# frozen_string_literal: true SolidusAdmin::Config.configure do |config| # Path to the logo used in the admin interface. # # It needs to be a path to an image file accessible by Sprockets. # config.logo_path = "my_own_logo.svg" # Add custom paths for TailwindCSS to scan for styles. By default, it already # includes the following paths: # - public/solidus_admin/*.html # - app/helpers/solidus_admin/**/*.rb # - app/assets/javascripts/solidus_admin/**/*.js # - app/views/solidus_admin/**/*.{erb,haml,html,slim} # - app/components/solidus_admin/**/*.{rb,erb,haml,html,slim,js} # # config.tailwind_content << Rails.root.join("app/my/custom/path/**.rb") # Append custom stylesheets to be compiled by TailwindCSS. # config.tailwind_stylesheets << Rails.root.join("app/my/custom/path/style.css") # Add custom folder paths to watch for changes to trigger a cache sweep forcing a # regeneration of the importmap. # config.importmap_cache_sweepers << Rails.root.join("app/javascript/my_admin_components") # Add custom paths to importmap files to be loaded. # config.importmap_paths << Rails.root.join("config/solidus_admin_importmap.rb") # # Configure the main navigation. # See SolidusAdmin::MainNavItem for more details. # config.menu_items << { # key: :my_custom_link, # route: :my_custom_link_path, # icon: "solidus_admin/price-tag-3-line.svg", # position: 80, # children: [ # { # key: :my_custom_child_link, # route: :my_custom_child_link_path, # position: 10 # } # ] # } end