# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "focuslight" require "focuslight/config" require "focuslight/logger" require "focuslight/graph" require "time" require "tempfile" require "rrd" class Focuslight::RRD include Focuslight::Logger def initialize(args={}) @datadir = Focuslight::Config.get(:datadir) # rrdcached end def rrd_create_options_long(dst) [ '--step', '300', "DS:num:#{dst}:600:U:U", 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440', # 5mins, 5days 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:1008', # 30mins, 21days 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:1344', # 2hours, 112days 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:2500', # 24hours, 500days 'RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1440', # 5mins, 5days 'RRA:MAX:0.5:6:1008', # 30mins, 21days 'RRA:MAX:0.5:24:1344', # 2hours, 112days 'RRA:MAX:0.5:288:2500', # 24hours, 500days ] end def rrd_create_options_short(dst) [ '--step', '60', "DS:num:#{dst}:120:U:U", 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:4800', # 1min, 3days(80hours) 'RRA:MAX:0.5:1:4800', # 1min, 3days(80hours) ] end def path(graph, target=:normal) dst = (graph.mode == 'derive' ? 'DERIVE' : 'GAUGE') filepath = nil rrdoptions = nil if target == :short filepath = File.join(@datadir, graph.md5 + '_s.rrd') rrdoptions = rrd_create_options_short(dst) else # :long filepath = File.join(@datadir, graph.md5 + '.rrd') rrdoptions = rrd_create_options_long(dst) end unless File.exists?(filepath) ret = RRD::Wrapper.create(filepath, *rrdoptions.map(&:to_s)) unless ret # TODO: error logging / handling raise "RRDtool returns error to create #{filepath}, error: #{RRD::Wrapper.error}" end end filepath end def update(graph, target=:normal) file = path(graph, target) options = [ file, '-t', 'num', '--', ['N', graph.number].join(':') ] ## TODO: rrdcached # if ( $self->{rrdcached} ) { # # The caching daemon cannot be used together with templates (-t) yet. # splice(@argv, 1, 2); # delete -t option # unshift(@argv, '-d', $self->{rrdcached}); # } ret = RRD::Wrapper.update(*options.map(&:to_s)) unless ret raise "RRDtool returns error to update #{file}, error: #{RRD::Wrapper.error}" end end def calc_period(span, from, to) span ||= 'd' period_title = nil period = nil period_end = 'now' xgrid = nil case span when 'c', 'sc' from_time = Time.parse(from) # from default: 8 days ago by '%Y/%m/%d %T' to_time = to ? Time.parse(to) : Time.now # to default: now by '%Y/%m/%d %T' raise ArgumentError, "from(#{from}) is recent date than to(#{to})" if from_time > to_time period_title = "#{from} to #{to}" period = from_time.to_i period_end = to_time.to_i diff = to_time - from_time if diff < 3 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'MINUTE:10:MINUTE:20:MINUTE:10:0:%M' elsif diff < 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'HOUR:6:DAY:1:HOUR:6:0:%H' elsif diff < 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'DAY:1:DAY:1:DAY:2:86400:%m/%d' elsif diff < 45 * 24 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'DAY:1:WEEK:1:WEEK:1:0:%F' else xgrid = 'WEEK:1:MONTH:1:MONTH:1:2592000:%b' end when 'h', 'sh' period_title = (span == 'h' ? 'Hour (5min avg)' : 'Hour (1min avg)') period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 2 xgrid = 'MINUTE:10:MINUTE:20:MINUTE:10:0:%M' when 'n', 'sn' period_title = (span == 'n' ? 