module Camunda module Generators class SpringBootGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) class_option :app_path, type: :string, default: 'bpmn/java_app' class_option :diagram_path, type: :string, default: 'bpmn/diagrams' def copy_java_app_files copy_file 'pom.xml', File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'pom.xml') copy_file 'camunda.cfg.xml', File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'src/test/resources/camunda.cfg.xml') copy_file '', File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'src/main/resources/') copy_file '', File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'src/test/java/unittest/') copy_file '', File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'src/main/java/camunda/') end def link_resources_folder copy_file 'sample.bpmn', File.join(diagram_path, 'sample.bpmn'), '' end def add_to_ignores %w[.gitignore .cfignore].each do |file| append_to_file file do "\n# BPMN Java app\n" + File.join(bpmn_app_path, 'target') + "\n" end end end def output_error_instructions puts <<~DOC If you get an error when starting your Rails app ** ERROR: directory is already being watched! ** Directory: bpmn/java_app/src/main/resources is already being watched through: bpmn/diagrams MORE INFO: It is because ActionMailer preview causes test/mailers/previews to get added to the Rails EventedFileChecker by default. RSpec is supposed to override it, but it is not overridden properly for EventedFileChecker and/or you don't have spec/mailers/preview existing. If that directory does not exist it goes to the first common directory that exists which is your Rails root folder. So EventedFileChecker is listening to your entire Rails folder. Not a big problem, but it causes a problem for our created symlink. So add: config.action_mailer.show_previews = false to your development.rb file to solve Listen errors about a symlink. Unless you are using ActionMailer previews in which case you should have the directory created already. DOC end private def bpmn_app_path options['app_path'] end def diagram_path options['diagram_path'] end end end end