RefCountedPtr( watcher_wrapper)); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::CancelConnectivityStateWatch( ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface* watcher) { auto it = watcher_map_.find(watcher); CHECK(it != watcher_map_.end()); subchannel_->CancelConnectivityStateWatch(it->second); watcher_map_.erase(it); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::AddDataWatcher( std::unique_ptr watcher) { static_cast(watcher.get()) ->SetSubchannel(subchannel_.get()); CHECK(data_watchers_.insert(std::move(watcher)).second); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::CancelDataWatcher( DataWatcherInterface* watcher) { auto it = data_watchers_.find(watcher); if (it != data_watchers_.end()) data_watchers_.erase(it); } void ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper::ThrottleKeepaliveTime( int new_keepalive_time) { subchannel_->ThrottleKeepaliveTime(new_keepalive_time); } // // ClientChannel::ClientChannelControlHelper // class ClientChannel::ClientChannelControlHelper : public LoadBalancingPolicy::ChannelControlHelper { public: explicit ClientChannelControlHelper( WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel) : client_channel_(std::move(client_channel)) {} ~ClientChannelControlHelper() override { client_channel_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "ClientChannelControlHelper"); } RefCountedPtr CreateSubchannel( const grpc_resolved_address& address, const ChannelArgs& per_address_args, const ChannelArgs& args) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_) { // If shutting down, do nothing. if (client_channel_->resolver_ == nullptr) return nullptr; ChannelArgs subchannel_args = Subchannel::MakeSubchannelArgs( args, per_address_args, client_channel_->subchannel_pool_, client_channel_->default_authority_); // Create subchannel. RefCountedPtr subchannel = client_channel_->client_channel_factory_->CreateSubchannel( address, subchannel_args); if (subchannel == nullptr) return nullptr; // Make sure the subchannel has updated keepalive time. subchannel->ThrottleKeepaliveTime(client_channel_->keepalive_time_); // Create and return wrapper for the subchannel. return MakeRefCounted(client_channel_, std::move(subchannel)); } void UpdateState( grpc_connectivity_state state, const absl::Status& status, RefCountedPtr picker) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_) { if (client_channel_->resolver_ == nullptr) return; // Shutting down. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(client_channel)) { const char* extra = client_channel_->disconnect_error_.ok() ? "" : " (ignoring -- channel shutting down)"; LOG(INFO) << "client_channel=" << client_channel_.get() << ": update: state=" << ConnectivityStateName(state) << " status=(" << status << ") picker=" << picker.get() << extra; } // Do update only if not shutting down. if (client_channel_->disconnect_error_.ok()) { client_channel_->UpdateStateAndPickerLocked(state, status, "helper", std::move(picker)); } } void RequestReresolution() override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_) { if (client_channel_->resolver_ == nullptr) return; // Shutting down. GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << client_channel_.get() << ": started name re-resolving"; client_channel_->resolver_->RequestReresolutionLocked(); } absl::string_view GetTarget() override { return client_channel_->target(); } absl::string_view GetAuthority() override { return client_channel_->default_authority_; } RefCountedPtr GetChannelCredentials() override { return client_channel_->channel_args_.GetObject() ->duplicate_without_call_credentials(); } RefCountedPtr GetUnsafeChannelCredentials() override { return client_channel_->channel_args_.GetObject() ->Ref(); } EventEngine* GetEventEngine() override { return client_channel_->event_engine(); } GlobalStatsPluginRegistry::StatsPluginGroup& GetStatsPluginGroup() override { return client_channel_->stats_plugin_group_; } void AddTraceEvent(TraceSeverity severity, absl::string_view message) override ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*client_channel_->work_serializer_) { if (client_channel_->resolver_ == nullptr) return; // Shutting down. if (client_channel_->channelz_node_ != nullptr) { client_channel_->channelz_node_->AddTraceEvent( ConvertSeverityEnum(severity), grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer(message.data(), message.size())); } } private: static channelz::ChannelTrace::Severity ConvertSeverityEnum( TraceSeverity severity) { if (severity == TRACE_INFO) return channelz::ChannelTrace::Info; if (severity == TRACE_WARNING) return