module Lignite # Send {DirectCommands} to motors. # It's called Motors instead of Motor because some methods are designed # to work on a pair if motors driving a vehicle. class Motors # do the DCs spawn independent threads?? # must run ready in the same block? attr_reader :layer attr_reader :nos # @return [Lignite::DirectCommands] attr_reader :dc # 0x02 | 0x04 | 0x08 -> [1, 2, 3] def nos_as_indices [0, 1, 2, 3].find_all do |n| (nos & (1 << n)) != 0 end end def initialize(layer, nos, dc = @layer = layer @nos = nos @dc = dc end # TODO: filter out support: official: no # the type is an OUT param so the VM SETs and we GET to learn the type? def set_type layer = @layer do |no| type = dc.with_reply do data8 :type block do output_set_type(layer, no, :type) end end type end end # TODO: direct commands can do outputs? not yet # ATTR tacho, like degrees def reset dc.output_reset(lay, nos) # tacho counts end # ATTR running def stop(brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_stop(layer, nos, brake) end # ATTR power ~ speed ? def power(power) dc.output_power(layer, nos, power) # does this start them also? end def speed(speed) dc.output_speed(layer, nos, speed) # does this start them also? end def start dc.output_start(layer, nos) # apparently not end # ATTR ~polarity def polarity(pol) dc.output_polarity(layer, nos, pol) end def read layer = @layer do |no| speed_tacho_pair = dc.with_reply do data32 :tacho data8 :speed block do output_read(layer, no, :speed, :tacho) end end speed_tacho_pair end end # ATTR running? def test layer = @layer do |no| busy = dc.with_reply do data8 :busy block do output_test(layer, no, :busy) end end busy end end # which commands are affected? not output_start they say def ready dc.output_ready(layer, nos) end # @param power [Integer] -100..100 # TODO better param protocol? def step_power(power, deg1, deg2, deg3, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_step_power(layer, nos, power, deg1, deg2, deg3, brake) end # @param power [Integer] -100..100 # msec def time_power(power, ms1, ms2, ms3, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_time_power(layer, nos, power, ms1, ms2, ms3, brake) end # @param speed [Integer] -100..100 # tachos def step_speed(speed, deg1, deg2, deg3, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_step_speed(layer, nos, speed, deg1, deg2, deg3, brake) end # @param speed [Integer] -100..100 # msec def time_speed(speed, ms1, ms2, ms3, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_time_speed(layer, nos, speed, ms1, ms2, ms3, brake) end # @param speed [Integer] -100..100 # @param turn [Integer] -200..200: # 0 straight, 100 stops the right motor, -100 stops the left motor # > 100 reverses the right motor, < -100 reverses the left motor def step_sync(speed, turn, tachos, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_step_sync(layer, nos, speed, turn, tachos, brake) end def time_sync(speed, turn, ms, brake = Lignite::BRAKE) dc.output_time_sync(layer, nos, speed, turn, ms, brake) end # zero tachos, for use as sensor def clr_count dc.output_clr_count(layer, nos) end def get_count # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName, upstream API name layer = @layer do |no| tachos = dc.with_reply do data32 :tachos block do output_get_count(layer, no, :tachos) end end tachos end end # WTF? def prg_stop dc.output_prg_stop end end end