€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(XnoerrorsqNX other optionsqKXtex and latex extensionsqNXautoboldq NXamsmath and amssymbolq NX tex-supportq KXsupported latex commandsq NX noundefinedq NX tex-commandsqKXunicode supportqNXtex-extensionsqKXtex and latex in html documentsqNXmathjax tex and latex supportqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUnoerrorsqhU other-optionsqhUtex-and-latex-extensionsqh Uautoboldqh Uamsmath-and-amssymbolq h U tex-supportq!h Usupported-latex-commandsq"h U noundefinedq#hU tex-commandsq$hUunicode-supportq%hUtex-extensionsq&hUtex-and-latex-in-html-documentsq'hUmathjax-tex-and-latex-supportq(uUchildrenq)]q*(cdocutils.nodes target q+)q,}q-(U rawsourceq.X.. _TeX-support:q/Uparentq0hUsourceq1cdocutils.nodes reprunicode q2XM/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/tex.rstq3…q4}q5bUtagnameq6Utargetq7U attributesq8}q9(Uidsq:]q;Ubackrefsq<]q=Udupnamesq>]q?Uclassesq@]qAUnamesqB]qCUrefidqDh!uUlineqEKUdocumentqFhh)]qGubcdocutils.nodes section qH)qI}qJ(h.Uh0hh1h4Uexpect_referenced_by_nameqK}qLh h,sh6UsectionqMh8}qN(h>]qOh@]qPh<]qQh:]qR(h(h!ehB]qS(hh euhEKhFhUexpect_referenced_by_idqT}qUh!h,sh)]qV(cdocutils.nodes title qW)qX}qY(h.XMathJax TeX and LaTeX SupportqZh0hIh1h4h6Utitleq[h8}q\(h>]q]h@]q^h<]q_h:]q`hB]qauhEKhFhh)]qbcdocutils.nodes Text qcXMathJax TeX and LaTeX Supportqd…qe}qf(h.hZh0hXubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qg)qh}qi(h.XÈThe support for TeX and LaTeX in MathJax consists of two parts: the `tex2jax` preprocessor, and the TeX input processor. The first of these looks for mathematics within your web page (indicated by math delimiters like ``$$...$$``) and marks the mathematics for later processing by MathJax. The TeX input processor is what converts the TeX notation into MathJax's internal format, where on of MathJax's output processors then displays is in the web page.qjh0hIh1h4h6U paragraphqkh8}ql(h>]qmh@]qnh<]qoh:]qphB]qquhEKhFhh)]qr(hcXEThe support for TeX and LaTeX in MathJax consists of two parts: the qs…qt}qu(h.XEThe support for TeX and LaTeX in MathJax consists of two parts: the qvh0hhubcdocutils.nodes title_reference qw)qx}qy(h.X `tex2jax`qzh8}q{(h>]q|h@]q}h<]q~h:]qhB]q€uh0hhh)]qhcXtex2jaxq‚…qƒ}q„(h.Uh0hxubah6Utitle_referenceq…ubhcXŽ preprocessor, and the TeX input processor. The first of these looks for mathematics within your web page (indicated by math delimiters like q†…q‡}qˆ(h.XŽ preprocessor, and the TeX input processor. The first of these looks for mathematics within your web page (indicated by math delimiters like q‰h0hhubcdocutils.nodes literal qŠ)q‹}qŒ(h.X ``$$...$$``qh8}qŽ(h>]qh@]qh<]q‘h:]q’hB]q“uh0hhh)]q”hcX$$...$$q•…q–}q—(h.Uh0h‹ubah6Uliteralq˜ubhcXá) and marks the mathematics for later processing by MathJax. The TeX input processor is what converts the TeX notation into MathJax's internal format, where on of MathJax's output processors then displays is in the web page.q™…qš}q›(h.Xá) and marks the mathematics for later processing by MathJax. The TeX input processor is what converts the TeX notation into MathJax's internal format, where on of MathJax's output processors then displays is in the web page.qœh0hhubeubhg)q}qž(h.XöThe `tex2jax` preprocessor can be configured to look for whatever markers you want to use for your math delimiters. See the :ref:`tex2jax configuration options ` section for details on how to customize the action of `tex2jax`.qŸh0hIh1h4h6hkh8}q (h>]q¡h@]q¢h<]q£h:]q¤hB]q¥uhEKhFhh)]q¦(hcXThe q§…q¨}q©(h.XThe qªh0hubhw)q«}q¬(h.X `tex2jax`q­h8}q®(h>]q¯h@]q°h<]q±h:]q²hB]q³uh0hh)]q´hcXtex2jaxqµ…q¶}q·(h.Uh0h«ubah6h…ubhcXp preprocessor can be configured to look for whatever markers you want to use for your math delimiters. See the q¸…q¹}qº(h.Xp preprocessor can be configured to look for whatever markers you want to use for your math delimiters. See the q»h0hubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref q¼)q½}q¾(h.X8:ref:`tex2jax configuration options `q¿h0hh6U pending_xrefqÀh8}qÁ(UreftypeqÂXrefqÃU reftargetqÄXconfigure-tex2jaxqÅU refdomainqÆXstdqÇh:]qÈh<]qÉU refexplicitqʈh>]qËh@]qÌhB]qÍUrefdocqÎUtexqÏuhEKh)]qÐcdocutils.nodes emphasis qÑ)qÒ}qÓ(h.h¿h8}qÔ(h>]qÕh@]qÖ(Uxrefq×hÇXstd-refqØeh<]qÙh:]qÚhB]qÛuh0h½h)]qÜhcXtex2jax configuration optionsqÝ…qÞ}qß(h.Uh0hÒubah6UemphasisqàubaubhcX7 section for details on how to customize the action of qá…qâ}qã(h.X7 section for details on how to customize the action of qäh0hubhw)qå}qæ(h.X `tex2jax`qçh8}qè(h>]qéh@]qêh<]qëh:]qìhB]qíuh0hh)]qîhcXtex2jaxqï…qð}qñ(h.Uh0håubah6h…ubhcX.…qò}qó(h.X.h0hubeubhg)qô}qõ(h.XÌThe TeX input processor handles conversion of your mathematical notation into MathJax's internal format (which is essentially MathML), and so acts as a TeX to MathML converter. The TeX input processor has few configuration options (see the :ref:`TeX options ` section for details), but it can also be customized through the use of extensions that define additional functionality (see the :ref:`TeX and LaTeX extensions ` below).qöh0hIh1h4h6hkh8}q÷(h>]qøh@]qùh<]qúh:]qûhB]qüuhEKhFhh)]qý(hcXñThe TeX input processor handles conversion of your mathematical notation into MathJax's internal format (which is essentially MathML), and so acts as a TeX to MathML converter. The TeX input processor has few configuration options (see the qþ…qÿ}r(h.XñThe TeX input processor handles conversion of your mathematical notation into MathJax's internal format (which is essentially MathML), and so acts as a TeX to MathML converter. The TeX input processor has few configuration options (see the rh0hôubh¼)r}r(h.X":ref:`TeX options `rh0hôh6hÀh8}r(UreftyperXrefrhÄX configure-texrU refdomainr Xstdr h:]r h<]r U refexplicitr ˆh>]rh@]rhB]rhÎhÏuhEKh)]rhÑ)r}r(h.jh8}r(h>]rh@]r(h×j Xstd-refreh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jh)]rhcX TeX optionsr…r}r(h.Uh0jubah6hàubaubhcX section for details), but it can also be customized through the use of extensions that define additional functionality (see the r…r }r!(h.X section for details), but it can also be customized through the use of extensions that define additional functionality (see the r"h0hôubh¼)r#}r$(h.X0:ref:`TeX and LaTeX extensions `r%h0hôh6hÀh8}r&(Ureftyper'Xrefr(hÄXtex-extensionsr)U refdomainr*Xstdr+h:]r,h<]r-U refexplicitr.ˆh>]r/h@]r0hB]r1hÎhÏuhEKh)]r2hÑ)r3}r4(h.j%h8}r5(h>]r6h@]r7(h×j+Xstd-refr8eh<]r9h:]r:hB]r;uh0j#h)]r<hcXTeX and LaTeX extensionsr=…r>}r?