= simple_xurrency A really easy interface to the Xurrency API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby compatible. This gem is a fork from simple_currency, made by Codegram. == Usage Just require it and all your numeric stuff gets this fancy DSL for free: 30.eur.to_usd # => 38.08 150.eur.to_usd # => 190.4 239.usd.to_eur # => 187.98 # Historical rates: 239.usd.to_eur(Date.today - 2) # => 183.98 1.eur.to_usd_updated_at # => Fri Oct 08 22:54:00 UTC 2010 If you have a Xurrency API key, you can add it by doing: SimpleXurrency.key = 'write_your_api_key' If you want to find out how to adquire an API key, please go to http://xurrency.com/license == Installation === Rails 3 In your Gemfile: gem "simple_xurrency" === Not using Rails? Then you have to manually install the gem: gem install simple_xurrency And manually require it as well: require "simple_xurrency" == License See LICENSE for details.