module Avo module ApplicationHelper include ::Pagy::Frontend def render_license_warnings render partial: "avo/sidebar/license_warnings", locals: { license: } end def render_license_warning(title: "", message: "", icon: "exclamation") render partial: "avo/sidebar/license_warning", locals: { title: title, message: message, icon: icon } end def empty_state(**args) render **args end def turbo_frame_wrap(name, &block) render name do capture(&block) end end def a_button(**args, &block) render false, **args) do capture(&block) if block_given? end end def a_link(path = nil, **args, &block) render, is_link: true, **args) do capture(&block) if block_given? end end def button_classes(extra_classes = nil, color: nil, variant: nil, size: :md, active: false) classes = "inline-flex flex-grow-0 items-center text-sm font-semibold leading-6 fill-current whitespace-nowrap transition duration-100 rounded transform transition duration-100 active:translate-x-px active:translate-y-px cursor-pointer disabled:cursor-not-allowed #{extra_classes}" if color.present? if variant.present? && (variant.to_sym == :outlined) classes += " bg-white border" classes += " hover:border-#{color}-700 border-#{color}-500 text-#{color}-600 hover:text-#{color}-700 disabled:border-gray-300 disabled:text-gray-600" else classes += " text-white bg-#{color}-500 hover:bg-#{color}-600 disabled:bg-#{color}-300" end else classes += " text-gray-700 bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 disabled:bg-gray-300" end size = size.present? ? size.to_sym : :md classes += case size when :xs " p-2 py-1" when :sm " py-1 px-4" when :md " py-2 px-4" when :xl " py-3 px-4" else " p-4" end classes end def svg(file_name, **args) options = {} options[:class] = args[:class].present? ? args[:class] : "" options[:class] += args[:extra_class].present? ? " #{args[:extra_class]}" : "" if args[:'data-target'].present? options[:'data-target'] = args[:'data-target'] end if args[:'data-tippy'].present? options[:'data-tippy'] = args[:'data-tippy'] end if args[:title].present? options[:title] = args[:title] end # Create the path to the svgs directory file_path = "#{Avo::Engine.root}/app/assets/svgs/#{file_name}" file_path = "#{file_path}.svg" unless file_path.end_with? ".svg" # Create a cache hash hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest "#{file_path.underscore}_#{options}" svg_content = Avo::App.cache_store.fetch "svg_file_#{hash}", expires_in: 1.week, cache_nils: false do if File.exist?(file_path) file = # parse svg doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse file svg = doc.at_css "svg" # attach options options.each do |attr, value| svg[attr.to_s] = value end # cast to html doc.to_html.html_safe end end return "(not found)" if svg_content.to_s.blank? svg_content end def input_classes(extra_classes = "", has_error: false) classes = "appearance-none inline-flex bg-gray-100 disabled:cursor-not-allowed text-gray-600 disabled:opacity-50 rounded py-2 px-3 leading-tight border focus:border-gray-600 focus-visible:ring-0 focus:text-gray-700" classes += if has_error " border-red-600" else " border-gray-200" end classes += " #{extra_classes}" classes end def get_model_class(model) if model.instance_of?(Class) model else model.class end end end end