require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'

require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.minimum_coverage 89

ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
APIPIE_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__)
require File.expand_path('dummy/config/environment', __dir__)

require 'rspec/rails'

require 'apipie-rails'
require 'test_engine'

# Matcher to validate the properties (name, type and options) of a single field in the
# internal representation of a swagger schema
# For example, code such as:
#       schema = swagger[:paths][<path>][<method>][:responses][<code>][:schema]
#       expect(schema).to have_field(:pet_name, 'string', {:required => false})
# will verify that the selected response schema includes a required string field called 'pet_name'
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_field do |name, type, opts = {}|
  def fail(msg)
    @fail_message = msg

  @fail_message = ""

  failure_message do |actual|

  match do |unresolved|
    actual = resolve_refs(unresolved)
    return fail("expected schema to have type 'object' (got '#{actual[:type]}')") if (actual[:type]) != 'object'
    return fail("expected schema to include param named '#{name}' (got #{actual[:properties].keys})") if (prop = actual[:properties][name]).nil?
    return fail("expected param '#{name}' to have type '#{type}' (got '#{prop[:type]}')") if prop[:type] != type
    return fail("expected param '#{name}' to have description '#{opts[:description]}' (got '#{prop[:description]}')") if opts[:description] && prop[:description] != opts[:description]
    return fail("expected param '#{name}' to have enum '#{opts[:enum]}' (got #{prop[:enum]})") if opts[:enum] && prop[:enum] != opts[:enum]
    return fail("expected param '#{name}' to have items '#{opts[:items]}' (got #{prop[:items]})") if opts[:items] && prop[:items] != opts[:items]
    if !opts.include?(:required) || opts[:required] == true
      return fail("expected param '#{name}' to be required") unless actual[:required].include?(name)
      return fail("expected param '#{name}' to be optional") if actual[:required].include?(name)

# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[File.expand_path('support/**/*.rb', __dir__)].sort.each {|f| require f}

RSpec.configure do |config|

  config.mock_with :rspec

  # Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
  config.fixture_path = "#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"

  # If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
  # examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
  # instead of true.
  config.use_transactional_fixtures = true

  # If true, the base class of anonymous controllers will be inferred
  # automatically. This will be the default behavior in future versions of
  # rspec-rails.
  config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false

  # rspec-rails 3 will no longer automatically infer an example group's spec type
  # from the file location. You can explicitly opt-in to the feature using this
  # config option.
  # To explicitly tag specs without using automatic inference, set the `:type`
  # metadata manually:
  #     describe ThingsController, :type => :controller do
  #       # Equivalent to being in spec/controllers
  #     end

require 'action_controller/test_case'