channelz::ChannelTrace::Warning; return channelz::ChannelTrace::Error; } WeakRefCountedPtr client_channel_; }; // // ClientChannel implementation // namespace { RefCountedPtr GetSubchannelPool( const ChannelArgs& args) { if (args.GetBool(GRPC_ARG_USE_LOCAL_SUBCHANNEL_POOL).value_or(false)) { return MakeRefCounted(); } return GlobalSubchannelPool::instance(); } } // namespace absl::StatusOr> ClientChannel::Create( std::string target, ChannelArgs channel_args) { // Get URI to resolve, using proxy mapper if needed. if (target.empty()) { return absl::InternalError("target URI is empty in client channel"); } std::string uri_to_resolve = CoreConfiguration::Get() .proxy_mapper_registry() .MapName(target, &channel_args) .value_or(target); // Make sure the URI to resolve is valid, so that we know that // resolver creation will succeed later. if (!CoreConfiguration::Get().resolver_registry().IsValidTarget( uri_to_resolve)) { return absl::InvalidArgumentError( absl::StrCat("invalid target URI: ", uri_to_resolve)); } // Get default service config. If none is specified via the client API, // we use an empty config. absl::optional service_config_json = channel_args.GetString(GRPC_ARG_SERVICE_CONFIG); if (!service_config_json.has_value()) service_config_json = "{}"; auto default_service_config = ServiceConfigImpl::Create(channel_args, *service_config_json); if (!default_service_config.ok()) return default_service_config.status(); // Strip out service config channel arg, so that it doesn't affect // subchannel uniqueness when the args flow down to that layer. channel_args = channel_args.Remove(GRPC_ARG_SERVICE_CONFIG); // Check client channel factory. auto* client_channel_factory = channel_args.GetObject(); if (client_channel_factory == nullptr) { return absl::InternalError( "Missing client channel factory in args for client channel"); } auto* call_destination_factory = channel_args.GetObject(); if (call_destination_factory == nullptr) { return absl::InternalError( "Missing call destination factory in args for client channel"); } if (channel_args.GetObject() == nullptr) { return absl::InternalError( "Missing event engine in args for client channel"); } // Success. Construct channel. return MakeRefCounted( std::move(target), std::move(channel_args), std::move(uri_to_resolve), std::move(*default_service_config), client_channel_factory, call_destination_factory); } namespace { std::string GetDefaultAuthorityFromChannelArgs(const ChannelArgs& channel_args, absl::string_view target) { absl::optional default_authority = channel_args.GetOwnedString(GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY); if (!default_authority.has_value()) { return CoreConfiguration::Get().resolver_registry().GetDefaultAuthority( target); } else { return std::move(*default_authority); } } } // namespace ClientChannel::ClientChannel( std::string target, ChannelArgs channel_args, std::string uri_to_resolve, RefCountedPtr default_service_config, ClientChannelFactory* client_channel_factory, CallDestinationFactory* call_destination_factory) : Channel(std::move(target), channel_args), channel_args_(std::move(channel_args)), event_engine_(channel_args_.GetObjectRef()), uri_to_resolve_(std::move(uri_to_resolve)), service_config_parser_index_( internal::ClientChannelServiceConfigParser::ParserIndex()), default_service_config_(std::move(default_service_config)), client_channel_factory_(client_channel_factory), default_authority_( GetDefaultAuthorityFromChannelArgs(channel_args_, this->target())), channelz_node_(channel_args_.GetObject()), idle_timeout_(GetClientIdleTimeout(channel_args_)), resolver_data_for_calls_(ResolverDataForCalls{}), picker_(nullptr), call_destination_( call_destination_factory->CreateCallDestination(picker_)), work_serializer_(std::make_shared(event_engine_)), state_tracker_("client_channel", GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE), subchannel_pool_(GetSubchannelPool(channel_args_)) { CHECK(event_engine_.get() != nullptr); GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": creating client_channel"; // Set initial keepalive time. auto keepalive_arg = channel_args_.GetInt(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIME_MS); if (keepalive_arg.has_value()) { keepalive_time_ = Clamp(*keepalive_arg, 1, INT_MAX); } else { keepalive_time_ = -1; // unset } // Get stats plugins for channel. grpc_event_engine::experimental::ChannelArgsEndpointConfig endpoint_config( channel_args_); experimental::StatsPluginChannelScope scope( this->target(), default_authority_, endpoint_config); stats_plugin_group_ = GlobalStatsPluginRegistry::GetStatsPluginsForChannel(scope); } ClientChannel::~ClientChannel() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": destroying"; } void ClientChannel::Orphaned() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": shutting down"; // Weird capture then copy needed to satisfy thread safety analysis, // otherwise it seems to fail to recognize the correct lock is taken in the // lambda. auto self = WeakRefAsSubclass(); work_serializer_->Run( [self]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*self->work_serializer_) { self->DestroyResolverAndLbPolicyLocked(); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); // IncreaseCallCount() introduces a phony call and prevents the idle // timer from being reset by other threads. idle_state_.IncreaseCallCount(); idle_activity_.Reset(); } grpc_connectivity_state ClientChannel::CheckConnectivityState( bool try_to_connect) { // state_tracker_ is guarded by work_serializer_, which we're not // holding here. But the one method of state_tracker_ that *is* // thread-safe to call without external synchronization is the state() // method, so we can disable thread-safety analysis for this one read. grpc_connectivity_state state = ABSL_TS_UNCHECKED_READ(state_tracker_).state(); if (state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE && try_to_connect) { auto self = WeakRefAsSubclass(); // Held by callback. work_serializer_->Run( [self]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*self->work_serializer_) { self->TryToConnectLocked(); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } return state; } namespace { // A fire-and-forget object to handle external connectivity state watches. class ExternalStateWatcher : public RefCounted { public: ExternalStateWatcher(WeakRefCountedPtr channel, grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* tag, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state, Timestamp deadline) : channel_(std::move(channel)), cq_(cq), tag_(tag) { MutexLock lock(&mu_); // Start watch. This inherits the ref from creation. auto watcher = MakeOrphanable(RefCountedPtr(this)); watcher_ = watcher.get(); channel_->AddConnectivityWatcher(last_observed_state, std::move(watcher)); // Start timer. This takes a second ref. const Duration timeout = deadline - Timestamp::Now(); timer_handle_ = channel_->event_engine()->RunAfter(timeout, [self = Ref()]() mutable { ApplicationCallbackExecCtx callback_exec_ctx; ExecCtx exec_ctx; self->MaybeStartCompletion(absl::DeadlineExceededError( "Timed out waiting for connection state change")); // ExternalStateWatcher deletion might require an active ExecCtx. self.reset(); }); } private: class Watcher : public AsyncConnectivityStateWatcherInterface { public: explicit Watcher(RefCountedPtr external_state_watcher) : external_state_watcher_(std::move(external_state_watcher)) {} void OnConnectivityStateChange(grpc_connectivity_state /*new_state*/, const absl::Status& /*status*/) override { external_state_watcher_->MaybeStartCompletion(absl::OkStatus()); } private: RefCountedPtr external_state_watcher_; }; // This is called both when the watch reports a new connectivity state // and when the timer fires. It will trigger a CQ notification only // on the first call. Subsequent calls will be ignored, because // events can come in asynchronously. void MaybeStartCompletion(absl::Status status) { MutexLock lock(&mu_); if (watcher_ == nullptr) return; // Ignore subsequent notifications. // Cancel watch. channel_->RemoveConnectivityWatcher(watcher_); watcher_ = nullptr; // Cancel timer. channel_->event_engine()->Cancel(timer_handle_); // Send CQ completion. Ref().release(); // Released in FinishedCompletion(). grpc_cq_end_op(cq_, tag_, status, FinishedCompletion, this, &completion_storage_); } // Called when the completion is returned to the CQ. static void FinishedCompletion(void* arg, grpc_cq_completion* /*ignored*/) { auto* self = static_cast(arg); self->Unref(); } WeakRefCountedPtr channel_; Mutex mu_; grpc_completion_queue* cq_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_); void* tag_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_); grpc_cq_completion completion_storage_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_); Watcher* watcher_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = nullptr; grpc_event_engine::experimental::EventEngine::TaskHandle timer_handle_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_); }; } // namespace void ClientChannel::WatchConnectivityState(grpc_connectivity_state state, Timestamp deadline, grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* tag) { new ExternalStateWatcher(WeakRefAsSubclass(), cq, tag, state, deadline); } void