require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) module ReloadDotKick; end describe "Kicker" do before do Kicker.any_instance.stubs(:start) end it "should return the default paths to watch" do Kicker.paths.should == %w{ . } end it "should default the FSEvents latency to 1" do Kicker.latency.should == 1 end end describe "Kicker, when initializing" do after do Kicker.paths = %w{ . } end it "should return the extended paths to watch" do Kicker.paths = %w{ /some/dir a/relative/path } == ['/some/dir', File.expand_path('a/relative/path')] end it "should have assigned the current time to last_event_processed_at" do now =; Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) == now end it "should use the default paths if no paths were given" do == [File.expand_path('.')] end end describe "Kicker, when starting" do before do Kicker.paths = %w{ /some/file.rb } @kicker = @kicker.stubs(:log) @kicker.startup_chain.stubs(:call) Rucola::FSEvents.stubs(:start_watching) OSX.stubs(:CFRunLoopRun) end after do Kicker.latency = 1 Kicker.paths = %w{ . } end it "should show the usage banner and exit when there are no callbacks defined at all" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_paths_exist!) Kicker.stubs(:startup_chain).returns( Kicker::Options.stubs(:parser).returns(mock('OptionParser', :help => 'help')) @kicker.expects(:puts).with("help") @kicker.expects(:exit) @kicker.start end it "should warn the user and exit if any of the given paths doesn't exist" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_paths_and_command!) @kicker.expects(:puts).with("The given path `/some/file.rb' does not exist") @kicker.expects(:exit).with(1) @kicker.start end it "should start a FSEvents stream with the assigned latency" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) Kicker.latency = 2.34 Rucola::FSEvents.expects(:start_watching).with(['/some'], :latency => 2.34) @kicker.start end it "should start a FSEvents stream which watches all paths, but the dirnames of paths if they're files" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) File.stubs(:directory?).with('/some/file.rb').returns(false) Rucola::FSEvents.expects(:start_watching).with(['/some'], :latency => Kicker.latency) @kicker.start end it "should start a FSEvents stream with a block which calls #process with any generated events" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) Rucola::FSEvents.expects(:start_watching).yields(['event']) @kicker.expects(:process).with(['event']) @kicker.start end it "should setup a signal handler for `INT' which stops the FSEvents stream and exits" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) watch_dog = stub('Rucola::FSEvents') Rucola::FSEvents.stubs(:start_watching).returns(watch_dog) @kicker.expects(:trap).with('INT').yields watch_dog.expects(:stop) @kicker.expects(:exit) @kicker.start end it "should register with growl if growl should be used" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) Kicker::Growl.use = true Growl::Notifier.sharedInstance.expects(:register).with('Kicker', Kicker::Growl::NOTIFICATIONS.values) @kicker.start end it "should _not_ register with growl if growl should not be used" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) Kicker::Growl.use = false Growl::Notifier.sharedInstance.expects(:register).never @kicker.start end it "should call the startup chain" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) @kicker.startup_chain.expects(:call).with([], false) @kicker.start end it "should start a CFRunLoop" do @kicker.stubs(:validate_options!) OSX.expects(:CFRunLoopRun) @kicker.start end end