require 'hpricot' # evil hack to duck-type CgiResponse so that nested shoulds can use # +rspec_on_rails+ matchers without remembering to call to_s on it # # e.g. # # response.should have_tag("li") do |ul| # ul.should have_text("List Item") # with hack # ul.to_s.should have_text("List Item") # without hack # end class Hpricot::Elem alias body to_s end module Matchy::Expectations class HaveTag < Base def initialize(test_case, selector, inner_text_or_options, options, &block) #@expected = expected @test_case = test_case @selector = selector if Hash === inner_text_or_options @inner_text = nil @options = inner_text_or_options else @inner_text = inner_text_or_options @options = options end end def matches?(actual, &block) @actual = actual @doc = hpricot_document(@actual) matched_elements = return @options[:count] == 0 if matched_elements.empty? matched_elements = filter_on_inner_text(matched_elements) if @inner_text matched_elements = filter_on_nested_expectations(matched_elements, block) if block @actual_count = matched_elements.length return false unless acceptable_count?(@actual_count) !matched_elements.empty? end def failure_message explanation = @actual_count ? "but found #{@actual_count}" : "but did not" "expected\n#{@doc.to_s}\nto have #{failure_count_phrase} #{failure_selector_phrase}, #{explanation}" end def negative_failure_message explanation = @actual_count ? "but found #{@actual_count}" : "but did" "expected\n#{@doc.to_s}\nnot to have #{failure_count_phrase} #{failure_selector_phrase}, #{explanation}" end private def hpricot_document(input) if Hpricot === input input elsif input.respond_to?(:body) Hpricot(input.body) else Hpricot(input.to_s) end end def filter_on_inner_text(elements) do |element| next(element.inner_text =~ @inner_text) if @inner_text.is_a?(Regexp) element.inner_text == @inner_text end end def filter_on_nested_expectations(elements, block) do |el| begin rescue NoMethodError false else true end end end def acceptable_count?(actual_count) if @options[:count] return false unless @options[:count] === actual_count end if @options[:minimum] return false unless actual_count >= @options[:minimum] end if @options[:maximum] return false unless actual_count <= @options[:maximum] end true end def failure_count_phrase if @options[:count] "#{@options[:count]} elements matching" elsif @options[:minimum] || @options[:maximum] count_explanations = [] count_explanations << "at least #{@options[:minimum]}" if @options[:minimum] count_explanations << "at most #{@options[:maximum]}" if @options[:maximum] "#{count_explanations.join(' and ')} elements matching" else "an element matching" end end def failure_selector_phrase phrase = @selector.inspect phrase << (@inner_text ? " with inner text #{@inner_text.inspect}" : "") end end module TestCaseExtensions def have_tag(selector, inner_text_or_options = nil, options = {}, &block), selector, inner_text_or_options, options, &block) end end end