ClientChannel::AddConnectivityWatcher( grpc_connectivity_state, OrphanablePtr) { Crash("not implemented"); // TODO(ctiller): to make this work, need to change WorkSerializer to use // absl::AnyInvocable<> instead of std::function<> // work_serializer_->Run( // [self = RefAsSubclass(), initial_state, // watcher = std::move(watcher)]() // ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*work_serializer_) { // self->state_tracker_.AddWatcher(initial_state, std::move(watcher)); // }, // DEBUG_LOCATION); } void ClientChannel::RemoveConnectivityWatcher( AsyncConnectivityStateWatcherInterface* watcher) { auto self = RefAsSubclass(); // Held by callback. work_serializer_->Run( [self, watcher]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*self->work_serializer_) { self->state_tracker_.RemoveWatcher(watcher); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void ClientChannel::GetInfo(const grpc_channel_info* info) { MutexLock lock(&info_mu_); if (info->lb_policy_name != nullptr) { *info->lb_policy_name = gpr_strdup(info_lb_policy_name_.c_str()); } if (info->service_config_json != nullptr) { *info->service_config_json = gpr_strdup(info_service_config_json_.c_str()); } } void ClientChannel::ResetConnectionBackoff() { auto self = RefAsSubclass(); work_serializer_->Run( [self]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*self->work_serializer_) { if (self->lb_policy_ != nullptr) self->lb_policy_->ResetBackoffLocked(); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } namespace { // A class to handle CQ completion for a ping. class PingRequest { public: PingRequest(grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* tag) : cq_(cq), tag_(tag) { grpc_cq_begin_op(cq, tag); } // Triggers CQ completion and eventually deletes the PingRequest object. void Complete(grpc_error_handle error) { grpc_cq_end_op(cq_, tag_, error, Destroy, this, &completion_storage_); } private: static void Destroy(void* arg, grpc_cq_completion* /*storage*/) { delete static_cast(arg); } grpc_completion_queue* cq_; void* tag_; grpc_cq_completion completion_storage_; }; } // namespace void ClientChannel::Ping(grpc_completion_queue*, void*) { // TODO(ctiller): implement Crash("not implemented"); } grpc_call* ClientChannel::CreateCall( grpc_call* parent_call, uint32_t propagation_mask, grpc_completion_queue* cq, grpc_pollset_set* /*pollset_set_alternative*/, Slice path, absl::optional authority, Timestamp deadline, bool) { auto arena = call_arena_allocator()->MakeArena(); arena->SetContext( event_engine()); return MakeClientCall(parent_call, propagation_mask, cq, std::move(path), std::move(authority), false, deadline, compression_options(), std::move(arena), Ref()); } void ClientChannel::StartCall(UnstartedCallHandler unstarted_handler) { // Increment call count. if (idle_timeout_ != Duration::Zero()) idle_state_.IncreaseCallCount(); // Exit IDLE if needed. CheckConnectivityState(/*try_to_connect=*/true); // Spawn a promise to wait for the resolver result. // This will eventually start the call. unstarted_handler.SpawnGuardedUntilCallCompletes( "wait-for-name-resolution", [self = RefAsSubclass(), unstarted_handler]() mutable { const bool wait_for_ready = unstarted_handler.UnprocessedClientInitialMetadata() .GetOrCreatePointer(WaitForReady()) ->value; return Map( // Wait for the resolver result. CheckDelayed(self->resolver_data_for_calls_.NextWhen( [wait_for_ready]( const absl::StatusOr result) { bool got_result = false; // If the resolver reports an error but the call is // wait_for_ready, keep waiting for the next result // instead of failing the call. if (!result.ok()) { got_result = !wait_for_ready; } else { // Not an error. Make sure we actually have a result. got_result = result->config_selector != nullptr; } return got_result; })), // Handle resolver result. [self, unstarted_handler]( std::tuple, bool> result_and_delayed) mutable { auto& resolver_data = std::get<0>(result_and_delayed); const bool was_queued = std::get<1>(result_and_delayed); if (!resolver_data.ok()) return resolver_data.status(); // Apply service config to call. absl::Status status = self->ApplyServiceConfigToCall( *resolver_data->config_selector, unstarted_handler.UnprocessedClientInitialMetadata()); if (!status.ok()) return status; // If the call was queued, add trace annotation. if (was_queued) { auto* call_tracer = MaybeGetContext(); if (call_tracer != nullptr) { call_tracer->RecordAnnotation( "Delayed name resolution complete."); } } // Start the call on the destination provided by the // resolver. resolver_data->call_destination->StartCall( std::move(unstarted_handler)); return