require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require "minitest-chef-handler/resources" describe MiniTest::Chef::Assertions do include MiniTest::Chef::Assertions before do Etc.stubs(:getpwnam).returns stub(:name => "me") Etc.stubs(:getgrnam).returns stub(:name => "family") end def resource_for(hash) do hash.each_pair do |key,value| define_method(key) { value } end end def file(path) file = def file.mode; 0755;end def file.owner; "xxx";end def; "xxx";end file end module MiniTest::Chef::Assertions class File def, to=-1) '# Generated by Chef'[] end def self.mtime(path) end def self.exists?(path) ["/etc", "/etc/foo", "/etc/baz", "/etc/gar"].include?(path) end def ['/etc', '/etc/gar'].include?(path) end def self.file?(path) ['/etc/foo'].include?(path) end def self.symlink?(path) ['/etc/baz', '/etc/gar'].include?(path) end end end it "verifies that cron entries exist" do cron = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :command => 'ls'}) assert_cron_exists(cron).must_equal cron assert_triggered "Expected cron entry 'foo' to exist" do assert_cron_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :command => nil})) end end it "verifies that cron entries do not exist" do cron = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :command => nil}) refute_cron_exists(cron).must_equal cron assert_triggered "Expected cron entry 'foo' to not exist" do refute_cron_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :command => 'ls'})) end end it "verifies that groups exist" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :gid => 100}) assert_group_exists(group).must_equal group assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' to exist" do assert_group_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :gid => nil})) end end it "verifies that groups do not exist" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :gid => nil}) refute_group_exists(group).must_equal group assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' to not exist" do refute_group_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :gid => 100})) end end it "verifies that network interfaces exist" do ifconfig = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :device => '/dev/eth0'}) assert_ifconfig_exists(ifconfig).must_equal ifconfig assert_triggered "Expected network interface 'foo' to exist" do assert_ifconfig_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :device => nil})) end end it "verifies that network interfaces do not exist" do ifconfig = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :device => nil}) refute_ifconfig_exists(ifconfig).must_equal ifconfig assert_triggered "Expected network interface 'foo' to not exist" do refute_ifconfig_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :device => '/dev/eth0'})) end end it "verifies that filesystem links exist" do link = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :to => 'bar'}) assert_link_exists(link).must_equal link assert_triggered "Expected link 'foo' to exist" do assert_link_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :to => nil})) end end it "verifies that filesystem links do not exist" do link = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :to => nil}) refute_link_exists(link).must_equal link assert_triggered "Expected link 'foo' to not exist" do refute_link_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :to => 'bar'})) end end it "verifies that users exist" do user = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :uid => 200}) assert_user_exists(user).must_equal user assert_triggered "Expected user 'foo' to exist" do assert_user_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :uid => nil})) end end it "verifies that users do not exist" do user = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :uid => nil}) refute_user_exists(user).must_equal user assert_triggered "Expected user 'foo' to not exist" do refute_user_exists(resource_for({:name => 'foo', :uid => 200})) end end it "verifies that services are enabled" do service = resource_for({:name => 'bar', :enabled => true}) assert_enabled(service).must_equal service assert_triggered "Expected service 'bar' to be enabled" do assert_enabled(resource_for({:name => 'bar', :enabled => false})) end end it "verifies that services are not enabled" do service = resource_for({:name => 'bar', :enabled => false}) refute_enabled(service).must_equal service assert_triggered "Expected service 'bar' to not be enabled" do refute_enabled(resource_for({:name => 'bar', :enabled => true})) end end it "verifies that a group contains the expected members" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'baz']}) assert_group_includes('bar', group).must_equal group assert_group_includes(['bar'], group).must_equal group assert_group_includes(['bar', 'baz'], group).must_equal group assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' to include members: bar" do assert_group_includes('bar', resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['baz']})) end assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' to include members: bar, bert" do assert_group_includes(['bar', 'bert'], resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['baz']})) end assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' to include members: bar, bert" do assert_group_includes(['bar', 