(h.Uh0j3ubah6hàubaubhcX below).r@…rA}rB(h.X below).rCh0hôubeubhg)rD}rE(h.XANote that the TeX input processor implements **only** the math-mode macros of TeX and LaTeX, not the text-mode macros. MathJax expects that you will use standard HTML tags to handle formatting the text of your page; it only handles the mathematics. So, for example, MathJax does not implement ``\emph`` or ``\begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate}`` or other text-mode macros or environments. You must use HTML to handle such formatting tasks. If you need a LaTeX-to-HTML converter, you should consider `other options `_.rFh0hIh1h4h6hkh8}rG(h>]rHh@]rIh<]rJh:]rKhB]rLuhEKhFhh)]rM(hcX-Note that the TeX input processor implements rN…rO}rP(h.X-Note that the TeX input processor implements rQh0jDubcdocutils.nodes strong rR)rS}rT(h.X**only**rUh8}rV(h>]rWh@]rXh<]rYh:]rZhB]r[uh0jDh)]r\hcXonlyr]…r^}r_(h.Uh0jSubah6Ustrongr`ubhcXò the math-mode macros of TeX and LaTeX, not the text-mode macros. MathJax expects that you will use standard HTML tags to handle formatting the text of your page; it only handles the mathematics. So, for example, MathJax does not implement ra…rb}rc(h.Xò the math-mode macros of TeX and LaTeX, not the text-mode macros. MathJax expects that you will use standard HTML tags to handle formatting the text of your page; it only handles the mathematics. So, for example, MathJax does not implement rdh0jDubhŠ)re}rf(h.X ``\emph``rgh8}rh(h>]rih@]rjh<]rkh:]rlhB]rmuh0jDh)]rnhcX\emphro…rp}rq(h.Uh0jeubah6h˜ubhcX or rr…rs}rt(h.X or ruh0jDubhŠ)rv}rw(h.X'``\begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate}``rxh8}ry(h>]rzh@]r{h<]r|h:]r}hB]r~uh0jDh)]rhcX#\begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate}r€…r}r‚(h.Uh0jvubah6h˜ubhcXœ or other text-mode macros or environments. You must use HTML to handle such formatting tasks. If you need a LaTeX-to-HTML converter, you should consider rƒ…r„}r…(h.Xœ or other text-mode macros or environments. You must use HTML to handle such formatting tasks. If you need a LaTeX-to-HTML converter, you should consider r†h0jDubcdocutils.nodes reference r‡)rˆ}r‰(h.XI`other options `_rŠh8}r‹(UnamerŒX other optionsrUrefurirŽX6http://www.google.com/search?q=latex+to+html+converterrh:]rh<]r‘h>]r’h@]r“hB]r”uh0jDh)]r•hcX other optionsr–…r—}r˜(h.Uh0jˆubah6U referencer™ubh+)rš}r›(h.X9 rœh8}r(Urefuriržjh:]rŸhah<]r h>]r¡h@]r¢hB]r£hauh0jDh)]r¤h6h7ubhcX.…r¥}r¦(h.X.h0jDubeubhH)r§}r¨(h.Uh0hIh1h4h6hMh8}r©(h>]rªh@]r«h<]r¬h:]r­h'ahB]r®hauhEK(hFhh)]r¯(hW)r°}r±(h.XTeX and LaTeX in HTML documentsr²h0j§h1h4h6h[h8}r³(h>]r´h@]rµh<]r¶h:]r·hB]r¸uhEK(hFhh)]r¹hcXTeX and LaTeX in HTML documentsrº…r»}r¼(h.j²h0j°ubaubhg)r½}r¾(h.XµKeep in mind that your mathematics is part of an HTML document, so you need to be aware of the special characters used by HTML as part of its markup. There can not be HTML tags within the math delimiters (other than ``
``) as TeX-formatted math does not include HTML tags. Also, since the mathematics is initially given as text on the page, you need to be careful that your mathematics doesn't look like HTML tags to the browser (which parses the page before MathJax gets to see it). In particular, that means that you have to be careful about things like less-than and greater-than signs (``<``and ``>``), and ampersands (``&``), which have special meaning to the browsers. For example,r¿h0j§h1h4h6hkh8}rÀ(h>]rÁh@]rÂh<]rÃh:]rÄhB]rÅuhEK*hFhh)]rÆ(hcXÙKeep in mind that your mathematics is part of an HTML document, so you need to be aware of the special characters used by HTML as part of its markup. There can not be HTML tags within the math delimiters (other than rÇ…rÈ}rÉ(h.XÙKeep in mind that your mathematics is part of an HTML document, so you need to be aware of the special characters used by HTML as part of its markup. There can not be HTML tags within the math delimiters (other than rÊh0j½ubhŠ)rË}rÌ(h.X``
rÕ…rÖ}r×(h.Uh0jËubah6h˜ubhcXr) as TeX-formatted math does not include HTML tags. Also, since the mathematics is initially given as text on the page, you need to be careful that your mathematics doesn't look like HTML tags to the browser (which parses the page before MathJax gets to see it). In particular, that means that you have to be careful about things like less-than and greater-than signs (rØ…rÙ}rÚ(h.Xr) as TeX-formatted math does not include HTML tags. Also, since the mathematics is initially given as text on the page, you need to be careful that your mathematics doesn't look like HTML tags to the browser (which parses the page before MathJax gets to see it). In particular, that means that you have to be careful about things like less-than and greater-than signs (rÛh0j½ubhŠ)rÜ}rÝ(h.X``<``and ``>``rÞh8}rß(h>]ràh@]ráh<]râh:]rãhB]räuh0j½h)]råhcX <``and ``>ræ…rç}rè(h.Uh0jÜubah6h˜ubhcX), and ampersands (ré…rê}rë(h.X), and ampersands (rìh0j½ubhŠ)rí}rî(h.X``&``rïh8}rð(h>]rñh@]ròh<]róh:]rôhB]rõuh0j½h)]röhcX&…r÷}rø(h.Uh0jíubah6h˜ubhcX<), which have special meaning to the browsers. For example,rù…rú}rû(h.X<), which have special meaning to the browsers. For example,rüh0j½ubeubcdocutils.nodes literal_block rý)rþ}rÿ(h.X... when $x]r h@]r hB]r uhEK9hFhh)]r hcX... when $x`` in the document (typically the end of the next actual tag in the HTML file), and you may notice that you are missing part of the text of the document. In the example above, the `` we have ...`` will not be displayed because the browsers thinks it is part of the tag starting at ``]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruhEK:hFhh)]r(hcX4will cause a problem, because the brower will think r…r}r(h.X4will cause a problem, because the brower will think rh0jubhŠ)r}r (h.X``]r#h@]r$h<]r%h:]r&hB]r'uh0jh)]r(hcX]r4h@]r5h<]r6h:]r7hB]r8uh0jh)]r9hcXy…r:}r;(h.Uh0j0ubah6h˜ubhcXy (even though there is no such tag in HTML). When this happens, the browser will think the tag continues up to the next r<…r=}r>(h.Xy (even though there is no such tag in HTML). When this happens, the browser will think the tag continues up to the next r?h0jubhŠ)r@}rA(h.X``>``rBh8}rC(h>]rDh@]rEh<]rFh:]rGhB]rHuh0jh)]rIhcX>…rJ}rK(h.Uh0j@ubah6h˜ubhcX in the document (typically the end of the next actual tag in the HTML file), and you may notice that you are missing part of the text of the document. In the example above, the `` we have ...`` will not be displayed because the browsers thinks it is part of the tag starting at rL…rM}rN(h.X in the document (typically the end of the next actual tag in the HTML file), and you may notice that you are missing part of the text of the document. In the example above, the `` we have ...