#!/usr/bin/ruby curpath = __dir__ require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'webrick' require 'typhoeus' require 'xml/smart' def wrap(s, width=78, indent=18) lines = [] line, s = s[0..indent-2], s[indent..-1] s.split(/\n/).each do |ss| ss.split(/[ \t]+/).each do |word| if line.size + word.size >= width lines << line line = (" " * (indent)) + word else line << " " << word end end lines << line if line line = (" " * (indent-1)) end return lines.join "\n" end ARGV.options { |opt| opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 2 opt.banner = "Usage:\n#{opt.summary_indent}#{File.basename($0)} [options] ui | cpui DIR | new DIR\n" opt.on("Options:") opt.on("--help", "-h", "This text") { puts opt; exit } opt.on("") opt.on(wrap("[archive DIR URL] save properties from all finished instances listed at URL into DIR.\ne.g. cpee ./archive http://localhost:9298/")) opt.on("") opt.on(wrap("[new DIR] scaffolds a sample execution engine. Everything except instances can be removed for default behaviour.")) opt.on("") opt.on(wrap("[inst DIR] scaffolds a sample instantiation service. Post a testset to a model to keep going in one operation.")) opt.on("") opt.on(wrap("[cpui DIR] scaffolds a sample html client. New versions might require manual merging if you changed something.")) opt.on("") opt.on(wrap("[ui] starts a simple static web server with the ui on http://localhost:8080. Use [cpui DIR] if you want stuff in apache or nginx.")) opt.parse! } if ARGV.length == 0 || (ARGV.length == 1 && ARGV[0] != 'ui') || (ARGV.length == 2 && %w(cpui new).include?(ARGV[1])) || (ARGV.length == 3 && ARGV[0] != 'archive') || ARGV.length > 3 puts ARGV.options exit end command = ARGV[0] dir = ARGV[1] url = ARGV[2] if command == 'ui' s = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => 8080, :DocumentRoot => "#{curpath}/../cockpit/") trap("INT"){ s.shutdown } s.start elsif command == 'cpui' if !File.exists?(dir) FileUtils.cp_r("#{curpath}/../cockpit/",dir) else puts "Directory already exists." end elsif command == 'inst' if !File.exists?(dir) FileUtils.cp_r("#{curpath}/instantiation/",dir) else puts 'Directory already exists.' end elsif command == 'archive' res = Typhoeus.get(url) if res.success? if res.headers['content-type'] == 'text/xml' XML::Smart.string(res.body) do |doc| puts doc.to_s tcount = 0 fcount = 0 doc.root.children.each do |i| p i.attributes['id'] p i.attributes['state'] end end end end else if !File.exists?(dir) FileUtils.cp_r("#{curpath}/server/",dir) FileUtils.mkdir("#{dir}/instances") rescue nil FileUtils.mkdir("#{dir}/resources") rescue nil FileUtils.mkdir("#{dir}/handlerwrappers") rescue nil else puts 'Directory already exists.' end end