module ColorParser # a set of css selectors class Stylesheet attr_reader :url, :type, :host, :path, :query, :text def initialize(options) @type = options[:type] @text = options[:text] @url = options[:url] @host, @path, @query = ColorParser.parse_url(url) end def name path.split("/").last end # get imported stylesheets def stylesheets @stylesheets ||= imported_stylesheets end # gst list of colors from styles def colors @colors ||= parse_colors(color_properties) end def bg_colors @bg_colors ||= parse_colors(bg_properties) end def text_colors @text_colors ||= parse_colors(text_properties) end def border_colors @border_colors ||= parse_colors(border_properties) end def images images = [] image_properties.each do |key, value| if value.include?("url") && match = value.match(/url\(['"]?([^'")]+)/) asset_url = ColorParser.parse_asset(url, match[1]) images << end end images end # groups of css selectors (including imported styles) def selectors selectors = {} text.scan(/([^\s\}]+)[\s]*?\{(.*?)\}/m).each do |match| selector, rule = match selectors[selector] ||= [] selectors[selector] << rule.strip end # imported styles stylesheets.each do |style| style.selectors.each do |selector, rule| selectors[selector] ||= [] selectors[selector] += rule end end selectors end # split up selectors into properties, and return property key/value pairs def properties properties = [] selectors.each do |selector, rules| rules.each do |rule| rule.split(";").each do |property| props = property.split(":", 2).map {|v| v.strip } properties << props if props.size == 2 end end end properties end private def imported_stylesheets return [] unless text.include?("@import") styles = [] text.scan(/@import(?:\surl|\s)(.*?)[;\n]+/).each do |style| style_path = style.first.gsub(/['"\(\);]/, "") asset_url = ColorParser.parse_asset(url, style_path) next unless text = ColorParser.request.get(asset_url) css = text, type: "imported", url: asset_url) styles << css end styles end # find properties that might have a color def color_properties do |key, value| ["background-color", "background", "border-color", "border", "border-top-color", "border-right-color", "border-bottom-color", "border-left-color", "color", "outline-color"].include?(key) end end # properties with bg colors def bg_properties {|key, value| key.include?("background") } end # properties with textual color def text_properties {|key, value| key == "color" } end # properties with borders def border_properties do |key, value| key.include?("border") || key.include?("outline") end end # find properties that might have an image def image_properties {|key, value| key.include?("background") } end def parse_colors(property_list) colors = {} text_colors = {|k,v| k }.join("|") property_list.each do |key, value| # hex hex = if matches = value.match(/#([0-9a-f]{3,6})/i) normalize_hex(matches[1]) # rgb/rgba elsif matches = value.match(/rgba?\((\d{1,3}[,\s]+\d{1,3}[,\s]+\d{1,3})/) rgb_to_hex(matches[1]) # textual elsif matches = value.match(/(#{text_colors})/) text_to_hex(matches[1]) end next unless hex colors[hex] ? colors[hex] += 1 : colors[hex] = 1 end # sort by colors with most occurrances colors end # convert rgb to hex def rgb_to_hex(rgb) r, g, b = rgb.split(",").map {|color| color.strip } "%02x" % r + "%02x" % g + "%02x" % b end # find hex for textual color def text_to_hex(color) ColorParser::Color.text_colors[color.intern] end # convert 3 digit hex to 6 def normalize_hex(hex) (hex.length == 3 ? hex[0,1]*2 + hex[1,1]*2 + hex[2,1]*2: hex).downcase end end end