'Half Day (5min avg)' : 'Half Day (1min avg)') period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 14 xgrid = 'MINUTE:60:MINUTE:120:MINUTE:120:0:%H %M' when 'w' period_title = 'Week (30min avg)' period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 8 xgrid = 'DAY:1:DAY:1:DAY:1:86400:%a' when 'm' period_title = 'Month (2hour avg)' period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 35 xgrid = 'DAY:1:WEEK:1:WEEK:1:604800:Week %W' when 'y' period_title = 'Year (1day avg)' period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 400 xgrid = 'WEEK:1:MONTH:1:MONTH:1:2592000:%b' when '3d', 's3d' period_title = (span == '3d' ? '3 Days (5min avg)' : '3 Days (1min avg)') period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 xgrid = 'HOUR:6:DAY:1:HOUR:6:0:%H' when '8h', 's8h' period_title = (span == '8h' ? '8 Hours (5min avg)' : '8 Hours (1min avg)') period = -1 * 8 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'MINUTE:30:HOUR:1:HOUR:1:0:%H:%M' when '4h', 's4h' period_title = (span == '4h' ? '4 Hours (5min avg)' : '4 Hours (1min avg)') period = -1 * 4 * 60 * 60 xgrid = 'MINUTE:30:HOUR:1:MINUTE:30:0:%H:%M' else # 'd' or 'sd' ? period_title = (span == 'sd' ? 'Day (1min avg)' : 'Day (5min avg)') period = -1 * 60 * 60 * 33 # 33 hours xgrid = 'HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H' end return period_title, period, period_end, xgrid end def graph(datas, args) datas = [datas] unless datas.is_a?(Array) span = args.fetch(:t, :d) from = args[:from] to = args[:to] width = args.fetch(:width, 390) height = args.fetch(:height, 110) period_title, period, period_end, xgrid = calc_period(span, from, to) tmpfile = Tempfile.new(["", ".png"]) # [basename_prefix, suffix] rrdoptions = [ tmpfile.path, '-w', width, '-h', height, '-a', 'PNG', '-l', 0, #minimum '-u', 2, #maximum '-x', (args[:xgrid].empty? ? xgrid : args[:xgrid]), '-s', period, '-e', period_end, '--slope-mode', '--disable-rrdtool-tag', '--color', 'BACK#' + args[:background_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'CANVAS#' + args[:canvas_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'FONT#' + args[:font_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'FRAME#' + args[:frame_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'AXIS#' + args[:axis_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'SHADEA#' + args[:shadea_color].to_s.upcase, '--color', 'SHADEB#' + args[:shadeb_color].to_s.upcase, '--border', args[:border].to_s.upcase ] rrdoptions.push('-y', args[:ygrid]) unless args[:ygrid].empty? rrdoptions.push('-t', period_title.to_s.dup) unless args[:notitle] rrdoptions.push('--no-legend') unless args[:legend] rrdoptions.push('--only-graph') if args[:graphonly] rrdoptions.push('--logarithmic') if args[:logarithmic] rrdoptions.push('--font', "AXIS:8:") rrdoptions.push('--font', "LEGEND:8:") rrdoptions.push('-u', args[:upper_limit]) if args[:upper_limit] rrdoptions.push('-l', args[:lower_limit]) if args[:lower_limit] rrdoptions.push('-r') if args[:rigid] defs = [] datas.each_with_index do |data, i| type = data.c_type ? data.c_type : data.type gdata = 'num' llimit = data.llimit ulimit = data.ulimit stack = (data.stack && i > 0 ? ':STACK' : '') file = (span =~ /^s/ ? path(data, :short) : path(data, :long)) unit = (data.unit || '').gsub('%', '%%') rrdoptions.push( 'DEF:%s%dt=%s:%s:AVERAGE' % [gdata, i, file, gdata], 'CDEF:%s%d=%s%dt,%s,%s,LIMIT,%d,%s' % [gdata, i, gdata, i, llimit, ulimit, data.adjustval, data.adjust], '%s:%s%d%s:%s %s' % [type, gdata, i, data.color, _escape(data.graph), stack], 'GPRINT:%s%d:LAST:Cur\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [gdata, i, unit], 'GPRINT:%s%d:AVERAGE:Avg\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [gdata, i, unit], 'GPRINT:%s%d:MAX:Max\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [gdata, i, unit], 'GPRINT:%s%d:MIN:Min\: %%4.1lf%%s%s\l' % [gdata, i, unit], 'VDEF:%s%dcur=%s%d,LAST' % [gdata, i, gdata, i], 'PRINT:%s%dcur:%%.8lf' % [gdata, i], 'VDEF:%s%davg=%s%d,AVERAGE' % [gdata, i, gdata, i], 'PRINT:%s%davg:%%.8lf' % [gdata, i], 'VDEF:%s%dmax=%s%d,MAXIMUM' % [gdata, i, gdata, i], 'PRINT:%s%dmax:%%.8lf' % [gdata, i], 'VDEF:%s%dmin=%s%d,MINIMUM' % [gdata, i, gdata, i], 'PRINT:%s%dmin:%%.8lf' % [gdata, i], ) defs << ('%s%d' % [gdata, i]) end if args[:sumup] sumup = [ defs.shift ] unit = datas.first.unit.gsub('%', '%%') defs.each do |d| sumup.push(d, '+') end rrdoptions.push( 'CDEF:sumup=%s' % [ sumup.join(',') ], 'LINE0:sumup#cccccc:total', 'GPRINT:sumup:LAST:Cur\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [unit], 