# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class Markdown < RegexLexer title "Markdown" desc "Markdown, a light-weight markup language for authors" tag 'markdown' aliases 'md', 'mkd' filenames '*.markdown', '*.md', '*.mkd' mimetypes 'text/x-markdown' def html @html ||= HTML.new(options) end start { html.reset! } edot = /\\.|[^\\\n]/ state :root do # YAML frontmatter rule(/\A(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m) { delegate YAML } rule %r/\\./, Str::Escape rule %r/^[\S ]+\n(?:---*)\n/, Generic::Heading rule %r/^[\S ]+\n(?:===*)\n/, Generic::Subheading rule %r/^#(?=[^#]).*?$/, Generic::Heading rule %r/^##*.*?$/, Generic::Subheading rule %r/^([ \t]*)(`{3,}|~{3,})([^\n]*\n)((.*?)(\n\1)(\2))?/m do |m| name = m[3].strip sublexer = begin Lexer.find_fancy(name.empty? ? "guess" : name, m[5], @options) rescue Guesser::Ambiguous => e e.alternatives.first.new(@options) end sublexer ||= PlainText.new(@options.merge(:token => Str::Backtick)) sublexer.reset! token Text, m[1] token Punctuation, m[2] token Name::Label, m[3] if m[5] delegate sublexer, m[5] end token Text, m[6] if m[7] token Punctuation, m[7] else push do rule %r/^([ \t]*)(#{m[2]})/ do |mb| pop! token Text, mb[1] token Punctuation, mb[2] end rule %r/^.*\n/ do |mb| delegate sublexer, mb[1] end end end end rule %r/\n\n(( |\t).*?\n|\n)+/, Str::Backtick rule %r/(`+)(?:#{edot}|\n)+?\1/, Str::Backtick # various uses of * are in order of precedence # line breaks rule %r/^(\s*[*]){3,}\s*$/, Punctuation rule %r/^(\s*[-]){3,}\s*$/, Punctuation # bulleted lists rule %r/^\s*[*+-](?=\s)/, Punctuation # numbered lists rule %r/^\s*\d+\./, Punctuation # blockquotes rule %r/^\s*>.*?$/, Generic::Traceback # link references # [foo]: bar "baz" rule %r(^ (\s*) # leading whitespace (\[) (#{edot}+?) (\]) # the reference (\s*) (:) # colon )x do groups Text, Punctuation, Str::Symbol, Punctuation, Text, Punctuation push :title push :url end # links and images rule %r/(!?\[)(#{edot}*?)(\])(?=[\[(])/ do groups Punctuation, Name::Variable, Punctuation push :link end rule %r/[*][*]#{edot}*?[*][*]/, Generic::Strong rule %r/__#{edot}*?__/, Generic::Strong rule %r/[*]#{edot}*?[*]/, Generic::Emph rule %r/_#{edot}*?_/, Generic::Emph # Automatic links rule %r/<.*?@.+[.].+>/, Name::Variable rule %r[<(https?|mailto|ftp)://#{edot}*?>], Name::Variable rule %r/[^\\`\[*\n&<]+/, Text # inline html rule(/&\S*;/) { delegate html } rule(/<#{edot}*?>/) { delegate html } rule %r/[&<]/, Text # An opening square bracket that is not a link rule %r/\[/, Text rule %r/\n/, Text end state :link do rule %r/(\[)(#{edot}*?)(\])/ do groups Punctuation, Str::Symbol, Punctuation pop! end rule %r/[(]/ do token Punctuation push :inline_title push :inline_url end rule %r/[ \t]+/, Text rule(//) { pop! } end state :url do rule %r/[ \t]+/, Text # the url rule %r/(<)(#{edot}*?)(>)/ do groups Name::Tag, Str::Other, Name::Tag pop! end rule %r/\S+/, Str::Other, :pop! end state :title do rule %r/"#{edot}*?"/, Name::Namespace rule %r/'#{edot}*?'/, Name::Namespace rule %r/[(]#{edot}*?[)]/, Name::Namespace rule %r/\s*(?=["'()])/, Text rule(//) { pop! } end state :inline_title do rule %r/[)]/, Punctuation, :pop! mixin :title end state :inline_url do rule %r/[^<\s)]+/, Str::Other, :pop! rule %r/\s+/m, Text mixin :url end end end end