`` will not be displayed because the browsers thinks it is part of the tag starting at rOh0jubhŠ)rP}rQ(h.X``]rTh@]rUh<]rVh:]rWhB]rXuh0jh)]rYhcX]reh@]rfh<]rgh:]rhhB]riuhEKDhFhh)]rjhcXjUsually, it is sufficient to simply put spaces around these symbols to cause the browser to avoid them, sork…rl}rm(h.jch0jaubaubjý)rn}ro(h.X... when $x < y$ we have ...rph0j§h1h4h6jh8}rq(j‰jXlatexrrjjh:]rsh<]rth>]ruh@]rvhB]rwuhEKJhFhh)]rxhcX... when $x < y$ we have ...ry…rz}r{(h.Uh0jnubaubhg)r|}r}(h.X¼should work. Alternatively, you can use the HTML entities ``<``, ``>`` and ``&`` to encode these characters so that the browser will not interpret them, but MathJax will. E.g.,r~h0j§h1h4h6hkh8}r(h>]r€h@]rh<]r‚h:]rƒhB]r„uhEKKhFhh)]r…(hcX;should work. Alternatively, you can use the HTML entities r†…r‡}rˆ(h.X;should work. Alternatively, you can use the HTML entities r‰h0j|ubhŠ)rŠ}r‹(h.X``<``rŒh8}r(h>]rŽh@]rh<]rh:]r‘hB]r’uh0j|h)]r“hcX<r”…r•}r–(h.Uh0jŠubah6h˜ubhcX, r—…r˜}r™(h.X, ršh0j|ubhŠ)r›}rœ(h.X``>``rh8}rž(h>]rŸh@]r h<]r¡h:]r¢hB]r£uh0j|h)]r¤hcX>r¥…r¦}r§(h.Uh0j›ubah6h˜ubhcX and r¨…r©}rª(h.X and r«h0j|ubhŠ)r¬}r­(h.X ``&``r®h8}r¯(h>]r°h@]r±h<]r²h:]r³hB]r´uh0j|h)]rµhcX&r¶…r·}r¸(h.Uh0j¬ubah6h˜ubhcXa to encode these characters so that the browser will not interpret them, but MathJax will. E.g.,r¹…rº}r»(h.Xa to encode these characters so that the browser will not interpret them, but MathJax will. E.g.,r¼h0j|ubeubjý)r½}r¾(h.X... when $x < y$ we have ...r¿h0j§h1h4h6jh8}rÀ(j‰jXlatexrÁjjh:]rÂh<]rÃh>]rÄh@]rÅhB]rÆuhEKRhFhh)]rÇhcX... when $x < y$ we have ...rÈ…rÉ}rÊ(h.Uh0j½ubaubhg)rË}rÌ(h.XwFinally, there are ``\lt`` and ``\gt`` macros defined to make it easier to enter ``<`` and ``>`` using TeX-like syntax:rÍh0j§h1h4h6hkh8}rÎ(h>]rÏh@]rÐh<]rÑh:]rÒhB]rÓuhEKShFhh)]rÔ(hcXFinally, there are rÕ…rÖ}r×(h.XFinally, there are rØh0jËubhŠ)rÙ}rÚ(h.X``\lt``rÛh8}rÜ(h>]rÝh@]rÞh<]rßh:]ràhB]ráuh0jËh)]râhcX\ltrã…rä}rå(h.Uh0jÙubah6h˜ubhcX and ræ…rç}rè(h.X and réh0jËubhŠ)rê}rë(h.X``\gt``rìh8}rí(h>]rîh@]rïh<]rðh:]rñhB]ròuh0jËh)]róhcX\gtrô…rõ}rö(h.Uh0jêubah6h˜ubhcX+ macros defined to make it easier to enter r÷…rø}rù(h.X+ macros defined to make it easier to enter rúh0jËubhŠ)rû}rü(h.X``<``rýh8}rþ(h>]rÿh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jËh)]rhcX<…r}r(h.Uh0jûubah6h˜ubhcX and r…r}r (h.X and r h0jËubhŠ)r }r (h.X``>``r h8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jËh)]rhcX>…r}r(h.Uh0j ubah6h˜ubhcX using TeX-like syntax:r…r}r(h.X using TeX-like syntax:rh0jËubeubjý)r}r(h.X... when $x \lt y$ we have ...rh0j§h1h4h6jh8}r(j‰jXlatexrjjh:]r h<]r!h>]r"h@]r#hB]r$uhEKYhFhh)]r%hcX... when $x \lt y$ we have ...r&…r'}r((h.Uh0jubaubhg)r)}r*(h.XGKeep in mind that the browser interprets your text before MathJax does.r+h0j§h1h4h6hkh8}r,(h>]r-h@]r.h<]r/h:]r0hB]r1uhEKZhFhh)]r2hcXGKeep in mind that the browser interprets your text before MathJax does.r3…r4}r5(h.j+h0j)ubaubh+)r6}r7(h.X.. _tex-extensions:r8h0j§h1h4h6h7h8}r9(h:]r:h<]r;h>]r<h@]r=hB]r>hDh&uhEK^hFhh)]r?ubeubhH)r@}rA(h.Uh0hIh1h4hK}rBhj6sh6hMh8}rC(h>]rDh@]rEh<]rFh:]rG(hh&ehB]rH(hheuhEKahFhhT}rIh&j6sh)]rJ(hW)rK}rL(h.XTeX and LaTeX extensionsrMh0j@h1h4h6h[h8}rN(h>]rOh@]rPh<]rQh:]rRhB]rSuhEKahFhh)]rThcXTeX and LaTeX extensionsrU…rV}rW(h.jMh0jKubaubhg)rX}rY(h.XˆWhile MathJax includes nearly all of the Plain TeX math macros, and many of the LaTeX macros and environments, note everything is implemented in the core TeX input processor. Some less-used commands are defined in extensions to the TeX processor. MathJax will load some extensions automatically when you first use the commands they implement (for example, the ``\def`` and ``\newcommand`` macros are implemented in the ``TeX/newcommand.js`` extension, but MathJax loads this extension itself when you use those macros). Not all extensions are set up to load automatically, however, so you may need to request some extensions explicitly yourself.rZh0j@h1h4h6hkh8}r[(h>]r\h@]r]h<]r^h:]r_hB]r`uhEKchFhh)]ra(hcXjWhile MathJax includes nearly all of the Plain TeX math macros, and many of the LaTeX macros and environments, note everything is implemented in the core TeX input processor. Some less-used commands are defined in extensions to the TeX processor. MathJax will load some extensions automatically when you first use the commands they implement (for example, the rb…rc}rd(h.XjWhile MathJax includes nearly all of the Plain TeX math macros, and many of the LaTeX macros and environments, note everything is implemented in the core TeX input processor. Some less-used commands are defined in extensions to the TeX processor. MathJax will load some extensions automatically when you first use the commands they implement (for example, the reh0jXubhŠ)rf}rg(h.X``\def``rhh8}ri(h>]rjh@]rkh<]rlh:]rmhB]rnuh0jXh)]rohcX\defrp…rq}rr(h.Uh0jfubah6h˜ubhcX and rs…rt}ru(h.X and rvh0jXubhŠ)rw}rx(h.X``\newcommand``ryh8}rz(h>]r{h@]r|h<]r}h:]r~hB]ruh0jXh)]r€hcX \newcommandr…r‚}rƒ(h.Uh0jwubah6h˜ubhcX macros are implemented in the r„…r…}r†(h.X macros are implemented in the r‡h0jXubhŠ)rˆ}r‰(h.X``TeX/newcommand.js``rŠh8}r‹(h>]rŒh@]rh<]rŽh:]rhB]ruh0jXh)]r‘hcXTeX/newcommand.jsr’…r“}r”(h.Uh0jˆubah6h˜ubhcXÎ extension, but MathJax loads this extension itself when you use those macros). Not all extensions are set up to load automatically, however, so you may need to request some extensions explicitly yourself.r•…r–}r—(h.XÎ extension, but MathJax loads this extension itself when you use those macros). Not all extensions are set up to load automatically, however, so you may need to request some extensions explicitly yourself.r˜h0jXubeubhg)r™}rš(h.X°To enable any of the TeX extensions, simply add the appropriate string (e.g., `"TeX/AMSmath.js"`) to your config's `extensions` array. The main extensions are described below.r›h0j@h1h4h6hkh8}rœ(h>]rh@]ržh<]rŸh:]r hB]r¡uhEKnhFhh)]r¢(hcXNTo enable any of the TeX extensions, simply add the appropriate string (e.g., r£…r¤}r¥(h.XNTo enable any of the TeX extensions, simply add the appropriate string (e.g., r¦h0j™ubhw)r§}r¨(h.X`"TeX/AMSmath.js"`r©h8}rª(h>]r«h@]r¬h<]r­h:]r®hB]r¯uh0j™h)]r°hcX"TeX/AMSmath.js"r±…r²}r³(h.Uh0j§ubah6h…ubhcX) to your config's r´…rµ}r¶(h.X) to your config's r·h0j™ubhw)r¸}r¹(h.X `extensions`rºh8}r»(h>]r¼h@]r½h<]r¾h:]r¿hB]rÀuh0j™h)]rÁhcX extensionsrÂ…rÃ}rÄ(h.Uh0j¸ubah6h…ubhcX1 array. The main