'GPRINT:sumup:AVERAGE:Avg\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [unit], 'GPRINT:sumup:MAX:Max\: %%4.1lf%%s%s' % [unit], 'GPRINT:sumup:MIN:Min\: %%4.1lf%%s%s\l' % [unit], 'VDEF:sumupcur=sumup,LAST', 'PRINT:sumupcur:%.8lf', 'VDEF:sumupavg=sumup,AVERAGE', 'PRINT:sumupavg:%.8lf', 'VDEF:sumupmax=sumup,MAXIMUM', 'PRINT:sumupmax:%.8lf', 'VDEF:sumupmin=sumup,MINIMUM', 'PRINT:sumupmin:%.8lf', ) end ret = RRD::Wrapper.graph(*rrdoptions.map(&:to_s)) unless ret tmpfile.close! raise "RRDtool returns error to draw graph, error: #{RRD::Wrapper.error}" end # Cannot get last PRINT return value, set of [current,avg,max,min] of each data source # This makes 'summary' API not supported graph_img = IO.binread(tmpfile.path); # read as binary tmpfile.delete [ "/var/folders/tl/xtb7dnc132nggd6hs83y58h40000gq/T/20140117-86285-1igjvvh.png", "-w", 390, "-h", 110, "-a", "PNG", "-l", 0, "-u", 2, "-x", "HOUR:1:HOUR:2:HOUR:2:0:%H", "-s", -118800, "-e", "now", "--slope-mode", "--disable-rrdtool-tag", "--color", "BACK#F3F3F3", "--color", "CANVAS#FFFFFF", "--color", "FONT#000000", "--color", "FRAME#000000", "--color", "AXIS#000000", "--color", "SHADEA#CFCFCF", "--color", "SHADEB#9E9E9E", "--border", "3", "-t", "Day (1min avg)", "--no-legend", "--font", "AXIS:8:", "--font", "LEGEND:8:", "DEF:num0t=./data/c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b.rrd:num:AVERAGE", "CDEF:num0=num0t,-1000000000.0,1.0e+15,LIMIT,1,*", "AREA:num0:one", "GPRINT:num0:LAST:Cur\\: %4.1lf%s", "GPRINT:num0:AVERAGE:Avg\\: %4.1lf%s", "GPRINT:num0:MAX:Max\\: %4.1lf%s", "GPRINT:num0:MIN:Min\\: %4.1lf%s\\l", "VDEF:num0cur=num0,LAST", "PRINT:num0cur:%.8lf", "VDEF:num0avg=num0,AVERAGE", "PRINT:num0avg:%.8lf", "VDEF:num0max=num0,MAXIMUM", "PRINT:num0max:%.8lf", "VDEF:num0min=num0,MINIMUM", "PRINT:num0min:%.8lf" ] graph_img end def export(datas, args) datas = [datas] unless datas.is_a?(Array) span = args.fetch(:t, 'd') from = args[:from] to = args[:to] width = args.fetch(:width, 390) cf = args[:cf] period_title, period, period_end, xgrid = calc_period(span, from, to) rrdoptions = [ '-m', width, '-s', period, '-e', period_end ] rrdoptions.push('--step', args[:step]) if args[:step] defs = [] datas.each_with_index do |data, i| type = data.c_type ? data.c_type : data.type gdata = 'num' llimit = data.llimit ulimit = data.ulimit stack = (data.stack && i > 0 ? ':STACK' : '') file = (span =~ /^s/ ? path(data, :short) : path(data, :long)) rrdoptions.push( 'DEF:%s%dt=%s:%s:%s' % [gdata, i, file, gdata, cf], 'CDEF:%s%d=%s%dt,%s,%s,LIMIT,%d,%s' % [gdata, i, gdata, i, llimit, ulimit, data.dadjustval, data.adjust], 'XPORT:%s%d:%s' % [gdata, i, _escape(data.graph)] ) defs << ('%s%d' % [gdata, i]) end if args[:sumup] sumup = [ defs.shift ] defs.each do |d| sumup.push(d, '+') end rrdoptions.push( 'CDEF:sumup=%s' % [sumup.join(',')], 'XPORT:sumup:total' ) end ret = RRD::Wrapper.xport(*rrdoptions.map(&:to_s)) unless ret raise "RRDtool returns error to xport, error: #{RRD::Wrapper.error}" end ### copied from RRD::Wrapper spec # values = RRD::Wrapper.xport("--start", "1266933600", "--end", "1266944400", "DEF:xx=#{RRD_FILE}:cpu0:AVERAGE", "XPORT:xx:Legend 0") # values[0..-2].should == [["time", "Legend 0"], [1266933600, 0.0008], [1266937200, 0.0008], [1266940800, 0.0008]] cols_row = ret.shift column_names = cols_row[1..-1] # cols_row[0] == 'time' columns = column_names.length start_timestamp = ret.first.first end_timestamp = ret.last.first step = ret[1].first - ret[0].first rows = [] ret.each do |values| rows << values[1..-1] end { 'start_timestamp' => start_timestamp, 'end_timestamp' => end_timestamp, 'step' => step, 'columns' => columns, 'column_names' => column_names, 'rows' => rows, } end def remove(graph) [File.join(@datadir, graph.md5 + '.rrd'), File.join(@datadir, graph.md5 + '_s.rrd')].each do |file| begin File.delete(file) rescue => e # ignore NOSUCHFILE or others end end end def _escape(str) str.gsub(':', '\:') end end