<%- content_for(:javascript_includes) do -%> <%= javascript_include_tag "alchemy_crm/scripts.js" %> <%- end -%> <%- content_for(:stylesheets) do -%> <%= stylesheet_link_tag('alchemy_crm/styles') %> <%- end -%> <%- content_for(:subnav_additions) do -%> <label><%= ::I18n.t('Active Mailing', :scope => :alchemy_crm) %> »</label> <span class="page_status_and_name"> <span class="page_name"><%= @mailing.name %></span> </span> <%- end -%> <%- content_for(:toolbar) do -%> <div id="toolbar_buttons"> <div class="button_with_label"> <%= form_tag( alchemy.unlock_admin_page_path( @page, :redirect_to => admin_mailings_path ), :onsubmit => "return Alchemy.checkPageDirtyness(this, {title: '#{ t('Warning!') }', message: '#{ t('You have unsaved elements on this page. Do you really want to leave this page?') }', okLabel: '#{ t('Yes') }', cancelLabel: '#{ t('No') }'});" ) do %> <button class="icon_button" title="<%= t('explain_unlocking') %>"> <%= render_icon('close') %> </button> <label><%= t("unlock_page") %></label> <% end %> </div> <div class="button_with_label"> <%= link_to_overlay_window( render_icon('mailing_edit'), alchemy_crm.edit_admin_mailing_path(@mailing), { :title => alchemy_crm_t(:edit_mailing), :size => '450x270' }, { :class => 'icon_button', :title => alchemy_crm_t(:edit_mailing) } ) -%><br /> <label><%= alchemy_crm_t(:edit_mailing) %></label> </div> <div class="button_with_label"> <%= link_to_overlay_window( render_icon('send_mailing'), alchemy_crm.new_admin_delivery_path(:mailing_id => @mailing.id), { :title => alchemy_crm_t('Send Mailing'), :size => '420x210' }, { :title => alchemy_crm_t('Send Mailing'), :class => 'icon_button' } ) %> <label><%= alchemy_crm_t('Send Mailing') %></label> </div> <div class="button_with_label"> <%= link_to( render_icon('plain_text_view'), alchemy_crm.admin_mailing_path(@mailing, :format => :text), :title => alchemy_crm_t(:show_as_plain_text), :class => 'icon_button', :id => "toggle_preview_frame_button" ) %> <label><%= alchemy_crm_t(:show_as_plain_text) %></label> </div> </div> <div id="toolbar_buttons_right"> <div class="button_with_label" id="show_preview_window"> <%= link_to_function( render_icon('preview_window'), "AlchemyCrm.openPreviewWindow()", { :title => t('Show Preview Window'), :class => 'icon_button' } ) %><br /> <label><%= t('Show Preview Window') %></label> </div> <div class="button_with_label" id="show_element_window"> <%= link_to_function( render_icon('element_window'), "AlchemyCrm.openElementsWindow()", { :title => t('Show Elements Window'), :class => 'icon_button' } ) %><br /> <label><%= t('Show Elements Window') %></label> </div> </div> <%- end -%> <%- content_for :javascripts do -%> <%= tinymce_javascript_tags %> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> AlchemyCrm.openPreviewWindow = function() { Alchemy.PreviewWindow.init('<%= alchemy_crm.admin_mailing_path(@mailing) %>', '<%= t("Page Preview") -%>'); } AlchemyCrm.openElementsWindow = function() { Alchemy.ElementsWindow.init('<%= alchemy.admin_elements_path(:page_id => @page.id) -%>', { texts: { title: '<%= t("Elements") -%>', dirtyTitle: '<%= t("Warning!") -%>', dirtyMessage: '<%= t(:element_dirty_close_window_notice) -%>', okLabel: '<%= t("Yes") -%>', cancelLabel: '<%= t("No") -%>' }, toolbarButtons: [ { title: '<%= t("New Element") -%>', label: '<%= t("New Element") -%>', iconClass: 'new_element', onClick: function() { Alchemy.openWindow( '<%= alchemy.new_admin_element_path(:page_id => @page.id) -%>', '<%= t("New Element") -%>', '320', '120', false, true, true ); } }, { title: '<%= t("Clipboard") -%>', label: '<%= t("Show clipboard") -%>', iconClass: 'clipboard<%= clipboard_empty?("elements") ? 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