extensions are described below.rÅ…rÆ}rÇ(h.X1 array. The main extensions are described below.rÈh0j™ubeubhH)rÉ}rÊ(h.Uh0j@h1h4h6hMh8}rË(h>]rÌh@]rÍh<]rÎh:]rÏh ahB]rÐh auhEKthFhh)]rÑ(hW)rÒ}rÓ(h.XAMSmath and AMSsymbolrÔh0jÉh1h4h6h[h8}rÕ(h>]rÖh@]r×h<]rØh:]rÙhB]rÚuhEKthFhh)]rÛhcXAMSmath and AMSsymbolrÜ…rÝ}rÞ(h.jÔh0jÒubaubhg)rß}rà(h.X×The `AMSmath` extension implements AMS math environments and macros, and the `AMSsymbol` extension implements macros for accessing the AMS symbol fonts. To use these extensions, add them to your `extensions` array.ráh0jÉh1h4h6hkh8}râ(h>]rãh@]räh<]råh:]ræhB]rçuhEKvhFhh)]rè(hcXThe ré…rê}rë(h.XThe rìh0jßubhw)rí}rî(h.X `AMSmath`rïh8}rð(h>]rñh@]ròh<]róh:]rôhB]rõuh0jßh)]röhcXAMSmathr÷…rø}rù(h.Uh0jíubah6h…ubhcX@ extension implements AMS math environments and macros, and the rú…rû}rü(h.X@ extension implements AMS math environments and macros, and the rýh0jßubhw)rþ}rÿ(h.X `AMSsymbol`rh8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jßh)]rhcX AMSsymbolr…r }r (h.Uh0jþubah6h…ubhcXl extension implements macros for accessing the AMS symbol fonts. To use these extensions, add them to your r …r }r (h.Xl extension implements macros for accessing the AMS symbol fonts. To use these extensions, add them to your rh0jßubhw)r}r(h.X `extensions`rh8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jßh)]rhcX extensionsr…r}r(h.Uh0jubah6h…ubhcX array.r…r}r(h.X array.rh0jßubeubjý)r }r!(h.X7extensions: ["TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbol.js", ...]r"h0jÉh1h4h6jh8}r#(j‰jX javascriptr$jjh:]r%h<]r&h>]r'h@]r(hB]r)uhEK}hFhh)]r*hcX7extensions: ["TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbol.js", ...]r+…r,}r-(h.Uh0j ubaubhg)r.}r/(h.XySee the list of commands at the end of this document for details about what commands are implemented in these extensions.r0h0jÉh1h4h6hkh8}r1(h>]r2h@]r3h<]r4h:]r5hB]r6uhEK~hFhh)]r7hcXySee the list of commands at the end of this document for details about what commands are implemented in these extensions.r8…r9}r:(h.j0h0j.ubaubhg)r;}r<(h.XQThe `AMSmath` extension will be loaded automatically when you first use one of the math environments it defines, but you will have to load it explicitly if you want to use the other macros that it defines. The `AMSsymbols` extension is not loaded automatically, so you must include it explicitly if you want to use the macros it defines.r=h0jÉh1h4h6hkh8}r>(h>]r?h@]r@h<]rAh:]rBhB]rCuhEKhFhh)]rD(hcXThe rE…rF}rG(h.XThe rHh0j;ubhw)rI}rJ(h.X `AMSmath`rKh8}rL(h>]rMh@]rNh<]rOh:]rPhB]rQuh0j;h)]rRhcXAMSmathrS…rT}rU(h.Uh0jIubah6h…ubhcXÅ extension will be loaded automatically when you first use one of the math environments it defines, but you will have to load it explicitly if you want to use the other macros that it defines. The rV…rW}rX(h.XÅ extension will be loaded automatically when you first use one of the math environments it defines, but you will have to load it explicitly if you want to use the other macros that it defines. The rYh0j;ubhw)rZ}r[(h.X `AMSsymbols`r\h8}r](h>]r^h@]r_h<]r`h:]rahB]rbuh0j;h)]rchcX AMSsymbolsrd…re}rf(h.Uh0jZubah6h…ubhcXs extension is not loaded automatically, so you must include it explicitly if you want to use the macros it defines.rg…rh}ri(h.Xs extension is not loaded automatically, so you must include it explicitly if you want to use the macros it defines.rjh0j;ubeubeubhH)rk}rl(h.Uh0j@h1h4h6hMh8}rm(h>]rnh@]roh<]rph:]rqhahB]rrh auhEK‰hFhh)]rs(hW)rt}ru(h.XAutoboldrvh0jkh1h4h6h[h8}rw(h>]rxh@]ryh<]rzh:]r{hB]r|uhEK‰hFhh)]r}hcXAutoboldr~…r}r€(h.jvh0jtubaubhg)r}r‚(h.X€The `autobold` extension adds ``\boldsymbol{...}`` around mathematics that appears in a section of an HTML page that is in bold.rƒh0jkh1h4h6hkh8}r„(h>]r…h@]r†h<]r‡h:]rˆhB]r‰uhEK‹hFhh)]rŠ(hcXThe r‹…rŒ}r(h.XThe rŽh0jubhw)r}r(h.X `autobold`r‘h8}r’(h>]r“h@]r”h<]r•h:]r–hB]r—uh0jh)]r˜hcXautoboldr™…rš}r›(h.Uh0jubah6h…ubhcX extension adds rœ…r}rž(h.X extension adds rŸh0jubhŠ)r }r¡(h.X``\boldsymbol{...}``r¢h8}r£(h>]r¤h@]r¥h<]r¦h:]r§hB]r¨uh0jh)]r©hcX\boldsymbol{...}rª…r«}r¬(h.Uh0j ubah6h˜ubhcXN around mathematics that appears in a section of an HTML page that is in bold.r­…r®}r¯(h.XN around mathematics that appears in a section of an HTML page that is in bold.r°h0jubeubjý)r±}r²(h.Xextensions: ["TeX/autobold.js"]r³h0jkh1h4h6jh8}r´(j‰jX javascriptrµjjh:]r¶h<]r·h>]r¸h@]r¹hB]rºuhEK’hFhh)]r»hcXextensions: ["TeX/autobold.js"]r¼…r½}r¾(h.Uh0j±ubaubeubhH)r¿}rÀ(h.Uh0j@h1h4h6hMh8}rÁ(h>]rÂh@]rÃh<]rÄh:]rÅhahB]rÆhauhEK”hFhh)]rÇ(hW)rÈ}rÉ(h.XnoErrorsrÊh0j¿h1h4h6h[h8}rË(h>]rÌh@]rÍh<]rÎh:]rÏhB]rÐuhEK”hFhh)]rÑhcXnoErrorsrÒ…rÓ}rÔ(h.jÊh0jÈubaubhg)rÕ}rÖ(h.X0The `noErrors` extension prevents TeX error messages from being displayed and shows the original TeX code instead. You can configure whether the dollar signs are shown or not for in-line math, and whether to put all the TeX on one line or use multiple lines (if the original text contained line breaks).r×h0j¿h1h4h6hkh8}rØ(h>]rÙh@]rÚh<]rÛh:]rÜhB]rÝuhEK–hFhh)]rÞ(hcXThe rß…rà}rá(h.XThe râh0jÕubhw)rã}rä(h.X `noErrors`råh8}ræ(h>]rçh@]rèh<]réh:]rêhB]rëuh0jÕh)]rìhcXnoErrorsrí…rî}rï(h.Uh0jãubah6h…ubhcX" extension prevents TeX error messages from being displayed and shows the original TeX code instead. You can configure whether the dollar signs are shown or not for in-line math, and whether to put all the TeX on one line or use multiple lines (if the original text contained line breaks).rð…rñ}rò(h.X" extension prevents TeX error messages from being displayed and shows the original TeX code instead. You can configure whether the dollar signs are shown or not for in-line math, and whether to put all the TeX on one line or use multiple lines (if the original text contained line breaks).róh0jÕubeubhg)rô}rõ(h.X8To enable the `noErrors` extension and configure it, useröh0j¿h1h4h6hkh8}r÷(h>]røh@]rùh<]rúh:]rûhB]rüuhEKœhFhh)]rý(hcXTo enable the rþ…rÿ}r(h.XTo enable the rh0jôubhw)r}r(h.X `noErrors`rh8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]r hB]r uh0jôh)]r hcXnoErrorsr …r }r(h.Uh0jubah6h…ubhcX extension and configure it, user…r}r(h.X extension and configure it, userh0jôubeubjý)r}r(h.Xextensions: ["TeX/noErrors.js", ...], TeX: { noErrors: { inlineDelimiters: ["",""], // or ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] multiLine: true, // false for TeX on all one line style: { "font-family": "serif", "font-size": "80%", "color": "black", "border": "1px solid" // add any additional CSS styles that you want // (be sure there is no extra comma at the end of the last item) } } }rh0j¿h1h4h6jh8}r(j‰jX javascriptrjjh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]rhB]ruhEK¯hFhh)]rhcXextensions: ["TeX/noErrors.js", ...], TeX: { noErrors: { inlineDelimiters: ["",""], // or ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] multiLine: true, // false for TeX on all one line style: { "font-family": "serif", "font-size": "80%", "color": "black", "border": "1px solid" // add any additional CSS styles that you want // (be sure there is no extra comma at the end of the last item) } } }r…r}r (h.Uh0jubaubhg)r!