require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' require 'mofo/hcard' require 'mofo/hreview' context "A simple hcard definition" do specify "should parse a page with an hcard" do proc { HCard.find(fixture(:fauxtank)) }.should.not.raise MicroformatNotFound end specify "should raise an error if no hcard is found in strict mode" do proc { HCard.find(fixture(:fake), :strict => true) }.should.raise MicroformatNotFound end specify "should return an empty array if no hcard is found" do HCard.find(fixture(:fake)).should.equal [] end specify "should return nil if no hcard is found with :first" do HCard.find(:first => fixture(:fake)).should.equal nil end specify "should return nil if no hcard is found with :all" do HCard.find(:all => fixture(:fake)).should.equal [] end specify "should accept a :text option" do HCard.find(:text => open(fixture(:fauxtank)).read).should.not.equal [] HCard.find(:text => open(fixture(:fauxtank)).read).should.not.equal nil end end context "The parsed fauxtank hCard object" do setup do $fauxtank ||= HCard.find(:first => fixture(:fauxtank)) end specify "should be an instance of HCard" do $ HCard end specify "should have `fauxtank' as the nickname" do $fauxtank.nickname.should.equal "fauxtank" end specify "should have two email addresses" do $ 2 $ "fauxtank [at]" $ "chris [at]" end specify "should have `Chris' as the given name" do $fauxtank.n.given_name.should.equal "Chris" end specify "should have `Murphy' as the family name" do $fauxtank.n.family_name.should.equal "Murphy" end specify "should have `Chicago' as the locality" do $fauxtank.adr.locality.should.equal "Chicago" end specify "should have `United States' as the country-name" do $fauxtank.adr.country_name.should.equal "United States" end specify "should have fauxtank's profile pic as the logo" do $fauxtank.logo.should.equal "" end specify "should know what properties it found" do $ ["fn", "note", "n", "email", "logo", "adr", "nickname", "title", "url"].sort end end context "The parsed Bob hCard object" do setup do $bob ||= HCard.find(:first => fixture(:bob)) end specify "should have three valid emails with type information" do $ 3 $ 'home' $ '' $[1].should.equal 'work' $[1].should.equal '' $ 'home' $ '' end specify "should have two valid telephone numbers with type information" do $ 2 $ 'home' $ '707-555-9990' $ 'cell' $ '707-555-4756' end specify "should have a given, additional, and family name" do $bob.n.given_name.should.equal 'Robert' $bob.n.additional_name.should.equal 'Albert' $bob.n.family_name.should.equal 'Smith' end specify "should have a valid postal code" do $bob.adr.postal_code.should.equal '01234' end specify "should have a valid url" do $bob.url.should.equal "" end end context "The parsed Stoneship hCard objects" do setup do $stoneship ||= HCard.find(:all => fixture(:stoneship)) end specify "should only have String nicknames" do $stoneship.collect { |h| h.nickname }.compact.uniq.each do |nickname| String end end specify "should ignore broken urls" do $ end end context "The parsed simple hCard object" do setup do $simple ||= HCard.find(:first => fixture(:simple)) end specify "should have an org string" do $ String $ "Err the Blog" end specify "should have an email string" do $ String $ "chris[at]ozmm[dot]org" end specify "should have a valid name" do $simple.fn.should.equal "Chris Wanstrath" end specify "should have a valid url" do $simple.url.should.equal "" end end