module Lanes module Concerns # @see ClassMethods module LockedFields extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Mark fields as locked, meaning they cannot be updated by using the # regular attribute update methods. Instead it must be called in an unlock block # Relies on attr_readonly internally # # Is used to designate sensitive fields that we want to make sure someone's thought about before updating # Also solves the age old single equals vs double equals bug/typo. # # class BankAccount < Lanes::Model # # end # # bank=BankAccount.find(1) # b.mark_as_super if bank.account_balance = 42 # a bit contrived, but you get the idea # # oops, what's our balance now? # # Now let's try it again with locked_fields # # class BankAccount < Lanes::Model # attr_readonly :account_balance # end # # bank=BankAccount.find(1) # b.mark_as_super if bank.account_balance = 42 # # Still not ideal since we marked the bank as super, but at least our balance is ok # # To update the balance we'd need to: # # b.unlock_fields( :account_balance ) do # b.account_balance += 33 # end # # # This is still a bit contrived since we'd actually have # an audit logger that would be involved and it'd be inside a transaction. def locked_fields( *flds ) include InstanceMethods attr_readonly( *flds ) end def has_locks( *locks ) locks.each do | lock | define_method( "unlock_#{lock}" ) do | &block | instance_variable_set "@_lock_#{lock}_unlocked", true remove_instance_variable "@_lock_#{lock}_unlocked" end define_method( "is_#{lock}_unlocked?") do instance_variable_defined? "@_lock_#{lock}_unlocked" end end end end module InstanceMethods # Unlock the field for updates inside the block # yields, then restores it. # Is class wide, meaning it Will temporarily open all instances of the class up for access in a threaded environment def unlock_fields( *flds, &block ) attr_syms = self.class.attr_readonly.subtract( attr_syms ) yield attr_syms.each do | fld | self.class.attr_readonly.add( fld ) end end end end end end