}r"(h.X°Display-style math is always shown in multi-line format, and without delimiters, as it will already be set off in its own centered paragraph, like standard display mathematics.r#h0j¿h1h4h6hkh8}r$(h>]r%h@]r&h<]r'h:]r(hB]r)uhEK°hFhh)]r*hcX°Display-style math is always shown in multi-line format, and without delimiters, as it will already be set off in its own centered paragraph, like standard display mathematics.r+…r,}r-(h.j#h0j!ubaubhg)r.}r/(h.XŸThe default settings place the invalid TeX in a multi-line box with a black border. If you want it to look as though the TeX is just part of the paragraph, user0h0j¿h1h4h6hkh8}r1(h>]r2h@]r3h<]r4h:]r5hB]r6uhEK´hFhh)]r7hcXŸThe default settings place the invalid TeX in a multi-line box with a black border. If you want it to look as though the TeX is just part of the paragraph, user8…r9}r:(h.j0h0j.ubaubjý)r;}r<(h.XÕTeX: { noErrors: { inlineDelimiters: ["$","$"], // or ["",""] or ["\\(","\\)"] multiLine: false, style: { "font-size": "normal", "border": "" } } }r=h0j¿h1h4h6jh8}r>(j‰jX javascriptr?jjh:]r@h<]rAh>]rBh@]rChB]rDuhEKÄhFhh)]rEhcXÕTeX: { noErrors: { inlineDelimiters: ["$","$"], // or ["",""] or ["\\(","\\)"] multiLine: false, style: { "font-size": "normal", "border": "" } } }rF…rG}rH(h.Uh0j;ubaubhg)rI}rJ(h.XCYou may also wish to set the font family, as the default is "serif"rKh0j¿h1h4h6hkh8}rL(h>]rMh@]rNh<]rOh:]rPhB]rQuhEKÅhFhh)]rRhcXCYou may also wish to set the font family, as the default is "serif"rS…rT}rU(h.jKh0jIubaubeubhH)rV}rW(h.Uh0j@h1h4h6hMh8}rX(h>]rYh@]rZh<]r[h:]r\h#ahB]r]h auhEKÉhFhh)]r^(hW)r_}r`(h.X noUndefinedrah0jVh1h4h6h[h8}rb(h>]rch@]rdh<]reh:]rfhB]rguhEKÉhFhh)]rhhcX noUndefinedri…rj}rk(h.jah0j_ubaubhg)rl}rm(h.XãThe `noUndefined` extension causes undefined control sequences to be shown as their macro names rather than produce an error message. So $X_{\xxx}$ would display as an "X" with a subscript consiting of the text ``\xxx`` in red.rnh0jVh1h4h6hkh8}ro(h>]rph@]rqh<]rrh:]rshB]rtuhEKËhFhh)]ru(hcXThe rv…rw}rx(h.XThe ryh0jlubhw)rz}r{(h.X `noUndefined`r|h8}r}(h>]r~h@]rh<]r€h:]rhB]r‚uh0jlh)]rƒhcX noUndefinedr„…r…}r†(h.Uh0jzubah6h…ubhcXÁ extension causes undefined control sequences to be shown as their macro names rather than produce an error message. So $X_{xxx}$ would display as an "X" with a subscript consiting of the text r‡…rˆ}r‰(h.X extension causes undefined control sequences to be shown as their macro names rather than produce an error message. So $X_{\xxx}$ would display as an "X" with a subscript consiting of the text rŠh0jlubhŠ)r‹}rŒ(h.X``\xxx``rh8}rŽ(h>]rh@]rh<]r‘h:]r’hB]r“uh0jlh)]r”hcX\xxxr•…r–}r—(h.Uh0j‹ubah6h˜ubhcX in red.r˜…r™}rš(h.X in red.r›h0jlubeubhg)rœ}r(h.X7To enable and configure this extension, use for exampleržh0jVh1h4h6hkh8}rŸ(h>]r h@]r¡h<]r¢h:]r£hB]r¤uhEKÐhFhh)]r¥hcX7To enable and configure this extension, use for exampler¦…r§}r¨(h.jžh0jœubaubjý)r©}rª(h.XÌextensions: ["TeX/noUndefined.js", ...], TeX: { noUndefined: { attributes: { mathcolor: "red", mathbackground: "#FFEEEE", mathsize: "90%" } } }r«h0jVh1h4h6jh8}r¬(j‰jX javascriptr­jjh:]r®h<]r¯h>]r°h@]r±hB]r²uhEKÞhFhh)]r³hcXÌextensions: ["TeX/noUndefined.js", ...], TeX: { noUndefined: { attributes: { mathcolor: "red", mathbackground: "#FFEEEE", mathsize: "90%" } } }r´…rµ}r¶(h.Uh0j©ubaubhg)r·}r¸(h.X1The ``attributes`` setting specifies attributes to apply to the ``mtext`` element that encodes the name of the undefined macro. The default settings set ``mathcolor`` to ``"red"``, but do not set any other attributes. This example sets the background to a light pink, and reduces the font size slightly.r¹h0jVh1h4h6hkh8}rº(h>]r»h@]r¼h<]r½h:]r¾hB]r¿uhEKßhFhh)]rÀ(hcXThe rÁ…rÂ}rÃ(h.XThe rÄh0j·ubhŠ)rÅ}rÆ(h.X``attributes``rÇh8}rÈ(h>]rÉh@]rÊh<]rËh:]rÌhB]rÍuh0j·h)]rÎhcX attributesrÏ…rÐ}rÑ(h.Uh0jÅubah6h˜ubhcX. setting specifies attributes to apply to the rÒ…rÓ}rÔ(h.X. setting specifies attributes to apply to the rÕh0j·ubhŠ)rÖ}r×(h.X ``mtext``rØh8}rÙ(h>]rÚh@]rÛh<]rÜh:]rÝhB]rÞuh0j·h)]rßhcXmtextrà…rá}râ(h.Uh0jÖubah6h˜ubhcXQ element that encodes the name of the undefined macro. The default settings set rã…rä}rå(h.XQ element that encodes the name of the undefined macro. The default settings set ræh0j·ubhŠ)rç}rè(h.X ``mathcolor``réh8}rê(h>]rëh@]rìh<]ríh:]rîhB]rïuh0j·h)]rðhcX mathcolorrñ…rò}ró(h.Uh0jçubah6h˜ubhcX to rô…rõ}rö(h.X to r÷h0j·ubhŠ)rø}rù(h.X ``"red"``rúh8}rû(h>]rüh@]rýh<]rþh:]rÿhB]ruh0j·h)]rhcX"red"r…r}r(h.Uh0jøubah6h˜ubhcX}, but do not set any other attributes. This example sets the background to a light pink, and reduces the font size slightly.r…r}r(h.X}, but do not set any other attributes. This example sets the background to a light pink, and reduces the font size slightly.rh0j·ubeubeubhH)r }r (h.Uh0j@h1h4h6hMh8}r (h>]r h@]r h<]rh:]rh%ahB]rhauhEKçhFhh)]r(hW)r}r(h.XUnicode supportrh0j h1h4h6h[h8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruhEKçhFhh)]rhcXUnicode supportr…r}r(h.jh0jubaubhg)r}r (h.X)The `unicode` extension implements a ``\unicode{}`` extension to TeX that allows arbitrary unicode code points to be entered in your mathematics. You can specify the height and depth of the character (the width is determined by the browser), and the default font from which to take the character.r!h0j h1h4h6hkh8}r"(h>]r#h@]r$h<]r%h:]r&hB]r'uhEKéhFhh)]r((hcXThe r)…r*}r+(h.XThe r,h0jubhw)r-}r.(h.X `unicode`r/h8}r0(h>]r1h@]r2h<]r3h:]r4hB]r5uh0jh)]r6hcXunicoder7…r8}r9(h.Uh0j-ubah6h…ubhcX extension implements a r:…r;}r<(h.X extension implements a r=h0jubhŠ)r>}r?