absl::OkStatus(); }); }); } void ClientChannel::CreateResolverLocked() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": starting name resolution for " << uri_to_resolve_; resolver_ = CoreConfiguration::Get().resolver_registry().CreateResolver( uri_to_resolve_, channel_args_, nullptr, work_serializer_, std::make_unique( WeakRefAsSubclass())); // Since the validity of the args was checked when the channel was created, // CreateResolver() must return a non-null result. CHECK(resolver_ != nullptr); UpdateStateLocked(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, absl::Status(), "started resolving"); resolver_->StartLocked(); GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": created resolver=" << resolver_.get(); } void ClientChannel::DestroyResolverAndLbPolicyLocked() { if (resolver_ != nullptr) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": shutting down resolver=" << resolver_.get(); resolver_.reset(); saved_service_config_.reset(); saved_config_selector_.reset(); resolver_data_for_calls_.Set(ResolverDataForCalls{nullptr, nullptr}); // Clear LB policy if set. if (lb_policy_ != nullptr) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": shutting down lb_policy=" << lb_policy_.get(); lb_policy_.reset(); picker_.Set(MakeRefCounted( absl::UnavailableError("Channel shutdown"))); } } } void ClientChannel::TryToConnectLocked() { if (disconnect_error_.ok()) { if (lb_policy_ != nullptr) { lb_policy_->ExitIdleLocked(); } else if (resolver_ == nullptr) { CreateResolverLocked(); } } } namespace { RefCountedPtr ChooseLbPolicy( const Resolver::Result& resolver_result, const internal::ClientChannelGlobalParsedConfig* parsed_service_config) { // Prefer the LB policy config found in the service config. if (parsed_service_config->parsed_lb_config() != nullptr) { return parsed_service_config->parsed_lb_config(); } // Try the deprecated LB policy name from the service config. // If not, try the setting from channel args. absl::optional policy_name; if (!parsed_service_config->parsed_deprecated_lb_policy().empty()) { policy_name = parsed_service_config->parsed_deprecated_lb_policy(); } else { policy_name = resolver_result.args.GetString(GRPC_ARG_LB_POLICY_NAME); bool requires_config = false; if (policy_name.has_value() && (!CoreConfiguration::Get() .lb_policy_registry() .LoadBalancingPolicyExists(*policy_name, &requires_config) || requires_config)) { if (requires_config) { LOG(ERROR) << "LB policy: " << *policy_name << " passed through channel_args must not " "require a config. Using pick_first instead."; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "LB policy: " << *policy_name << " passed through channel_args does not exist. " "Using pick_first instead."; } policy_name = "pick_first"; } } // Use pick_first if nothing was specified and we didn't select grpclb // above. if (!policy_name.has_value()) policy_name = "pick_first"; // Now that we have the policy name, construct an empty config for it. Json config_json = Json::FromArray({Json::FromObject({ {std::string(*policy_name), Json::FromObject({})}, })}); auto lb_policy_config = CoreConfiguration::Get().lb_policy_registry().ParseLoadBalancingConfig( config_json); // The policy name came from one of three places: // - The deprecated loadBalancingPolicy field in the service config, // in which case the code in ClientChannelServiceConfigParser // already verified that the policy does not require a config. // - One of the hard-coded values here, all of which are known to not // require a config. // - A channel arg, in which case we check that the specified policy exists // and accepts an empty config. If not, we revert to using pick_first // lb_policy CHECK_OK(lb_policy_config); return std::move(*lb_policy_config); } } // namespace void ClientChannel::OnResolverResultChangedLocked(Resolver::Result result) { // Handle race conditions. if (resolver_ == nullptr) return; GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": got resolver result"; // Grab resolver result health callback. auto resolver_callback = std::move(result.result_health_callback); absl::Status resolver_result_status; // We only want to trace the address resolution in the follow cases: // (a) Address resolution resulted in service config change. // (b) Address resolution that causes number of backends to go from // zero to non-zero. // (c) Address resolution that causes number of backends to go from // non-zero to zero. // (d) Address resolution that causes a new LB policy to be created. // // We track a list of strings to eventually be concatenated and traced. std::vector trace_strings; const bool