Uses of Class

Packages that use XSSFRichTextString

Uses of XSSFRichTextString in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel that return XSSFRichTextString
 XSSFRichTextString XSSFCreationHelper.createRichTextString(java.lang.String text)
          Creates a new XSSFRichTextString for you.
 XSSFRichTextString XSSFCell.getRichStringCellValue()
          Get the value of the cell as a XSSFRichTextString
 XSSFRichTextString XSSFComment.getString()

Methods in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel with parameters of type XSSFRichTextString
 void XSSFSimpleShape.setText(XSSFRichTextString str)

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