(h.X``\unicode{}``r@h8}rA(h>]rBh@]rCh<]rDh:]rEhB]rFuh0jh)]rGhcX \unicode{}rH…rI}rJ(h.Uh0j>ubah6h˜ubhcXö extension to TeX that allows arbitrary unicode code points to be entered in your mathematics. You can specify the height and depth of the character (the width is determined by the browser), and the default font from which to take the character.rK…rL}rM(h.Xö extension to TeX that allows arbitrary unicode code points to be entered in your mathematics. You can specify the height and depth of the character (the width is determined by the browser), and the default font from which to take the character.rNh0jubeubhg)rO}rP(h.X Examples:rQh0j h1h4h6hkh8}rR(h>]rSh@]rTh<]rUh:]rVhB]rWuhEKïhFhh)]rXhcX Examples:rY…rZ}r[(h.jQh0jOubaubjý)r\}r](h.Xh\unicode{65} % the character 'A' \unicode{x41} % the character 'A' \unicode[.55,0.05]{x22D6} % less-than with dot, with height .55em and depth 0.05em \unicode[.55,0.05][Geramond]{x22D6} % same taken from Geramond font \unicode[Garamond]{x22D6} % same, but with default height, depth of .8em,.2emr^h0j h1h4h6jh8}r_(j‰jXlatexr`jjh:]rah<]rbh>]rch@]rdhB]reuhEKøhFhh)]rfhcXh\unicode{65} % the character 'A' \unicode{x41} % the character 'A' \unicode[.55,0.05]{x22D6} % less-than with dot, with height .55em and depth 0.05em \unicode[.55,0.05][Geramond]{x22D6} % same taken from Geramond font \unicode[Garamond]{x22D6} % same, but with default height, depth of .8em,.2emrg…rh}ri(h.Uh0j\ubaubhg)rj}rk(h.X”Once a size and font are provided for a given unicode point, they need not be specified again in subsequent ``\unicode{}`` calls for that character.rlh0j h1h4h6hkh8}rm(h>]rnh@]roh<]rph:]rqhB]rruhEKùhFhh)]rs(hcXlOnce a size and font are provided for a given unicode point, they need not be specified again in subsequent rt…ru}rv(h.XlOnce a size and font are provided for a given unicode point, they need not be specified again in subsequent rwh0jjubhŠ)rx}ry(h.X``\unicode{}``rzh8}r{(h>]r|h@]r}h<]r~h:]rhB]r€uh0jjh)]rhcX \unicode{}r‚…rƒ}r„(h.Uh0jxubah6h˜ubhcX calls for that character.r……r†}r‡(h.X calls for that character.rˆh0jjubeubhg)r‰}rŠ(h.X­The result of ``\unicode{...}`` will have TeX class `ORD` (i.e., it will act like a variable). Use ``\mathbin{...}``, ``\mathrel{...}``, etc., to specify a different class.r‹h0j h1h4h6hkh8}rŒ(h>]rh@]rŽh<]rh:]rhB]r‘uhEKýhFhh)]r’(hcXThe result of r“…r”}r•(h.XThe result of r–h0j‰ubhŠ)r—}r˜(h.X``\unicode{...}``r™h8}rš(h>]r›h@]rœh<]rh:]ržhB]rŸuh0j‰h)]r hcX \unicode{...}r¡…r¢}r£(h.Uh0j—ubah6h˜ubhcX will have TeX class r¤…r¥}r¦(h.X will have TeX class r§h0j‰ubhw)r¨}r©(h.X`ORD`rªh8}r«(h>]r¬h@]r­h<]r®h:]r¯hB]r°uh0j‰h)]r±hcXORDr²…r³}r´(h.Uh0j¨ubah6h…ubhcX+ (i.e., it will act like a variable). Use rµ…r¶}r·(h.X+ (i.e., it will act like a variable). Use r¸h0j‰ubhŠ)r¹}rº(h.X``\mathbin{...}``r»h8}r¼(h>]r½h@]r¾h<]r¿h:]rÀhB]rÁuh0j‰h)]rÂhcX \mathbin{...}rÃ…rÄ}rÅ(h.Uh0j¹ubah6h˜ubhcX, rÆ…rÇ}rÈ(h.X, rÉh0j‰ubhŠ)rÊ}rË(h.X``\mathrel{...}``rÌh8}rÍ(h>]rÎh@]rÏh<]rÐh:]rÑhB]rÒuh0j‰h)]rÓhcX \mathrel{...}rÔ…rÕ}rÖ(h.Uh0jÊubah6h˜ubhcX%, etc., to specify a different class.r×…rØ}rÙ(h.X%, etc., to specify a different class.rÚh0j‰ubeubhg)rÛ}rÜ(h.X¦Note that a font list can be given in the ``\unicode{}`` macro, but Internet Explorer has a buggy implementation of the ``font-family`` CSS attribute where it only looks in the first font in the list that is actually installed on the system, and if the required glyph is not in that font, it does not look at later fonts, but goes directly to the default font as set in the `Internet-Options/Font` panel. For this reason, the default font list for the ``\unicode{}`` macro is ``STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'``, so if the user has :term:`STIX` fonts, the symbol will be taken from that (almost all the symbols are in `STIXGeneral`), otherwise MathJax tries `Arial Unicode MS`.rÝh0j h1h4h6hkh8}rÞ(h>]rßh@]ràh<]ráh:]râhB]rãuhEMhFhh)]rä(hcX*Note that a font list can be given in the rå…ræ}rç(h.X*Note that a font list can be given in the rèh0jÛubhŠ)ré}rê(h.X``\unicode{}``rëh8}rì(h>]ríh@]rîh<]rïh:]rðhB]rñuh0jÛh)]ròhcX \unicode{}ró…rô}rõ(h.Uh0jéubah6h˜ubhcX@ macro, but Internet Explorer has a buggy implementation of the rö…r÷}rø(h.X@ macro, but Internet Explorer has a buggy implementation of the rùh0jÛubhŠ)rú}rû(h.X``font-family``rüh8}rý(h>]rþh@]rÿh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jÛh)]rhcX font-familyr…r}r(h.Uh0júubah6h˜ubhcXï CSS attribute where it only looks in the first font in the list that is actually installed on the system, and if the required glyph is not in that font, it does not look at later fonts, but goes directly to the default font as set in the r…r}r (h.Xï CSS attribute where it only looks in the first font in the list that is actually installed on the system, and if the required glyph is not in that font, it does not look at later fonts, but goes directly to the default font as set in the r h0jÛubhw)r }r (h.X`Internet-Options/Font`r h8}r(h>]rh@]rh<]rh:]rhB]ruh0jÛh)]rhcXInternet-Options/Fontr…r}r(h.Uh0j ubah6h…ubhcX8 panel. For this reason, the default font list for the r…r}r(h.X8 panel. For this reason, the default font list for the rh0jÛubhŠ)r}r(h.X``\unicode{}``rh8}r(h>]r h@]r!h<]r"h:]r#hB]r$uh0jÛh)]r%hcX \unicode{}r&…r'}r((h.Uh0jubah6h˜ubhcX macro is r)…r*}r+(h.X macro is r,h0jÛubhŠ)r-}r.(h.X#``STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'``r/h8}r0(h>]r1h@]r2h<]r3h:]r4hB]r5uh0jÛh)]r6hcXSTIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'r7…r8}r9(h.Uh0j-ubah6h˜ubhcX, so if the user has r:…r;}r<(h.X, so if the user has r=h0jÛubh¼)r>}r?(h.X :term:`STIX`r@h0jÛh6hÀh8}rA(UreftyperBXtermrChÄXstixrDU refdomainrEXstdrFh:]rGh<]rHU refexplicitrI‰h>]rJh@]rKhB]rLhÎhÏuhEMh)]rMhÑ)rN}rO(h.j@h8}rP(h>]rQh@]rR(h×jFXstd-termrSeh<]rTh:]rUhB]rVuh0j>h)]rWhcXSTIXrX…rY}rZ(h.Uh0jNubah6hàubaubhcXJ fonts, the symbol will be taken from that (almost all the symbols are in r[…r\}r](h.XJ fonts, the symbol will be taken from that (almost all the symbols are in r^h0jÛubhw)r_}r`(h.X `STIXGeneral`rah8}rb(h>]rch@]rdh<]reh:]rfhB]rguh0jÛh)]rhhcX STIXGeneralri…rj}rk(h.Uh0j_ubah6h…ubhcX), otherwise MathJax tries rl…rm}rn(h.X), otherwise MathJax tries roh0jÛubhw)rp}rq(h.X`Arial Unicode MS`rrh8}rs(h>]rth@]ruh<]rvh:]rwhB]rxuh0jÛh)]ryhcXArial Unicode MSrz…r{}r|(h.Uh0jpubah6h…ubhcX.