/* * Copyright (C) Maxim Dounin * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc. */ #include <ngx_config.h> #include <ngx_core.h> #include <ngx_http.h> typedef struct { ngx_uint_t max_cached; ngx_uint_t single; /* unsigned:1 */ ngx_queue_t cache; ngx_queue_t free; ngx_http_upstream_init_pt original_init_upstream; ngx_http_upstream_init_peer_pt original_init_peer; } ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t; typedef struct { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *conf; ngx_http_upstream_t *upstream; void *data; ngx_event_get_peer_pt original_get_peer; ngx_event_free_peer_pt original_free_peer; #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) ngx_event_set_peer_session_pt original_set_session; ngx_event_save_peer_session_pt original_save_session; #endif ngx_uint_t failed; /* unsigned:1 */ } ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t; typedef struct { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *conf; ngx_queue_t queue; ngx_connection_t *connection; socklen_t socklen; u_char sockaddr[NGX_SOCKADDRLEN]; } ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t; static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_init_keepalive_peer(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_upstream_srv_conf_t *us); static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_get_keepalive_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data); static void ngx_http_upstream_free_keepalive_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data, ngx_uint_t state); static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_dummy_handler(ngx_event_t *ev); static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close_handler(ngx_event_t *ev); static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close(ngx_connection_t *c); #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_set_session( ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data); static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_save_session(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data); #endif static void *ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf); static char *ngx_http_upstream_keepalive(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf); static ngx_command_t ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_commands[] = { { ngx_string("keepalive"), NGX_HTTP_UPS_CONF|NGX_CONF_TAKE12, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive, 0, 0, NULL }, ngx_null_command }; static ngx_http_module_t ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module_ctx = { NULL, /* preconfiguration */ NULL, /* postconfiguration */ NULL, /* create main configuration */ NULL, /* init main configuration */ ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_create_conf, /* create server configuration */ NULL, /* merge server configuration */ NULL, /* create location configuration */ NULL /* merge location configuration */ }; ngx_module_t ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module = { NGX_MODULE_V1, &ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module_ctx, /* module context */ ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_commands, /* module directives */ NGX_HTTP_MODULE, /* module type */ NULL, /* init master */ NULL, /* init module */ NULL, /* init process */ NULL, /* init thread */ NULL, /* exit thread */ NULL, /* exit process */ NULL, /* exit master */ NGX_MODULE_V1_PADDING }; static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_init_keepalive(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_http_upstream_srv_conf_t *us) { ngx_uint_t i; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *kcf; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t *cached; ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, cf->log, 0, "init keepalive"); kcf = ngx_http_conf_upstream_srv_conf(us, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module); if (kcf->original_init_upstream(cf, us) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } kcf->original_init_peer = us->peer.init; us->peer.init = ngx_http_upstream_init_keepalive_peer; /* allocate cache items and add to free queue */ cached = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t) * kcf->max_cached); if (cached == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_queue_init(&kcf->cache); ngx_queue_init(&kcf->free); for (i = 0; i < kcf->max_cached; i++) { ngx_queue_insert_head(&kcf->free, &cached[i].queue); cached[i].conf = kcf; } return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_init_keepalive_peer(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_upstream_srv_conf_t *us) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t *kp; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *kcf; ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "init keepalive peer"); kcf = ngx_http_conf_upstream_srv_conf(us, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module); kp = ngx_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t)); if (kp == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (kcf->original_init_peer(r, us) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } kp->conf = kcf; kp->upstream = r->upstream; kp->data = r->upstream->peer.data; kp->original_get_peer = r->upstream->peer.get; kp->original_free_peer = r->upstream->peer.free; r->upstream->peer.data = kp; r->upstream->peer.get = ngx_http_upstream_get_keepalive_peer; r->upstream->peer.free = ngx_http_upstream_free_keepalive_peer; #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) kp->original_set_session = r->upstream->peer.set_session; kp->original_save_session = r->upstream->peer.save_session; r->upstream->peer.set_session = ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_set_session; r->upstream->peer.save_session = ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_save_session; #endif return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_get_keepalive_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t *kp = data; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t *item; ngx_int_t rc; ngx_queue_t *q, *cache; ngx_connection_t *c; ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "get keepalive peer"); kp->failed = 0; /* single pool of cached connections */ if (kp->conf->single && !ngx_queue_empty(&kp->conf->cache)) { q = ngx_queue_head(&kp->conf->cache); item = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t, queue); c = item->connection; ngx_queue_remove(q); ngx_queue_insert_head(&kp->conf->free, q); ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "get keepalive peer: using connection %p", c); c->idle = 0; c->log = pc->log; c->read->log = pc->log; c->write->log = pc->log; c->pool->log = pc->log; pc->connection = c; pc->cached = 1; return NGX_DONE; } rc = kp->original_get_peer(pc, kp->data); if (kp->conf->single || rc != NGX_OK) { return rc; } /* search cache for suitable connection */ cache = &kp->conf->cache; for (q = ngx_queue_head(cache); q != ngx_queue_sentinel(cache); q = ngx_queue_next(q)) { item = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t, queue); c = item->connection; if (ngx_memn2cmp((u_char *) &item->sockaddr, (u_char *) pc->sockaddr, item->socklen, pc->socklen) == 0) { ngx_queue_remove(q); ngx_queue_insert_head(&kp->conf->free, q); ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "get keepalive peer: using connection %p", c); c->idle = 0; c->log = pc->log; c->read->log = pc->log; c->write->log = pc->log; c->pool->log = pc->log; pc->connection = c; pc->cached = 1; return NGX_DONE; } } return NGX_OK; } static void ngx_http_upstream_free_keepalive_peer(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data, ngx_uint_t state) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t *kp = data; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t *item; ngx_queue_t *q; ngx_connection_t *c; ngx_http_upstream_t *u; ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "free keepalive peer"); /* remember failed state - peer.free() may be called more than once */ if (state & NGX_PEER_FAILED) { kp->failed = 1; } /* cache valid connections */ u = kp->upstream; c = pc->connection; if (kp->failed || c == NULL || c->read->eof || c->read->error || c->read->timedout || c->write->error || c->write->timedout) { goto invalid; } if (!u->keepalive) { goto invalid; } if (ngx_handle_read_event(c->read, 0) != NGX_OK) { goto invalid; } ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, pc->log, 0, "free keepalive peer: saving connection %p", c); if (ngx_queue_empty(&kp->conf->free)) { q = ngx_queue_last(&kp->conf->cache); ngx_queue_remove(q); item = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t, queue); ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close(item->connection); } else { q = ngx_queue_head(&kp->conf->free); ngx_queue_remove(q); item = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t, queue); } item->connection = c; ngx_queue_insert_head(&kp->conf->cache, q); pc->connection = NULL; if (c->read->timer_set) { ngx_del_timer(c->read); } if (c->write->timer_set) { ngx_del_timer(c->write); } c->write->handler = ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_dummy_handler; c->read->handler = ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close_handler; c->data = item; c->idle = 1; c->log = ngx_cycle->log; c->read->log = ngx_cycle->log; c->write->log = ngx_cycle->log; c->pool->log = ngx_cycle->log; item->socklen = pc->socklen; ngx_memcpy(&item->sockaddr, pc->sockaddr, pc->socklen); if (c->read->ready) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close_handler(c->read); } invalid: kp->original_free_peer(pc, kp->data, state); } static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_dummy_handler(ngx_event_t *ev) { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ev->log, 0, "keepalive dummy handler"); } static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close_handler(ngx_event_t *ev) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *conf; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_cache_t *item; int n; char buf[1]; ngx_connection_t *c; ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, ev->log, 0, "keepalive close handler"); c = ev->data; if (c->close) { goto close; } n = recv(c->fd, buf, 1, MSG_PEEK); if (n == -1 && ngx_socket_errno == NGX_EAGAIN) { /* stale event */ if (ngx_handle_read_event(c->read, 0) != NGX_OK) { goto close; } return; } close: item = c->data; conf = item->conf; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close(c); ngx_queue_remove(&item->queue); ngx_queue_insert_head(&conf->free, &item->queue); } static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close(ngx_connection_t *c) { #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) if (c->ssl) { c->ssl->no_wait_shutdown = 1; c->ssl->no_send_shutdown = 1; if (ngx_ssl_shutdown(c) == NGX_AGAIN) { c->ssl->handler = ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_close; return; } } #endif ngx_destroy_pool(c->pool); ngx_close_connection(c); } #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) static ngx_int_t ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_set_session(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t *kp = data; return kp->original_set_session(pc, kp->data); } static void ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_save_session(ngx_peer_connection_t *pc, void *data) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_peer_data_t *kp = data; kp->original_save_session(pc, kp->data); return; } #endif static void * ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf) { ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *conf; conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t)); if (conf == NULL) { return NULL; } /* * set by ngx_pcalloc(): * * conf->original_init_upstream = NULL; * conf->original_init_peer = NULL; */ conf->max_cached = 1; return conf; } static char * ngx_http_upstream_keepalive(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_upstream_srv_conf_t *uscf; ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_srv_conf_t *kcf; ngx_int_t n; ngx_str_t *value; ngx_uint_t i; uscf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_srv_conf(cf, ngx_http_upstream_module); kcf = ngx_http_conf_upstream_srv_conf(uscf, ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module); kcf->original_init_upstream = uscf->peer.init_upstream ? uscf->peer.init_upstream : ngx_http_upstream_init_round_robin; uscf->peer.init_upstream = ngx_http_upstream_init_keepalive; /* read options */ value = cf->args->elts; n = ngx_atoi(value[1].data, value[1].len); if (n == NGX_ERROR || n == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid value \"%V\" in \"%V\" directive", &value[1], &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } kcf->max_cached = n; for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "single") == 0) { kcf->single = 1; continue; } goto invalid; } return NGX_CONF_OK; invalid: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; }