resolution_contains_addresses = result.addresses.ok() && !result.addresses->empty(); if (!resolution_contains_addresses && previous_resolution_contained_addresses_) { trace_strings.push_back("Address list became empty"); } else if (resolution_contains_addresses && !previous_resolution_contained_addresses_) { trace_strings.push_back("Address list became non-empty"); } previous_resolution_contained_addresses_ = resolution_contains_addresses; std::string service_config_error_string_storage; if (!result.service_config.ok()) { service_config_error_string_storage = result.service_config.status().ToString(); trace_strings.push_back(service_config_error_string_storage.c_str()); } // Choose the service config. RefCountedPtr service_config; RefCountedPtr config_selector; if (!result.service_config.ok()) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": resolver returned service config error: " << result.service_config.status(); // If the service config was invalid, then fallback to the // previously returned service config, if any. if (saved_service_config_ != nullptr) { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": resolver returned invalid service config; " "continuing to use previous service config"; service_config = saved_service_config_; config_selector = saved_config_selector_; } else { // We received a service config error and we don't have a // previous service config to fall back to. Put the channel into // TRANSIENT_FAILURE. OnResolverErrorLocked(result.service_config.status()); trace_strings.push_back("no valid service config"); resolver_result_status = absl::UnavailableError("no valid service config"); } } else if (*result.service_config == nullptr) { // Resolver did not return any service config. GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": resolver returned no service config; using default service " "config for channel"; service_config = default_service_config_; } else { // Use ServiceConfig and ConfigSelector returned by resolver. service_config = std::move(*result.service_config); config_selector = result.args.GetObjectRef(); } // Note: The only case in which service_config is null here is if the // resolver returned a service config error and we don't have a previous // service config to fall back to. if (service_config != nullptr) { // Extract global config for client channel. const internal::ClientChannelGlobalParsedConfig* parsed_service_config = static_cast( service_config->GetGlobalParsedConfig( service_config_parser_index_)); // Choose LB policy config. RefCountedPtr lb_policy_config = ChooseLbPolicy(result, parsed_service_config); // Check if the ServiceConfig has changed. const bool service_config_changed = saved_service_config_ == nullptr || service_config->json_string() != saved_service_config_->json_string(); // Check if the ConfigSelector has changed. const bool config_selector_changed = !ConfigSelector::Equals( saved_config_selector_.get(), config_selector.get()); // If either has changed, apply the global parameters now. if (service_config_changed || config_selector_changed) { // Update service config in control plane. UpdateServiceConfigInControlPlaneLocked( std::move(service_config), std::move(config_selector), std::string(lb_policy_config->name())); // TODO(ncteisen): might be worth somehow including a snippet of the // config in the trace, at the risk of bloating the trace logs. trace_strings.push_back("Service config changed"); } else { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": service config not changed"; } // Create or update LB policy, as needed. resolver_result_status = CreateOrUpdateLbPolicyLocked( std::move(lb_policy_config), parsed_service_config->health_check_service_name(), std::move(result)); // Start using new service config for calls. // This needs to happen after the LB policy has been updated, since // the ConfigSelector may need the LB policy to know about new // destinations before it can send RPCs to those destinations. if (service_config_changed || config_selector_changed) { UpdateServiceConfigInDataPlaneLocked(); } } // Invoke resolver callback if needed. if (resolver_callback != nullptr) { resolver_callback(std::move(resolver_result_status)); } // Add channel trace event. if (!trace_strings.empty()) { std::string message = absl::StrCat("Resolution event: ", absl::StrJoin(trace_strings, ", ")); if (channelz_node_ != nullptr) { channelz_node_->AddTraceEvent(channelz::ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, grpc_slice_from_cpp_string(message)); } } } void ClientChannel::OnResolverErrorLocked(absl::Status status) { if (resolver_ == nullptr) return; GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": resolver transient failure: " << status; // If we already have an LB policy from a previous resolution // result, then we continue to let it set the connectivity state. // Otherwise, we go into TRANSIENT_FAILURE. if (lb_policy_ == nullptr) { // Update connectivity state. UpdateStateLocked(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, status, "resolver failure"); // Send updated resolver result. resolver_data_for_calls_.Set( MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(status, "resolver")); } } absl::Status ClientChannel::CreateOrUpdateLbPolicyLocked( RefCountedPtr lb_policy_config, const absl::optional& health_check_service_name, Resolver::Result result) { // Construct update. LoadBalancingPolicy::UpdateArgs update_args; if (!result.addresses.ok()) { update_args.addresses = result.addresses.status(); } else { update_args.addresses = std::make_shared( std::move(*result.addresses)); } update_args.config = std::move(lb_policy_config); update_args.resolution_note = std::move(result.resolution_note); // Remove the config selector from channel args so that we're not holding // unnecessary refs that cause it to be destroyed somewhere other than in // the WorkSerializer. update_args.args = result.args.Remove(GRPC_ARG_CONFIG_SELECTOR); // Add health check service name to channel args. if (health_check_service_name.has_value()) { update_args.args = update_args.args.Set(GRPC_ARG_HEALTH_CHECK_SERVICE_NAME, *health_check_service_name); } // Create policy if needed. if (lb_policy_ == nullptr) { lb_policy_ = CreateLbPolicyLocked(update_args.args); } // Update the policy. GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": Updating child policy " << lb_policy_.get(); return lb_policy_->UpdateLocked(std::move(update_args)); } // Creates a new LB policy. OrphanablePtr ClientChannel::CreateLbPolicyLocked( const ChannelArgs& args) { // The LB policy will start in state CONNECTING but will not // necessarily send us an update synchronously, so set state to // CONNECTING (in case the resolver had previously failed and put the // channel into TRANSIENT_FAILURE) and make sure we have a queueing picker. UpdateStateAndPickerLocked( GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, absl::Status(), "started resolving", MakeRefCounted(nullptr)); // Now create the LB policy. LoadBalancingPolicy::Args lb_policy_args; lb_policy_args.work_serializer = work_serializer_; lb_policy_args.channel_control_helper = std::make_unique( WeakRefAsSubclass()); lb_policy_args.args = args; OrphanablePtr lb_policy = MakeOrphanable(std::move(lb_policy_args), &client_channel_trace); GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": created new LB policy " << lb_policy.get(); return lb_policy; } void ClientChannel::UpdateServiceConfigInControlPlaneLocked( RefCountedPtr service_config, RefCountedPtr config_selector, std::string lb_policy_name) { std::string service_config_json(service_config->json_string()); // Update service config. GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": using service config: \"" << service_config_json << "\""; saved_service_config_ = std::move(service_config); // Update config selector. GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": using ConfigSelector " << config_selector.get(); saved_config_selector_ = std::move(config_selector); // Update the data used by GetChannelInfo(). { MutexLock lock(&info_mu_); info_lb_policy_name_ = std::move(lb_policy_name); info_service_config_json_ = std::move(service_config_json); } } void ClientChannel::UpdateServiceConfigInDataPlaneLocked() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": switching to ConfigSelector " << saved_config_selector_.get(); // Use default config selector if resolver didn't supply one. RefCountedPtr config_selector = saved_config_selector_; if (config_selector == nullptr) { config_selector = MakeRefCounted(saved_service_config_); } // Construct filter stack. InterceptionChainBuilder builder(channel_args_.SetObject(this)); if (idle_timeout_ != Duration::Zero()) { builder.AddOnServerTrailingMetadata([this](ServerMetadata&) { if (idle_state_.DecreaseCallCount()) StartIdleTimer(); }); } CoreConfiguration::Get().channel_init().AddToInterceptionChainBuilder( GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL, builder); // Add filters returned by the config selector (e.g., xDS HTTP filters). config_selector->AddFilters(builder); // TODO(roth, ctiller): When we implement the retry interceptor, that // needs to be added *after* the filters added by the config selector. const bool enable_retries = !channel_args_.WantMinimalStack() && channel_args_.GetBool(GRPC_ARG_ENABLE_RETRIES).value_or(true); if (enable_retries) { Crash("call v3 stack does not yet support retries"); } // Create call destination. auto top_of_stack_call_destination = builder.Build(call_destination_); // Send result to data plane. if (!top_of_stack_call_destination.ok()) { resolver_data_for_calls_.Set(MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode( top_of_stack_call_destination.status(), "channel construction")); } else { resolver_data_for_calls_.Set(ResolverDataForCalls{ std::move(config_selector), std::move(*top_of_stack_call_destination)}); } } void ClientChannel::UpdateStateLocked(grpc_connectivity_state state, const absl::Status& status, const char* reason) { if (state != GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN && state_tracker_.state() == GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN) { Crash("Illegal transition SHUTDOWN -> anything"); } state_tracker_.SetState(state, status, reason); if (channelz_node_ != nullptr) { channelz_node_->SetConnectivityState(state); channelz_node_->AddTraceEvent( channelz::ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, grpc_slice_from_static_string( channelz::ChannelNode::GetChannelConnectivityStateChangeString( state))); } } void ClientChannel::UpdateStateAndPickerLocked( grpc_connectivity_state state, const absl::Status& status, const char* reason, RefCountedPtr picker) { UpdateStateLocked(state, status, reason); picker_.Set(std::move(picker)); } void ClientChannel::StartIdleTimer() { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": idle timer started"; auto self = WeakRefAsSubclass(); auto promise = Loop([self]() { return TrySeq(Sleep(Timestamp::Now() + self->idle_timeout_), [self]() -> Poll> { if (self->idle_state_.CheckTimer()) { return Continue{}; } else { return absl::OkStatus(); } }); }); auto arena = SimpleArenaAllocator(0)->MakeArena(); arena->SetContext( event_engine()); idle_activity_.Set(MakeActivity( std::move(promise), ExecCtxWakeupScheduler{}, [self = std::move(self)](absl::Status status) mutable { if (status.ok()) { self->work_serializer_->Run( [self]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*self->work_serializer_) { self->DestroyResolverAndLbPolicyLocked(); self->UpdateStateAndPickerLocked( GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, absl::OkStatus(), "channel entering IDLE", nullptr); // TODO(roth): In case there's a race condition, we // might need to check for any calls that are // queued waiting for a resolver result or an LB // pick. }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } }, std::move(arena))); } absl::Status ClientChannel::ApplyServiceConfigToCall( ConfigSelector& config_selector, ClientMetadata& client_initial_metadata) const { GRPC_TRACE_LOG(client_channel_call, INFO) << "client_channel=" << this << ": " << GetContext()->DebugTag() << " service config to call"; // Create a ClientChannelServiceConfigCallData for the call. This stores // a ref to the ServiceConfig and caches the right set of parsed configs // to use for the call. The ClientChannelServiceConfigCallData will store // itself in the call context, so that it can be accessed by filters // below us in the stack, and it will be cleaned up when the call ends. auto* service_config_call_data = GetContext()->New( GetContext()); // Use the ConfigSelector to determine the config for the call. absl::Status call_config_status = config_selector.GetCallConfig( {&client_initial_metadata, GetContext(), service_config_call_data}); if (!call_config_status.ok()) { return MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(call_config_status, "ConfigSelector"); } // Apply our own method params to the call. auto* method_params = DownCast( service_config_call_data->GetMethodParsedConfig( service_config_parser_index_)); if (method_params != nullptr) { // If the service config specifies a deadline, update the call's // deadline timer. if (method_params->timeout() != Duration::Zero()) { Call* call = GetContext(); const Timestamp per_method_deadline = Timestamp::FromCycleCounterRoundUp(call->start_time()) + method_params->timeout(); call->UpdateDeadline(per_method_deadline); } // If the service config set wait_for_ready and the application // did not explicitly set it, use the value from the service config. auto* wait_for_ready = client_initial_metadata.GetOrCreatePointer(WaitForReady()); if (method_params->wait_for_ready().has_value() && !wait_for_ready->explicitly_set) { wait_for_ready->value = method_params->wait_for_ready().value(); } } return absl::OkStatus(); } } // namespace grpc_core