…r}}r~(h.X.h0jÛubeubhg)r}r€(h.XÁThe `unicode` extension is loaded automatically when you first use the ``\unicode{}`` macro, so you do not need to add it to the `extensions` array. You can configure the extension as follows:rh0j h1h4h6hkh8}r‚(h>]rƒh@]r„h<]r…h:]r†hB]r‡uhEM hFhh)]rˆ(hcXThe r‰…rŠ}r‹(h.XThe rŒh0jubhw)r}rŽ(h.X `unicode`rh8}r(h>]r‘h@]r’h<]r“h:]r”hB]r•uh0jh)]r–hcXunicoder—…r˜}r™(h.Uh0jubah6h…ubhcX: extension is loaded automatically when you first use the rš…r›}rœ(h.X: extension is loaded automatically when you first use the rh0jubhŠ)rž}rŸ(h.X``\unicode{}``r h8}r¡(h>]r¢h@]r£h<]r¤h:]r¥hB]r¦uh0jh)]r§hcX \unicode{}r¨…r©}rª(h.Uh0jžubah6h˜ubhcX, macro, so you do not need to add it to the r«…r¬}r­(h.X, macro, so you do not need to add it to the r®h0jubhw)r¯}r°(h.X `extensions`r±h8}r²(h>]r³h@]r´h<]rµh:]r¶hB]r·uh0jh)]r¸hcX extensionsr¹…rº}r»(h.Uh0j¯ubah6h…ubhcX4 array. You can configure the extension as follows:r¼…r½}r¾(h.X4 array. You can configure the extension as follows:r¿h0jubeubjý)rÀ}rÁ(h.XNTeX: { unicode: { fonts: "STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'" } }rÂh0j h1h4h6jh8}rÃ(j‰jX javascriptrÄjjh:]rÅh<]rÆh>]rÇh@]rÈhB]rÉuhEMhFhh)]rÊhcXNTeX: { unicode: { fonts: "STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS'" } }rË…rÌ}rÍ(h.Uh0jÀubaubh+)rÎ}rÏ(h.X.. _tex-commands:rÐh0j h1h4h6h7h8}rÑ(h:]rÒh<]rÓh>]rÔh@]rÕhB]rÖhDh$uhEMhFhh)]r×ubeubeubhH)rØ}rÙ(h.Uh0hIh1h4hK}rÚhjÎsh6hMh8}rÛ(h>]rÜh@]rÝh<]rÞh:]rß(h"h$ehB]rà(h heuhEMhFhhT}ráh$jÎsh)]râ(hW)rã}rä(h.XSupported LaTeX commandsråh0jØh1h4h6h[h8}ræ(h>]rçh@]rèh<]réh:]rêhB]rëuhEMhFhh)]rìhcXSupported LaTeX commandsrí…rî}rï(h.jåh0jãubaubhg)rð}rñ(h.X—This is a long list of the TeX macros supported by MathJax. If the macro is defined in an extension, the name of the extension follows the macro name.ròh0jØh1h4h6hkh8}ró(h>]rôh@]rõh<]röh:]r÷hB]røuhEMhFhh)]rùhcX—This is a long list of the TeX macros supported by MathJax. If the macro is defined in an extension, the name of the extension follows the macro name.rú…rû}rü(h.jòh0jðubaubjý)rý}rþ(h.X(# ( ) . / [ ] \! \# \$ \% \& \: \; \\ \_ \{ \} \| A \above \abovewithdelims \acute \aleph \alpha \amalg \And \angle \approx \approxeq AMSsymbols \arccos \arcsin \arctan \arg \array \Arrowvert \arrowvert \ast \asymp \atop \atopwithdelims B \backepsilon AMSsymbols \backprime AMSsymbols \backsim AMSsymbols \backsimeq AMSsymbols \backslash \backslash \bar \barwedge AMSsymbols \Bbb \Bbbk AMSsymbols \bbFont \because AMSsymbols \begin ... \end \begin{align*} ... \end{align*} \begin{alignat*} ... \end{alignat*} \begin{alignat} ... \end{alignat} \begin{alignedat} ... \end{alignedat} \begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned} \begin{align} ... \end{align} \begin{array} ... \end{array} \begin{Bmatrix} ... \end{Bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} ... \end{bmatrix} \begin{cases} ... \end{cases} \begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*} \begin{eqnarray} ... \end{eqnarray} \begin{equation*} ... \end{equation*} \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} \begin{gather*} ... \end{gather*} \begin{gathered} ... \end{gathered} \begin{gather} ... \end{gather} \begin{matrix} ... \end{matrix} \begin{multline*} ... \end{multline*} \begin{multline} ... \end{multline} \begin{pmatrix} ... \end{pmatrix} \begin{smallmatrix} ... \end{smallmatrix} AMSmath \begin{split} ... \end{split} \begin{subarray} ... \end{subarray} AMSmath \begin{Vmatrix} ... \end{Vmatrix} \begin{vmatrix} ... \end{vmatrix} \beta \beth AMSsymbols \between AMSsymbols \bf \Big \big \bigcap \bigcirc \bigcup \Bigg \bigg \Biggl \biggl \Biggm \biggm \Biggr \biggr \Bigl \bigl \Bigm \bigm \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \Bigr \bigr \bigsqcup \bigstar AMSsymbols \bigtriangledown \bigtriangleup \biguplus \bigvee \bigwedge \binom AMSmath \blacklozenge AMSsymbols \blacksquare AMSsymbols \blacktriangle AMSsymbols \blacktriangledown AMSsymbols \blacktriangleleft AMSsymbols \blacktriangleright AMSsymbols \bmod \boldsymbol \bot \bowtie \Box AMSsymbols \boxdot AMSsymbols \boxed AMSmath \boxminus AMSsymbols \boxplus AMSsymbols \boxtimes AMSsymbols \brace \bracevert \brack \breve \buildrel \bullet \Bumpeq AMSsymbols \bumpeq AMSsymbols C \cal \Cap AMSsymbols \cap \cases \cdot \cdotp \cdots \centerdot AMSsymbols \cfrac AMSmath \check \checkmark AMSsymbols \chi \choose \circ \circeq AMSsymbols \circlearrowleft AMSsymbols \circlearrowright AMSsymbols \circledast AMSsymbols \circledcirc AMSsymbols \circleddash AMSsymbols \circledR AMSsymbols \circledS AMSsymbols \clubsuit \colon \color \complement AMSsymbols \cong \coprod \cos \cosh \cot \coth \cr \csc \Cup AMSsymbols \cup \curlyeqprec AMSsymbols \curlyeqsucc AMSsymbols \curlyvee AMSsymbols \curlywedge AMSsymbols \curvearrowleft AMSsymbols \curvearrowright AMSsymbols D \dagger \daleth AMSsymbols \dashleftarrow AMSsymbols \dashrightarrow AMSsymbols \dashv \dbinom AMSmath \ddagger \ddddot AMSmath \dddot AMSmath \ddot \ddots \DeclareMathOperator AMSmath \def \deg \Delta \delta \det \dfrac AMSmath \diagdown AMSsymbols \diagup AMSsymbols \Diamond AMSsymbols \diamond \diamondsuit \digamma AMSsymbols \dim \displaylines \displaystyle \div \divideontimes AMSsymbols \dot \Doteq AMSsymbols \doteq \doteqdot AMSsymbols \dotplus AMSsymbols \dots \dotsb \dotsc \dotsi \dotsm \dotso \doublebarwedge AMSsymbols \doublecap AMSsymbols \doublecup AMSsymbols \Downarrow \downarrow \downdownarrows AMSsymbols \downharpoonleft AMSsymbols \downharpoonright AMSsymbols E \ell \emptyset \enspace \epsilon \eqalign \eqalignno \eqcirc AMSsymbols \eqsim AMSsymbols \eqslantgtr AMSsymbols \eqslantless AMSsymbols \equiv \eta \eth AMSsymbols \exists \exp F \fallingdotseq AMSsymbols \fbox \Finv AMSsymbols \flat \forall \frac \frac AMSmath \frak \frown G \Game AMSsymbols \Gamma \gamma \gcd \ge \genfrac AMSmath \geq \geqq AMSsymbols \geqslant AMSsymbols \gets \gg \ggg AMSsymbols \gggtr AMSsymbols \gimel AMSsymbols \gnapprox AMSsymbols \gneq AMSsymbols \gneqq AMSsymbols \gnsim AMSsymbols \grave \gt \gt \gtrapprox AMSsymbols \gtrdot AMSsymbols \gtreqless AMSsymbols \gtreqqless AMSsymbols \gtrless AMSsymbols \gtrsim AMSsymbols \gvertneqq AMSsymbols H \hat \hbar \hbox \heartsuit \hom \hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow \hphantom \hskip \hslash AMSsymbols \hspace \Huge \huge I \idotsint AMSmath \iff \iiiint AMSmath \iiint \iint \Im \imath \impliedby AMSsymbols \implies AMSsymbols \in \inf \infty \injlim AMSmath \int \intercal AMSsymbols \intop \iota \it J \jmath \Join AMSsymbols K \kappa \ker \kern L \label \Lambda \lambda \land \langle \LARGE \Large \large \LaTeX \lbrace \lbrack \lceil \ldotp \ldots \le \leadsto AMSsymbols \left \Leftarrow \leftarrow \leftarrowtail AMSsymbols \leftharpoondown \leftharpoonup \leftleftarrows AMSsymbols \Leftrightarrow \leftrightarrow \leftrightarrows AMSsymbols \leftrightharpoons AMSsymbols \leftrightsquigarrow AMSsymbols \leftroot \leftthreetimes AMSsymbols \leq \leqalignno \leqq AMSsymbols \leqslant AMSsymbols \lessapprox AMSsymbols \lessdot AMSsymbols \lesseqgtr AMSsymbols \lesseqqgtr AMSsymbols \lessgtr AMSsymbols \lesssim AMSsymbols \lfloor \lg \lgroup \lhd AMSsymbols \lim \liminf \limits \limsup \ll \llap \llcorner AMSsymbols \Lleftarrow AMSsymbols \lll AMSsymbols \llless AMSsymbols \lmoustache \ln \lnapprox AMSsymbols \lneq AMSsymbols \lneqq AMSsymbols \lnot \lnsim AMSsymbols \log \Longleftarrow \longleftarrow \Longleftrightarrow \longleftrightarrow \longmapsto \Longrightarrow \longrightarrow \looparrowleft AMSsymbols \looparrowright AMSsymbols \lor \lower \lozenge AMSsymbols \lrcorner AMSsymbols \Lsh AMSsymbols \lt \ltimes AMSsymbols \lVert AMSmath \lvert AMSmath \lvertneqq AMSsymbols M \maltese AMSsymbols \mapsto \mathbb \mathbf \mathbin \mathcal \mathchoice \mathclose \mathfrak \mathinner \mathit \mathop \mathopen \mathord \mathpunct \mathrel \mathring AMSmath \mathrm \mathscr \mathsf \mathstrut \mathtt \matrix \max \mbox \measuredangle AMSsymbols \mho AMSsymbols \mid \min \mit \mkern \mod \models \moveleft \moveright \mp \mskip \mspace \mu \multimap AMSsymbols N \nabla \natural \ncong AMSsymbols \ne \nearrow \neg \negmedspace AMSmath \negthickspace AMSmath \negthinspace \neq \newcommand \newenvironment \newline \nexists AMSsymbols \ngeq AMSsymbols \ngeqq AMSsymbols \ngeqslant AMSsymbols \ngtr AMSsymbols \ni \nLeftarrow AMSsymbols \nleftarrow AMSsymbols \nLeftrightarrow AMSsymbols \nleftrightarrow AMSsymbols \nleq AMSsymbols \nleqq AMSsymbols \nleqslant AMSsymbols \nless AMSsymbols \nmid AMSsymbols \nobreakspace AMSmath \nolimits \nonumber \normalsize \not \notag \notin \nparallel AMSsymbols \nprec AMSsymbols \npreceq AMSsymbols \nRightarrow AMSsymbols \nrightarrow AMSsymbols \nshortmid AMSsymbols \nshortparallel AMSsymbols \nsim AMSsymbols \nsucc AMSsymbols \nsucceq AMSsymbols \ntriangleleft AMSsymbols \ntrianglelefteq AMSsymbols \ntriangleright AMSsymbols \ntrianglerighteq AMSsymbols \nu \nVDash AMSsymbols \nVdash AMSsymbols \nvDash AMSsymbols \nvdash AMSsymbols \nwarrow O \odot \oint \oldstyle \Omega \omega \omicron \ominus \operatorname AMSmath \oplus \oslash \otimes \over \overbrace \overleftarrow \overleftrightarrow \overline \overrightarrow \overset \overwithdelims \owns P \parallel \partial \perp \phantom \Phi \phi \Pi \pi \pitchfork AMSsymbols \pm \pmatrix \pmb \pmod \pod \Pr \prec \precapprox AMSsymbols \preccurlyeq AMSsymbols \preceq \precnapprox AMSsymbols \precneqq AMSsymbols \precnsim AMSsymbols \precsim AMSsymbols \prime \prod \projlim AMSmath \propto \Psi \psi Q \qquad \quad R \raise \rangle \rbrace \rbrack \rceil \Re \require \restriction AMSsymbols \rfloor \rgroup \rhd AMSsymbols \rho \right \Rightarrow \rightarrow \rightarrowtail AMSsymbols \rightharpoondown \rightharpoonup \rightleftarrows AMSsymbols \rightleftharpoons \rightleftharpoons AMSsymbols \rightrightarrows AMSsymbols \rightsquigarrow AMSsymbols \rightthreetimes AMSsymbols \risingdotseq AMSsymbols \rlap \rm \rmoustache \root \Rrightarrow AMSsymbols \Rsh AMSsymbols \rtimes AMSsymbols \Rule \rVert AMSmath 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\thicksim AMSsymbols \thinspace \tilde \times \Tiny \tiny \to \top \triangle \triangledown AMSsymbols \triangleleft \trianglelefteq AMSsymbols \triangleq AMSsymbols \triangleright \trianglerighteq AMSsymbols \tt \twoheadleftarrow AMSsymbols \twoheadrightarrow AMSsymbols U \ulcorner AMSsymbols \underbrace \underleftarrow \underleftrightarrow \underline \underrightarrow \underset \unicode \unlhd AMSsymbols \unrhd AMSsymbols \Uparrow \uparrow \Updownarrow \updownarrow \upharpoonleft AMSsymbols \upharpoonright AMSsymbols \uplus \uproot \Upsilon \upsilon \upuparrows AMSsymbols \urcorner AMSsymbols V \varDelta AMSsymbols \varepsilon \varGamma AMSsymbols \varinjlim AMSmath \varkappa AMSsymbols \varLambda AMSsymbols \varliminf AMSmath \varlimsup AMSmath \varnothing AMSsymbols \varOmega AMSsymbols \varPhi AMSsymbols \varphi \varPi AMSsymbols \varpi \varprojlim AMSmath \varpropto AMSsymbols \varPsi AMSsymbols \varrho \varSigma AMSsymbols \varsigma \varTheta AMSsymbols \vartheta \vartriangle 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\end{alignedat} \begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned} \begin{align} ... \end{align} \begin{array} ... \end{array} \begin{Bmatrix} ... \end{Bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} ... \end{bmatrix} \begin{cases} ... \end{cases} \begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*} \begin{eqnarray} ... \end{eqnarray} \begin{equation*} ... \end{equation*} \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} \begin{gather*} ... \end{gather*} \begin{gathered} ... \end{gathered} \begin{gather} ... \end{gather} \begin{matrix} ... \end{matrix} \begin{multline*} ... \end{multline*} \begin{multline} ... \end{multline} \begin{pmatrix} ... \end{pmatrix} \begin{smallmatrix} ... \end{smallmatrix} AMSmath \begin{split} ... \end{split} \begin{subarray} ... \end{subarray} AMSmath \begin{Vmatrix} ... \end{Vmatrix} \begin{vmatrix} ... \end{vmatrix} \beta \beth AMSsymbols \between AMSsymbols \bf \Big \big \bigcap \bigcirc \bigcup \Bigg \bigg \Biggl \biggl \Biggm \biggm \Biggr \biggr \Bigl \bigl \Bigm \bigm \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \Bigr \bigr \bigsqcup \bigstar AMSsymbols \bigtriangledown \bigtriangleup \biguplus \bigvee \bigwedge \binom AMSmath \blacklozenge AMSsymbols \blacksquare AMSsymbols \blacktriangle AMSsymbols \blacktriangledown AMSsymbols \blacktriangleleft AMSsymbols \blacktriangleright AMSsymbols \bmod \boldsymbol \bot \bowtie \Box AMSsymbols \boxdot AMSsymbols \boxed AMSmath \boxminus AMSsymbols \boxplus AMSsymbols \boxtimes AMSsymbols \brace \bracevert \brack \breve \buildrel \bullet \Bumpeq AMSsymbols \bumpeq AMSsymbols C \cal \Cap AMSsymbols \cap \cases \cdot \cdotp \cdots \centerdot AMSsymbols \cfrac AMSmath \check \checkmark AMSsymbols \chi \choose \circ \circeq AMSsymbols \circlearrowleft AMSsymbols \circlearrowright AMSsymbols \circledast AMSsymbols \circledcirc AMSsymbols \circleddash AMSsymbols \circledR AMSsymbols \circledS AMSsymbols \clubsuit \colon \color \complement AMSsymbols \cong \coprod \cos \cosh \cot \coth \cr \csc \Cup AMSsymbols \cup \curlyeqprec AMSsymbols \curlyeqsucc AMSsymbols 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