require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe :Sensors do before :all do @path = '/usr/local/bin' end before :each do allow_message_expectations_on_nil data = nil provider = "freeipmi" user = "ipmiuser" pass = "impipass" host = "ipmihost" # this stub allows us to mock the command that would be used to verify provider installation Rubyipmi.stub(:locate_command).with('ipmipower').and_return("#{@path}/ipmipower") @conn = Rubyipmi.connect(user, pass, host, provider, true) @sensors = @conn.sensors"spec/fixtures/#{provider}/sensors.txt",'r') do |file| data = end # this stub allows us to mock the command that is used with this test case @sensors.stub(:locate_command).with('ipmi-sensors').and_return('/usr/local/bin/ipmi-sensors') # these stubs allow us to run the command and return the fixtures @sensors.stub(:`).and_return(data) $?.stub(:success?).and_return(true) end it "cmd should be ipmi-sensors with six arguments" do @sensors.list verify_freeipmi_command(@sensors, 5, "#{@path}/ipmi-sensors") end it "can return a list of sensors" do @sensors.list.should_not be_nil end it "should return a count of sensors" do @sensors.count.should eq(29) end it "should return a list of fan names" do @sensors.fanlist.count.should eq(13) end it 'should return a list of temp names' do @sensors.templist.count.should.should eq(7) end it 'should return a list of sensor names as an array' do @sensors.names.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @sensors.names.count.should eq(29) end it 'should return an empty list if no data exists' do @sensors.stub(:getsensors).and_return(nil) @sensors.names.count.should eq(0) end it 'should return a sensor using method missing' do @sensors.names.each do |name| sensor = @sensors.send(name) sensor.should be_an_instance_of(Rubyipmi::Freeipmi::Sensor) sensor[:name].should eq(name) end end #it 'fix should be added to options after error occurs' do # error = nil #"spec/fixtures/freeipmi/errors.txt",'r') do |file| # error = # end # @sensors.stub(:`).and_return(error) # $?.stub(:success?).and_return(false) # @sensors.refresh # after = @sensors.options.fetch('driver-type', false).should_not be_false #end end