'bert'], resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'baz']})) end end it "verifies that a group does not contain the expected members" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'baz']}) refute_group_includes('fum', group).must_equal group refute_group_includes(['fum'], group).must_equal group refute_group_includes(['fum', 'baz'], group).must_equal group assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' not to include members: bar" do refute_group_includes('bar', resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar']})) end assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' not to include members: bar" do refute_group_includes(['bar'], resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'bert']})) end assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' not to include members: bar, bert" do refute_group_includes(['bar', 'bert'], resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'bert']})) end end it "ignores order when asserting group membership" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'baz']}) assert_group_includes(['bar', 'baz'], group).must_equal group assert_group_includes(['baz', 'bar'], group).must_equal group end it "ignores order when refuting group membership" do group = resource_for({:name => 'foo', :members => ['bar', 'baz']}) assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' not to include members: bar, baz" do refute_group_includes(['bar', 'baz'], group).must_equal group end assert_triggered "Expected group 'foo' not to include members: baz, bar" do refute_group_includes(['baz', 'bar'], group).must_equal group end end it "verifies that a file includes the specified content" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) assert_includes_content(file, 'Chef').must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected file '/etc/bar' to include the specified content" do assert_includes_content(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), 'chef') end end it "verifies that a file does not include the specified content" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) refute_includes_content(file, 'chef').must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected file '/etc/bar' not to include the specified content" do refute_includes_content(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), 'Chef') end end it "verifies that a package is installed" do package = resource_for({:name => 'bash', :version => '4.2-0ubuntu4'}) assert_installed(package).must_equal package assert_triggered "Expected package 'bash' to be installed" do assert_installed(resource_for({:name => 'bash', :version => nil})) end end it "verifies that a package is not installed" do package = resource_for({:name => 'bash', :version => nil}) refute_installed(package).must_equal package assert_triggered "Expected package 'bash' to not be installed" do refute_installed(resource_for({:name => 'bash', :version => '4.2-0ubuntu4'})) end end it "verifies that a file matches the specified content" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) assert_matches_content(file, /Chef$/).must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected the contents of file '/etc/bar' to match the regular expression '^Chef'" do assert_matches_content(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), '^Chef') end end it "verifies that a file does not match the specified content" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) refute_matches_content(file, /^Chef/).must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected the contents of file '/etc/bar' not to match the regular expression 'Chef$'" do refute_matches_content(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), 'Chef$') end end it "verifies that a file was modified after the specified time" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) the_distant_future = Time.utc( + 30) assert_modified_after(file, file assert_triggered "Expected the file '/etc/bar' to have been modified after '#{the_distant_future}'" do assert_modified_after(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), the_distant_future) end end it "verifies that a file was not modified after the specified time" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) the_distant_future = Time.utc( + 30) refute_modified_after(file, the_distant_future).must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected the file '/etc/bar' not to have been modified after '#{}'" do refute_modified_after(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}), end end it "verifies that a mount point is mounted" do mount = resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :mounted => true}) assert_mounted(mount).must_equal mount assert_triggered "Expected mount point '/mnt/foo' to be mounted" do assert_mounted(resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :mounted => false})) end end it "verifies that a mount point is not mounted" do mount = resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :mounted => false}) refute_mounted(mount).must_equal mount assert_triggered "Expected mount point '/mnt/foo' to not be mounted" do refute_mounted(resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :mounted => true})) end end it "verifies that a mount point is enabled" do mount = resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :enabled => true}) assert_mount_enabled(mount).must_equal mount assert_triggered "Expected mount point '/mnt/foo' to be enabled" do assert_mount_enabled(resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :enabled => false})) end end it "verifies that a mount point is not enabled" do mount = resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :enabled => false}) refute_mount_enabled(mount).must_equal mount assert_triggered "Expected mount point '/mnt/foo' to not be enabled" do refute_mount_enabled(resource_for({:name => '/mnt/foo', :enabled => true})) end end it "verifies that a file path exists" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/foo'}) assert_path_exists(file).must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected path '/etc/bar' to exist" do assert_path_exists(resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'})) end end it "verifies that a file path does not exist" do file = resource_for({:path => '/etc/bar'}) refute_path_exists(file).must_equal file assert_triggered "Expected path '/etc/foo' not to exist" do refute_path_exists(resource_for({:path => '/etc/foo'})) end end it "verifies that a service is running" do service = resource_for({:name => 'httpd', :running => true}) assert_running(service).must_equal service assert_triggered "Expected service 'httpd' to be running" do assert_running(resource_for({:name => 'httpd', :running => false})) end end it "verifies that a service is not running" do service = resource_for({:name => 'httpd', :running => false}) refute_running(service).must_equal service assert_triggered "Expected service 'httpd' not to be running" do refute_running(resource_for({:name => 'httpd', :running => true})) end end describe "#assert_acl" do it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_acl("/etc", "me", "family", 0755) end it "verifies that it has the correct owner" do assert_triggered "The file /etc does not have the expected owner.\nExpected: \"foo\"\n Actual: \"me\"" do assert_acl("/etc", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct group" do assert_triggered "The file /etc does not have the expected group.\nExpected: \"bar\"\n Actual: \"family\"" do assert_acl("/etc", "me", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct mode" do assert_triggered "The file /etc does not have the expected mode.\nExpected: \"750\"\n Actual: \"755\"" do assert_acl("/etc", "me", "family", 0750) end end end describe "#assert_directory" do it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_directory("/etc", "me", "family", 0755) end it "verifies that it is a directory" do assert_triggered "Expected /etc/foo to be a directory" do assert_directory("/etc/foo", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct acl" do assert_triggered "The file /etc does not have the expected owner.\nExpected: \"foo\"\n Actual: \"me\"" do assert_directory("/etc", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end end describe "#assert_file" do it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_file("/etc/foo", "me", "family", 0755) end it "verifies that it is a file" do assert_triggered "Expected /etc to be a file" do assert_file("/etc", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct acl" do assert_triggered "The file /etc/foo does not have the expected owner.\nExpected: \"foo\"\n Actual: \"me\"" do assert_file("/etc/foo", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end end describe "#assert_symlinked_file" do it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_symlinked_file("/etc/baz", "me", "family", 0755) end it "verifies that it is a symlink" do assert_triggered "Expected /etc/foo to be a symlink" do assert_symlinked_file("/etc/foo", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct acl" do assert_triggered "The file /etc/baz does not have the expected owner.\nExpected: \"foo\"\n Actual: \"me\"" do assert_symlinked_file("/etc/baz", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end end describe "#assert_symlinked_directory" do def assert_sh(*args) end it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_symlinked_directory("/etc/gar", "me", "family", 0755) end it "verifies that it is a symlink" do assert_triggered "Expected /etc/foo to be a symlink" do assert_symlinked_directory("/etc/foo", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end it "verifies that it has the correct acl" do assert_triggered "The file /etc/gar does not have the expected owner.\nExpected: \"foo\"\n Actual: \"me\"" do assert_symlinked_directory("/etc/gar", "foo", "bar", 0755) end end end describe "#assert_logrotate" do def assert_sh(*args) end def file(path) file = super def file.mode; 0644;end file end it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do Etc.stubs(:getpwnam).returns stub(:name => "root") Etc.stubs(:getgrnam).returns stub(:name => "root") assert_logrotate("/etc/foo") end end describe "#assert_sh" do it "does not blow up if everything is correct" do assert_sh("true") end it "fails when command fails" do assert_triggered "Expected echo ABC && false to succeed, but failed with: ABC" do assert_sh("echo ABC && false") end end end describe "#refute_sh" do it "succeeds when the command fails" do refute_sh("false") end it "fails when the command succeeds" do assert_triggered "Expected true not to succeed, but succeeded with: ABC" do refute_sh("echo ABC && true") end end end end